February 2017

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Facebook Company Page Checklist

Whew! The kids are off of Facebook, so it's left to adults now! The largest age demographic of Facebook users are those who are 20-29 (28%), with 63% of the users from 30 - 60+. 

If you are a B2B company, Facebook may or may not be right for you. An analysis of your client audience will tell. If you are a B2C business, you should probably have a company Facebook page where you can communicate with your audience, they can engage with you and share info with other customers. Thirty seven percent of companies report that visual marketing (like through Facebook and video) is important to them (only blogging is higher at 38%).

If you have a company FB page, make sure you're making the most of this medium by having these elements covered:
  • Creative & Professional Cover Photo. This can be a photo of your location or building, a montage of your products, a lifestyle shot of people using your product, etc. (currently 851 x 315 pixels)
  • Add or Edit the Sign Up button below your Cover Photo. This is a good place to capture email addresses or point people to your website or a specific email address.
  • Profile photo sized for that space. This is often your logo or a product shot. When you see a profile photo that is cut off or not sized appropriately for that space, it's immediately apparent to visitors that you don't know exactly what you're doing. Get a graphics program or have a designer help you to size your image to FB specs. (currently 180 x 180 pixels)
  • A Clear & Concise Short Description. This is the info that appears on your timeline, so it should clearly describe what your company does and who you do it for. 
  • A Complete "About" section. This is a good spot to make sure you've included key words and outline your products and services. Don't forget to include your website and other contact info.
  • Link to your Company Facebook page from other sources. You can embed your FB page logo in the signature of your email, and make sure that you have your social links displayed on your website. If you send out a blog or e-newsletter, make sure your FB link is featured there as well.
  • Post information relevant to your business. It's better to not post at all than to post things that are not helpful to your followers. Anytime you can engage visitors with open-ended questions or requests for their input, the better.
  • When you post an update, include your website address at the end of the post. Your readers will not have to dig back through the About section to immediately connect to your website to learn more.
  • Post videos to your FB Company Page. In the menu on the left, you'll see that you can add videos to your page. This is another place for search engines to find you, so complete the tags when you post the videos.
  • Post regularly. The frequency is not as important as "regular" posting. You can schedule posts into the future from company pages, so take some time each week or month to schedule relevant posts. Avoid big gaps like several weeks or months without any posts.
While your Facebook Company page is much more "social" than information you post on Linkedin, it should still be different than your personal FB page. Your company page is not the place for political discussions or other controversial subjects. It IS a great place to show the personality of your organization, shine a spotlight on employees and their accomplishments and engage your audience by inviting input on your products or services.
