photo by E. Joan Horrocks

Fall/Winter News
November 2014
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From the Editor

Apologies - this sending has the corrected table of contents - ed.

We in the Old Village stand on the shoulders of giants.  You may not think of them as such, when you see them, but each in his or her own way spans time, connecting us with the past and the future of our community, and enriching our experiences with each other - especially in our newsletter. We welcome Carol Pacun back to the news, as she updates us on the the issues surrounding the Mitchell River Bridge and our beloved "loop". David MacAdam recounts the crucial work of the Chatham Alliance over the past year. Bob Staake, whose OVA masthead graces our newsletter, shares the intriguing history of a structure that has become a touchstone for many. This issue also continues the "Village People" series with John Whelan featuring a true mover-and-shaker, and a fascinating visit to the Chatham Packet wharf with Debbie Aikman. Village News includes important local information, art and poetry as well.

I am so grateful to all our contributors, who generously share their wealth of knowledge and depth of feeling for the Old Village.
Wishing you the happiest of holidays, 
President's Letter

On this cold, blustery, cloudy November day on the quiet streets of the Old Village, it's difficult to imagine that in six months there will again be tourists as well as residents vying for parking spaces. Added to the usual dilemma there will be additional traffic due to the bridge closure, and the confusion at  Lighthouse Beach will be even more extreme. The recent presentation to the selectmen concerning revised parking management is hopeful. Included in this proposal is a plan for remote parking at either the elementary or middle school with a shuttle serving the Chatham Fish Pier, Lighthouse Beach, and the Main Street businesses. This plan, if promoted and marketed successfully, should offer some relief. The Old Village now needs special attention from our leaders, as our narrow streets have historically been inadequate to accommodate traditional traffic and parking, and next summer promises to be a particularly challenging one.

The Old Village Association welcomes new members, and we encourage property owners in the Village to join our email or mailing list, to be notified of news and upcoming events. For more information please email us.

 Winnie Lear, President

The Mitchell River Bridge Closing - The Practical and the Personal  


Carol Pacun has lived full time in Chatham for over 20 years. She and Elinor Gelsey founded the Old Village Association (which was responsible for our National Register District). Later, with a small group of citizens, she helped form the Chatham Alliance for Preservation and Conservation. She is the author of three satirical mysteries taking place in a 'small seaside town' and, when the spirit moves her, she writes
"highly opinionated"
You Guest It columns for the Cape Cod Chronicle.


The time between the announcement that the Mitchell River Bridge would be replaced and its actual closure was so long that some of us began to believe that the event, like sending a man to Mars, was probably forthcoming, but not in our lifetime. The first real rumble of a time table ("Jan. 2014") caused a bit of a stir. The Chatham Alliance for Preservation and Conservation staged an October 2013 good-by party, complete with music (thanks to David MacAdam), a viewing of the open span, champagne and remembrances. New starting dates surfaced -including a couple in the middle of the summer (!), with no activity. Then in early October, groups of surveyors sprayed yellow lines on the road, and planted small numbered sticks at intervals along the way. No doubt about it: the October 17th starting time was real. People took notice. The weekend before the closing streams of walkers and drivers stopped by for an informal salute to the bridge. Gloria Freeman tied black and purple balloons to the railing; within fifteen minutes, two drivers stopped for a "selfie". A local gentleman spent much of an afternoon taking pictures of the bridge from all angles. That next week, two towering cranes arrived. Wooden planks were swung into the air and dropped at the side of the road. The span disappeared; the bridge became a pile of wood. Yet, despite all those long months of waiting for this, we had to admit that we were not prepared-emotionally or practically for the closing of a bridge that had always been a part of our lives.




To leave town quickly, without going through Main Street, Old Village and Bridge Street home owners have been dependent on Bridge Street - with a bridge. Many tourists, who drive up to the Overlook in masses, have also counted on that choice. At this point, MassDOT's confusing detour signs are not much help in getting to or from the area. Unfortunately, for drivers, Silverleaf Avenue seems to be a perfect exit. NOT SO! As we all know, the road is impossibly narrow, the intersection with Water Street difficult to negotiate, and no one wants to turn our tiny historic road into a thoroughfare. Something had to be decided - and soon. Members of the OVA Board called on Jeff Colby (DPW Director) and the Traffic Safety Committee, who made a site visit to the corner and held a meeting on the issue. The results of the meeting are preliminary and will need more work. The following was decided:

  1. A sign will be posted at the start of Silverleaf Avenue that no through traffic by trucks or buses will be permitted.
  2. The parking area in front of the Overlook will be reconfigured so that tour buses can turn around there.   (This is already being tried.)
  3. Signage throughout town will be improved to clarify which side of the bridge the detour is leading to. The present sign announcing the closure of Bridge Street will be moved from Bridge Street to the intersection so it can be seen before the cars start down the street.

As the summer months approach, other issues (including the effect of the closure on other Old Village streets) will surely arise. The OVA Board will use every effort to help all of you with any problems and questions you might have.  




