Having been Naturopathic Doctors for many years, we've heard both thought provoking and outlandish concepts about healing therapies. Conventional physicians tend to think our therapies involve drums and feathers (why not, if they work!). Our patients will read an on-line hype and bring it to our attention, presenting it as established truth. We try to dispel myths and scams and continue to learn a great deal from our patients.
In this issue of the newsletter, we try
to bring a bit of
balance to the myths surrounding healing therapies.
Dr. Connie begins by musing about belief systems in the world of healing; Dr. Marcel challenges readers to take a short true/false quiz on home remedies; Adriana offers a thoughtful article on restorative yoga therapy; with winter close at hand, Anandini presents the Chinese medicine approach to protecting yourself from winter winds; Dr. Connie writes about medical myths, distinguishing fact from fiction and Jane discusses ways of handling ever-present stress.
As an aside, if you have never had a private yoga therapy session, by all means, don't wait! For many people, yoga therapy has been a life-transforming experience. Every one of us living in Silicon Valley can use physical, mental/emotional and spiritual restoration. Adriana is a master at facilitating change. At least phone her at our office to talk about the possibilities and discover a remarkable, gentle therapy.
As you will see directly below, we are interviewing applicants for our front desk position. Working at Pacific Naturopathic offers many benefits, including working with a team of dedicated healers offering a bit of medical sanity and compassion in an increasingly impersonal medical world. If you are reading this, you are most likely one of our patients and have been in our office interacting with front desk staff. You will have observed that the front desk action can be fast paced, and our staff is continuously multi-tasking and managing patient flow. Days pass quickly.
Our Saturday morning Myers Cocktail parties have been a huge success and attendees have requested that we keep them as regular events. We are listening. Our next party is Saturday, October 20, from 8:00 AM to Noon. See article immediately below for details.
Hernandez Centre for Adjunctive Cancer Care articles include how hemp can be effective against ovarian cancer, the Nobel prize award to two researchers for immunotherapy and natural ways to prevent radiation burns.
We will continue to remind our readers about our new service -- telemedicine.
Forget traffic congestion and unpredictable commute times. Do you have friends and family in areas not serviced by naturopathic doctors, and needing complementary and alternative medical opinions?
Consider the options of having phone visits on our dedicated phone lines, or FaceTime visits.
Schedule with the front desk, as you would schedule any appointment.
May all beings be healthy and happy!
Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel, Dr. Sage, Jane H., Anandini, Adriana, and your health care team
at Pacific Naturopathic and the
Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
Pacific Naturopathic Front Desk Job Opening
Do you know a skilled, team-oriented person who might be interested in interviewing with us?
Initially, the job is part-time, three days a week, 8:30 to 5:30, with some occasional flexibility and an opportunity to increase days and responsibilities.
This is a dynamic and sometimes fast-paced position that requires a "people person" with excellent communication skills, office skills, an outgoing and positive personality, an attitude of service, an ability to multi task smoothly and some familiarity with and belief in the efficacy of natural medicine. Ideal person must be able to "think on their feet" and answer questions accurately.
This is an opportunity to be part of a team that is happy, motivated and focused on being a positive, uplifting influence in the world.
Basic math and bookkeeping skills required, as well as legible handwriting and a clear telephone voice. Previous office experience is essential. Patience, good humor and compassion are plusses. Absolute and uncompromising confidentiality and integrity are musts.
Job responsibilities include answering phones, developing a basic familiarity with natural pharmacy products, filling out lab requisition forms, scheduling and patient check in and check out and making basic bookkeeping entries. Ideal candidate must also have good computer skills. Social networking skills a bonus.
Opening is immediate, or a negotiated "soon." Salary commensurate with experience.
Interested? Please, no phone calls. Email a brief resume to mjh111842@gmail.com. Serious candidates only, please.
Saturday Myers Cocktail Mornings
Next Party: October 20
Patients enjoying our Saturday Myers Cocktail Party |
Our Saturday Myers Cocktail Parties have been huge successes with a room full of chatting, happy guests. I.V. patients love interacting and learning from each other while receiving their I.V. therapies. This being so,
Please join us for our next
Myer's Cocktail party
Saturday, October 20,
between 8:00 AM and 12:00 Noon.
Just for fun, our Saturday parties feature healthy snacks, hot teas and cold barley tea, plus chit-chat with the doctors and other patients.
Rates for Myers Cocktails will be discounted on October 20 only!
Usually $145; Saturday, October 20, $125 (addition of glutathione is $50 extra).
(Note: Myers Cocktail Parties are open to all patients who have previously
received I.V. therap
ies with us or from a referring doctor. Patients new to us and/or new to I.V. therapies will need a prior 30 minute safety and orientation consult with one of our doctors. Schedule in advance for prioritized service or just feel free to show up. Other IV therapies are available as well at early start times and are discounted 10 percent.)
Want to find out about the Myers Cocktail?
Read Dr. Alan Gaby's excellent
monograph HERE
Dr. Connie's Musings...
Dr. Connie hiking above the port of Kamares on Sifnos, Greece
Fact or Fiction?
While ostensibly based on science and clinical studies, medicine, both conventional and "alternative" or "complementary", are both sciences and belief systems. Both systems fiercely defend both their own interpretation of what ails the patient and their beliefs as to which medicines and methods might help the patient. Some of the many areas of profound disagreement include childhood immunizations, flu shots, cancer treatments, use of pharmaceuticals versus traditional botanicals, homeopathy and energy medicine, nontraditional laboratory interpretation, fluoridation of water.
Patients who have been helped by nonconventional medicine, but are looking to take advantage of certain aspects of conventional medicine, are often confronted by an angry doctor who informs the patient that they do not believe in the therapy the patient has chosen, and what's more, will not treat the patient if they persist in following the treatment protocol they believe has helped them or will help them.
Why the anger? It is an indisputable fact that 2+2 is 4, but a mathematician does not respond with anger if someone does not believe this fact. When facts are not facts, but self serving or self justifying beliefs, we see a different response, an unwillingness to even entertain the notion that there might be another way to look at things, another way to accomplish the same end goal (in this case, helping the patient to find a cure for whatever it is that ails them). This is reminiscent of current American politics, and of religious dogma.
Medical training, medical research and popular opinion create medical belief systems. Walk through the doors of a conventional medical school, and you will walk out trained as a conventional physician. Walk through the doors of a naturopathic medical school, and you will walk out trained in a very different medical model. As a conventional physician, you will be further trained by the pharmaceutical industry, vested in the economics of drug sales. As a naturopathic doctor, further training may be by the nutraceutical industry, vested in the economics of sales of nutritional and botanical and energetic medicines, and by labs offering non traditional testing methods.
As a doctor or consumer looking at the research, one finds conventional media predictably spouting conventional theories, while alternative media disputes the findings and brings their own truths. Search Dr. Google, and if you believe whatever it is is black, you will find backing for that opinion, and if you believe it is white, you'll find it's white. There is very little that we believe to be true that we know, from our own experience, to be true.
Our concept of the truth is based on our pre-existing belief systems, on our trust in certain information sources, and on our ability to sort things out. Looking at a news article on a fish oil study, I may find that conclusions that fish oil is useless may be based on inaccurate dosages of an inferior product used as a monotherapy for a condition in which fish oil or fish oil monotherapies are not used. The author of the article may have economic ties with a pharmaceutical company with a competing product. Articles such as these are generally dissected by alternative interests who reach opposing conclusions.
As doctors at Pacific Naturopathic, we strive to keep our minds open, and to base our therapies on evaluation of research and on our own clinical experience.
True or False in Home Remedies:
Take This Quiz!
Old wives' tales or effective medicine? Home remedies have been around for centuries. Are they a valid solution for what ails people, or odd attempts at medicine that simply don't work?
My great-grandmother was an herbalist and bruja in Cuba. Whenever we had a health issue as children, she was called in. I still remember one of her home remedies... for the warts on my fingers, she would blindfold me and chant (pray?) while she rubbed some kind of salve on my warts. The warts disappeared almost immediately.
OK. Let's have some fun with a True/False Quiz about popular home remedies. Answer are below. If you get all seven even correct, you can pick up your medical degree in our office.
1, T/F: Honey can help cure a sore throat and calm a cough.
2. T/F: Reading in dim light can weaken your eyesight.
3. T/F: Hot, spicy food cause ulcers.
4. T/F: Sweating in a sauna can help ameliorate a hangover.
5. T/F: Use cranberry juice to cure a urinary tract infection.
6. T/F: Chicken soup has proven effectiveness against a flu or cold.
7. T/F: Chocolate eases coughs.
1. True. A teaspoon of honey added to cup of warming tea, like ginger tea, soothes irritated mucous membranes. Honey also has an anti-microbial effect, effective against bacteria and viruses.
2. False. The worst that can happen is eye fatigue or even dry eye as you struggle to focus. But there are no proven permanent negative effects from reading in dim light.
3. False. Stomach and duodenal ulcers are caused by the H. pylori bacteria and not spicy foods or stress as was previously believed. Both antibiotics and natural approaches are now used to often successfully treat ulcers.
4. False. Sweating it out after a night of heavy drinking further dehydrates your body. Not a good idea and can lead to some nasty consequences. The best approach to dealing with a hangover is to drink natural electrolyte drinks (NOT Gatorade!). Health food stores will have chemical-free electrolyte drinks. Coconut water is excellent as well. In medical school, we learned that tomato juice mixed with sauerkraut juice is excellent at restoring electrolytes.
5. True. "Cranberry juice helps prevent the bacteria, E. coli, that causes most UTIs from multiplying and adhering to the walls of the urinary tract," says Dr. Khaira at the Mayo Clinic. "Something that's important, though, is to make sure you're drinking cranberry juice with no sugar added. Sugar can actually make it worse."
6. True. It is thought that chicken fat has anti-inflammatory components that can help your body heal when you're fighting off a cold or a cough or a flu. Also, the steam rising from a bowl of chicken soup can moisten the sinuses and help keep you hydrated.
7. True! Hooray! Chocolate contains theobromine, an ingredient often found in cough suppressants. Theobromine works by suppressing the firing of the vagus nerve, which triggers a chronic cough. Theobromine is present in all chocolate products but is higher in dark chocolate, unsweetened baking chocolate and cocoa powder than in milk chocolate. Dosage is yet to be determined.
Needless to say, nothing mentioned in this article substitutes for medical evaluation.
For more on Dr. Marcel's work click
Yoga Therapy...
Fiction and Facts About Restorative Yoga
Adriana Buenaventure,
Ananda Certified Yoga Therapist
Restorative Yoga (RY)
This therapeutic practice created by B. K. S. Iyengar, promotes relaxation through the placement of the body in postures where the body is held for extended periods (3-15 min). It uses bolsters, blankets, belts and pillows. Measured breathing and visualization are emphasized to enhance the practice. Meditative music and essential oils can also be included to provide a more relaxing experience. Evidence shows that stress contributes to the etiology of heart disease, cancer, and stroke as well as other chronic conditions and diseases. Restorative yoga has been shown to be among one of the most powerful and effective ways to relax.
I am not flexible/ young/healthy enough
RY is beneficial to those who are undergoing any treatment or those how are healthy and fatigued.
RY is good for everyone
Yes, but like any other practice seek guidance from an experienced yoga therapist that knows how to work with your health condition.
I would feel I am waisting my time, and fall asleep.
RY gives a respite to the nervous system, when we are in overdrive, allowing healing and promoting wellbeing.
I don't have all these props
Many of the pillows, blankets, books you have at home can be substituted
RY it's not stretching my body
When it comes to increasing flexibility, a mild stretch held for 10 minutes has shown to be more effective than holding an intense stretch for 60-90 seconds.
I don't have time
The truth is that not making time for your health is a matter of life or death. As the pace of life gets faster and busier, giving yourself the time to slow everything down with some restorative yoga poses becomes more and more beneficial
Would RY make me gain weight?
RY has shown to be effective to those who due to being overweight are not ready to start a vigorous practice. It reduces levels of cortisol, which during times of stress increases and causes abdominal fat.
I don't have any yoga experience
RY does not require coming into difficult postures. Usually postures are easy to prep and reap benefits.
Personalized work with a client |
More benefits of RY include:
Digestive problems, arthritis, headaches, insomnia.
A simple restorative practice, Savasana:
You will need 2 pillows, you will be lying down face up. Place one pillow under the head and the other one under the knees.
* Take a few belly breaths and let the body relax.
* Relax each body part, from the feet going up to the calves, thighs, back, chest, arms, hands, neck and head. Take your time and use your breath to ease.
* Bring an image to mind that elicits positive feelings, such as the ocean waves or a sunny meadow.
* Ease into this image and stay in it for at least 5 minutes.
The restorative pose of Savasana |
* * *
Adriana Buenaventura will offer private yoga therapy sessions at Pacific Naturopathic starting in October. Please phone to schedule and for more information. 650-961-1660.
Can You Get Sick from Being Out
on a Cold, Windy Day?
Anandini Wadera, L.Ac.
You know how your grandmother, maybe even your mother, always told you to wear a sweater before leaving the house because it's cold outside and she doesn't want you to fall ill?
Chinese Medicine agrees!
In Chinese Medicine, there is this concept of "Wind." Wind is considered a "Promiscuous Evil" because it can't be seen, per say, but it can be felt, and it can bring Cold or Warmth with it. On a hot Summer day, or in a warm tropical climate, the Wind can be warm and thick; on an Autumn day in California, the Wind can be chilly and piercing. It can penetrate our bodies through the "Wind Gates" - a set of acupuncture points at the nape of the neck.
When Wind invades our bodies through these points, our bodies respond by creating allergies, colds and coughs or the flu. A good example of this is if you've ever taken your dog out for a walk at the wee hours of a brisk, frost-ridden Bay Area morning and noticed your nose begin to run. As soon as you go back inside the warm house, it stops. This change in temperature and exposure to Wind elicits such a response. With this idea, Chinese Medicine explains how a given person may have fallen victim to "a bug" when no virus is going around.
As Autumn approaches and we transition into Winter, more and more people fall sick with a cold and cough.
Be proactive and prevent yourself from Wind by wearing warm layers and most importantly a scarf to cover your neck and Wind Gates. I never go anywhere without one.
* * *
New associate, Anandini Wadera, L.Ac., has office hours at Pacific Naturopathic
on Tuesdays. Please phone 650-961-1660
for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Medical Myths:
Fact and
Connie Hernandez, N.D.
"Dairy is the best and necessary way to strengthen your bones and prevent fractures".
Fact: That's the dairy council speaking. The idea is based on the truth that calcium is necessary for bone health. Foods including sardines, leafy greens and beans and tahini all contain calcium, some in more absorbable forms than the calcium in milk. And, calcium works in concert with magnesium, vitamin D and vitamin K to build strong and flexible bones. Many nuts have the approximate ideal 1:1 combination of calcium and magnesium. And many vegans have strong bones.
Myth: Orange juice fights colds and flus.
Fact: While it is true that orange juice contains immune boosting Vitamin C, it is also full of sugar, which depresses the immune system. In addition, oranges are a common allergen, and, as such, can increase inflammation and cause even more mucus. Apart from sensitivity to oranges, oranges themselves, as many singers can attest, can increase mucus.
Myth: Fevers should be suppressed with medication.
Fact: Mothers naturally worry when their child spikes a fever. It is true that high fevers are a concern as they may signal a major illness, and may have consequences such as febrile seizures in small children. However, fever is actually the immune system doing its work. Microbes don't like high temperatures. Hence, treatment in an infrared sauna may just bake those microbes and help you heal. While at Bastyr University, we regularly used fever treatments to chase away viral infections.
Myth: The best way to protect your skin is to slather on sun screen when out in the sun.
Fact: In the first place, with few exceptions, sun screen is full of toxic ingredients which are never good for you in general or for your skin. Far better ideas are sun blocking hats and clothing, and the wisdom to stay out of the bright sun. Reasonable exposure to sun allows your body to manufacture vitamin D. Low vitamin D levels are actually correlated with melanoma.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Fact: Utter nonsense when taken literally. Current day apples are one of the pesticided dirty dozen
, and are definitively not good for you. In addition, you can develop sensitivity to almost any food taken in on a daily basis. Having said that, consumption of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is health promoting.
Myth: Cholesterol in your diet is the main cause of high cholesterol.
Fact: No, it's not. Whereas some people absorb more cholesterol from their diet than others, yourbody actually produces cholesterol. Cholesterol levels are affected by liver and thyroid function, as well as by genetic factors. Diets full of sugar and bad fats will impact the type of cholesterol and the cholesterol level. But skipping the breakfast eggs and substituting white bread with butter and jam, or pancakes is far worse for you than taking in a vegetable omelette.
And last, contrary to what your specialist may tell you, you most definitively ARE what you eat and what you eat affects your mental, physical and emotional health.
Read more about Dr. Connie's work HERE
Recommended by
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel...
For Sale in our clinic...
Absorbable Curcumin -- Here in Our Clinic
In the next section down, we talk about the return of IV curcumin and how powerful a therapy it is for various conditions. Curcumin is difficult to absorb orally. However, we believe we have at Pacific Naturopathic the most orally absorbable form on the market.
The TetraCumin brand is the only brand to feature the bioactive curcumin metabolite, Tetrahydrocurcumin. TetraCumin eliminates the need for intestinal microorganisms to convert curcumin to Tetrahydrocurcumin, - the only form the body can readily absorb. TetraCumin is complexed in a CyLoc molecular food matrix to further ensure maximum solubility, optimal bioavailability, and rapid delivery throughout the intestinal tract.
-- Supports and maintains a normal inflammatory response
-- Provides Anti-Oxidant and Cell-Protective Activity
-- Supports a Healthy Gastrointestinal Environment
-- Supports Optimal Lipid Profiles and Cardiovascular Health
-- Provides Relief from Occasional Joint and Muscle Soreness
-- TetraCumin is the only brand to feature the bioactive curcumin metabolite, Tetrahydrocurcumin. TetraCumin eliminates the need for intestinal microorganisms to convert curcumin to Tetrahydrocurcumin, - the only form the body can readily absorb. TetraCumin is complexed in a CyLoc molecular food matrix to further ensure maximum solubility, optimal bioavailability, and rapid delivery throughout the intestinal tract.
-- TetraCumin QR for quick release to address acute situations; TetraCumin SR for sustained release for chronic situations.
Both versions available in our office for $53.00 each
A powerful herbal extract for all inflammatory conditions,
curcumin is also toxic to cancer cells
Curcumin, an acti
ve ingredient in turmeric, is one of the most powerful
herbal antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
Antioxidants are compounds often found in plants that can protect the body's cells from damage caused by activated molecules known as free radicals. Laboratory studies have shown that curcumin interferes with several important molecular pathways involved in cancer development, growth, and spread. Curcumin can kill cancer cells in the laboratory and slow the growth of surviving cancer cells. In animals, curcumin has been shown to inhibit the formation of cancer causing enzymes and the development of several forms of cancer, thus shrinking tumors.
Human studies of curcumin in cancer prevention and treatment are in the early stages. Scientific studies indicate that curcumin is not well absorbed orally. Consequently, large doses must be taken for even small amounts to actively circulate in the blood. More absorbable forms of curcumin have been developed, and, as curcumin is fat soluble, it is important to take curcumin with some form of fat when it is taken orally.
At Pacific Naturopathic, we administer curcumin via IV infusion in carefully moderated doses so it goes directly to the cells where it is needed. Preliminary results with our patients shows c
urcumin to relieve the inflammation caused by chemotherapy and to lower tumor markers on conventional cancer monitoring blood tests.
To naturopathic doctors, curcumin is yet another gift from the Earth - few or no side effects with powerful positive result for many conditions.
Interested in trying IV curcumin? Contact us. We order sterile IV curcumin for each patient, as needed, and it takes a week to receive it from the pharmacy.
The beautiful color of curcumin
Interested in exploring the world of IV nutrient therapy?
Dr. Marcel is happy to address any of your questions.
Please phone 650-961-1660 for more information.
More Stressed Than Ever Before?
What You Can Do About It!
It's not your fault if you feel that you are not coping the way you used to. Not only is it a rough world out there but our own lives have daily aggravations that challenge us to "keep it together".
You are not alone, we are all stressed to the max but you don't have to take it anymore. There are methods of calming down that won't require you to take drugs or succumb to stress attacks.
Because it has now been proved that our brains continue to grow as we age, that means we can redirect some of the default pathways which cause us to react in negative ways even when we don't want to. This is called neuroplasticity and, because of this, the brain has the ability to
form new neural connections throughout life.
In essence, the brain can rewire itself and that is a reason for hope.
But how do we begin to rewire and what does that mean?
Every time we change a habit we are rewiring. Every time we change a belief we are rewiring. Every time we change a behavior we're rewiring.
So, let's say you have a job that requires you to speak to groups or at company meetings and this really unnerves you, always has. Nevertheless, it's part of your job and you must do it. Is it possible to get to the point that it becomes natural and easy? YES.
The idea is to weaken the negative neuronal connections that have become your default and create new, positive ones.
The first thing I teach my clients is how to do deep breathing to calm yourself when you feel stress.
When we are upset we tend to take short chest breaths which can easily devolve into hyperventilating. It's important to take deep, slow breaths and be aware of filing the bottom two lobes of the lungs - this makes a HUGE difference and it's so easy. Then let the breath out even more slowly and after a few times, presto, you notice that you have calmed down - so easy.
The next thing I teach is EFT Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique. This easy skill involves tapping on acupuncture points while thinking or saying what is causing you stress. EFT is deceptively simple, takes just minutes but has a profound effect. I wish I had it as a tool in college when I was taking science exams. No doubt I could have kept my brain calmer and actually accessed the knowledge which I had studied.
EFT was used to comfort the families of Sandy Hook after that shooting tragedy. Also orphan genocide survivors in Rwanda. That's how deep this healing technique can go.
There are many other stress-relieving techniques I share with clients that are easy to do and the gift of the new research being done in neuroscience, like Bi-lateral Stimulation, Backward Spin, Jaw Drop. Great tools to have at your disposal.
Of course, I must mention hypnosis and how it works with the subconscious to ferret out the life-long reasons we behave the way we do. And it doesn't take years to get down to what we must change and then actually change it.
All these techniques are at your disposal to weaken those stress signals in the brain so that you are no longer subject to the whims of the past.
It's time to bushwhack a new neuronal path to the mastery of calm. It's time to be cool.
* * *
For more information about Jane and her work click here.
Medical Humor:
A Break From
"Matters of Consequence"
About food:
Dr. Marcel's Turmeric Brussel Sprouts
Brussel sprouts are low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol. They are also a good source of Thiamin, Riboflavin, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate, Potassium and Manganese.
-- 30 medium-sized brussel sprouts. Wash well. Cut end off each sprout, peel off and discard outer leaves. Cut each sprout into quarters, lengthwise.
-- 1 large onion, diced
-- 6 cloves garlic, minced
--2 tablespoons tomato paste, dissolved in
¼ cup red wine
¼ cup water
juice of one lime
-- 1 rounded teaspoon turmeric
-- ½ teaspoon salt
-- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
-- Chopped
-- 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts
1. Steam the Brussel sprouts and set aside. They should be soft, but not mushy.
2. Sauté the onion in coconut oil until soft and semi-transparent.
3. Add garlic and sauté for another two minutes, stirring every 15 seconds or so.
4. Add the tomato paste mixture, turmeric and salt, stirring vigorously to mix all ingredients together.
5. Add the steamed Brussel sprouts, stir until all ingredients are mixed well and sprouts are warm.
6. Garnish with chopped cilantro and walnuts. Serve immediately.
Breast Thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic
- There is only one diagnostic procedure for breast cancer -
In speaking with conventional physicians, I am often told that the doctor "does not believe" in breast thermography. I question just what it is that they do not believe. The answer generally is that they do not believe that breast thermography can diagnose breast cancer. Indeed, thermography can not diagnose breast cancer, nor can mammography. The only diagnosis for breast cancer is breast biopsy.
What thermography can do is compare one breast with the other by comparing multiple temperature points and patterns of vasculature to see if there are physiological changes in one breast that are not occurring in the other.
Physiologic changes appear before the anatomic changes that can be detected on mammograms, ultrasounds and MRIs, thus giving an opportunity to reverse those changes before they are set in stone. What's not to believe?
Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii:
Calm and lovely through late summer storms
Check Future Openings
(then click on "Calendar")
Walking on the estate below your rental vacation home, the "View House"
Finding yourself in need of a quiet space in which you might restore your outer self through communion with nature, and re-experience the peace and calmness of your deep inner Self?
Airfares to the Big Island are low in October and November. Crowds thin as children are in school. The Volcano National Park is open to visitors once again, and the summer tropical storms have passed. The climate is temperate. The sky is filled with stars. All in all, a beautiful time to visit a beautiful island!
Click below to check our calendar to see if there's a space for you to relax and rejuvenate on the Big Island at Pacific Naturopathic Healing Retreat Center.
* * *
Isn't it time you treated yourself to a magical experience?
Come, enjoy, rejuvenate and reinvent yourself.
The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
News and Commentary on Cancer Topics
* * * * *
What We Offer
at the
Hernandez Center
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
There is light in the darkness
Our cancer patients often ask us to give them an estimate of the effectiveness of therapy at the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care. We respond that
our entire focus is on helping our patients stay healthy, upbeat and positive.
The truth is that the botanical and nutritional therapies we offer
intravenous vitamin C), although 'adjunctive' in nature, have powerful documented actions in decreasing inflammation, reducing tumor load and attacking cancer stem cells.
Our mind/body approaches are focused on transformation of experience. And our bodywork approaches help reduce muscular pain, resolve lymph drainage problems and relieve stress.
The hope we offer is not that of a miraculous cure,
although we are definitely open to miracles,
but the hope of a life lived to the fullest in dignity
and understanding, for however long that may be.
Research Shows Hemp
May Help Treat and Prevent Ovarian Cancer
recent article
in U.S. News revealed that hemp may be useful in the
treatment and prevention of ovarian cancer
. This is an exciting development demonstrating the power of natural treatment - a much safer alternative to dangerous drugs and synthetic chemicals.
Nobel Prize Indicates a Shift
in Cancer Treatment
Ty Bollinger
Cancer researchers James Allison and Tasuku Honjo were recently awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology for their groundbreaking work in utilizing the body's natural immune system to fight cancer. This field of research is known as immunology.
Four Natural Ways to Prevent Radiation Burn (Radiodermatitis)
Radiodermatitis, also known as radiation dermatitis or radiation burn, is something many cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy treatments will experience. According to the American Society for Radiation Oncology, nearly 75% of oncology patients are recommended to receive radiation therapy as part of curative or palliative care.
Of those cancer patients who undergo radiation, 95% will experience some degree of radiation burn
. Up to 87% of cancer patients will experience moderate to severe radiodermatitis during their treatments, or after radiotherapy treatments cease.
Other I.V. Therapies Offered at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center
--I.V. therapy is not just for cancer patients--
Many people have already heard about intravenous vitamin C as a complementary cancer therapy to help stimulate the immune system as well as being directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. This is the most common therapy we use at the Hernandez Center for our cancer patients.
But intravenous therapy is not just for cancer patients.
More than half of our IV patients come for various
"cocktails" to help them ward off infections and optimize their health. We offer a number of individualized versions of the famous "Myers Cocktail." Read about the Myers Cocktail HERE
Other cocktails we offer promote brain health, assist the liver in its detoxification efforts, relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue, help reduce stress, bring rapid relief from sinusitis, colds and flus, address immune system disorders, slow the progression of macular degeneration, reduce chronic pain and fibromyalgia and many other conditions.
Who Would Benefit from IV Vitamin Therapies?
Although anyone could benefit from IV therapy, people with the following health concerns especially benefit from IV therapies:
- Advanced Aging
- Allergies
- Alzheimer's disease
- Asthma
- Atherosclerosis
- Autoimmune disorders
- Before and after surgery
- Cancer treatment
- Cancer prevention
- Chron's Disease
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Chronic Pain
- Colds and Flus, both preventive and acute treatment
- Congestive heart failure
- Dementia
- Depression/Anxiety
- Detoxification
- Enhanced athletic performance
- Environmental toxicity
- Fatigue or lethargy
- Fatty Liver
- Fibromyalgia
- Gastritis
- General health maintenance
- Hangover recovery
- Heart disease
- Heavy metal toxicity
- High blood pressure
- Immune system disorders
- Inflammatory conditions
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Insomnia
- Joint Replacement candidates
- Liver detoxification
- Low functioning immune systems
- Lyme disease
- Macular degeneration
- Malabsorption syndrome
- Migraine headaches
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson's disease
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Post Stroke
- Post trauma/post surgical wound healing
- Prior to important events, meetings or travel
- Respiratory infections
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Serotonin increase in the brain
- Sinusitis
- Times when one cannot afford to be tired or Ill
- Ulcerative colitis
- Ulcers
- Viral infections
- And More...
Check out our IV web site at www.IntravenousTherapies.com
For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121. A lot more information can be found at www.IntravenousTherapies.com
Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7
Mountain View, CA 94040
650-961-1660 (v) * 650-961-1665 (f)