The bridge's closing holds a deep, personal meaning for those of us who have been walking "the loop" for too many years to remember. That walk is an integral part of my life - and, despite the other wonderful scenic walks in town, I will mourn its loss.   The loop offers a complete Chatham experience: going past historic houses on Bridge Street, Stage Harbor Road and stores of downtown Main Street, with views of Stage Harbor, Oyster Pond beach, the Atlantic Ocean, and (if the walker is ambitious), Little Mill Pond. No

The beginning of the end -
photo by Norm Pacun

wonder in summer the route attracts so many walkers, joggers, bikers and cars. But I actually prefer the winter walk, when the loop is eerily silent, taking on a beauty all its own. I usually start down Bridge Street. The houses along the way seem empty, austere, casting shadows in the hazy afternoon light. The longer I walk, the more aware I become of the cold wind (always there - this is Chatham). I pull down my hat and stick my hands in my jacket. My pace quickens. After I reach the last house on Bridge Street, the atmosphere changes radically. To the left, the conservation property is a seemingly endless tangle of tree trunks, vines, and shrubs, a palette of grays, blacks and browns. On the other side, tall hedges hide any evidence of human habitation. Sometimes, especially when the wind howls and the temperature drops with every step, I wonder (or worry) if I am really here alone. Who or what might be staring at me through the brambles? A fox, a deer, a coyote -or perhaps a human being?   An occasional car whizzes by.   Ahead lies the bridge, simple and sturdy. Wind or no wind, I never fail to stop and glance out at the few boats left in Stage Harbor. The depth of the black water beneath the bridge soothes me. I close my eyes, trying to etch in memory this moment to be recalled at a time when I am not where I want to be, or doing what I want to do. With new energy (and a very cold nose) I head for the second half of my loop and home.


For most of the winters I have been in Chatham, this has been my route, the perfect antidote to dreary winter days. But not this year or next. I will, of course, find other places to walk, but for practical and not so practical reasons, I do hope the MassDOT folks are working hard to get our bridge open soon.  


~ Carol Pacun 

The Little Studio That Art Built


Bob Staake is an internationally known illustrator and author who quietly live and works in Chatham's historic Old Village. His illustrations have appeared in The New Yorker, TIME, The New York Times, The Washington Post and MAD magazine. He is currently working on his new picture book, "Beachy The Whale," for Random House. He can be found online at


'Nemo Saltat Sobrius' has never been carved into a quarter board and probably for good reason. I mean,

let's face it. Unless you're a Benedictine monk distilling bootleg cognac on some water-logged rock off the coast of Normandy, who the Inferno reads Latin anymore? 'Nobody Dances Sober' -- that's the literal English translation -- so the idea of subversively emblazoning those three enigmatic words in gold leaf on Main Street for all of Chatham to see sure was tempting. But before carving any quarterboards, my wife Paulette and I had bigger and more crumbling things to deal with -- like a building slightly more dead than Latin itself.


Anyone could see that the little, nasty looking garage on our property was a rotting eyesore, so when we decided in 2003 to make our summer residence (The Old Lumbert Nickerson Sr House) in the Old Village our full-time home, we knew we'd have to deal with the building. Living year round in Chatham I would need a place to write and draw anyway, so I proposed leveling the unsalvageable building and in its place design a new structure -- one that wouldn't be one inch bigger than the last-gasping garage's listing, termite-infested wood foundation.


The quaint new building would become my studio, but we wanted our neighbors to feel good about it as well -- and appreciate its traditional, understated aesthetics as appropriate within the architectural context of the Historic Old Village. But even as I carefully drew up my modest plans, I could hear the confused back room chatter from all three town boards I'd be subjected to: "He wants to build on the exact same footprint? You mean he doesn't want a building 4 times the size of the old one? Are we sure this washashore isn't completely nutzoid?!"


Artists. Yeah, we're a little crazy, and apparently I'm one of those adaptable creators who can just as easily draw a New Yorker cover, illustrate an article for The Washington Post or write a children's book for Random House in an elbow room-challenged phone booth as I can ensconced within a convalescent home-sized McMansion on Shore Road.


When the bulldozer arrived on that cold day in November of 2006 it only had to sneeze -- and the dusty old garage collapsed. The new building went up in no time, and after 50 years of coaxing dining room tables to double as drawing boards, converting bedrooms into home offices and retrofitting leaky basements as moldy workspaces, I had finally built my dream studio. Best of all, within that modest 12' x 20' footprint I was able to essentially get a 3-story building; a 1st floor work area, attic/loft for storage, a basement nestled into the knoll for everything else -- and once I crammed my library of 4000+ books into the studio, there was even a little room for me.


Finishing touches were needed here and there, but none more essential in my mind than adding a cupola -- that architectural exclamation point that is to a studio as a cherry is to an ice cream sundae. Yet once I discovered the going rate for respectable cupolas, I decided I might as well put that new basement full of power tools to work by designing and building my own cherry. Perched atop the studio and covered by a pyramid hip roof clad in copper, I topped the cupola with an aluminum finial that resembled a giant game board player piece -- an odd yet somehow perfect object I stumbled upon when searching the term "weird metal" on Ebay.


But when it came to writing that ideal, witty phrase for the studio's quarterboard, I was at a loss. While I still loved the idea of emblazoning it with a clever Latin phrase in gold leaf, how many passersby would be able to translate it? I even considered using "Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes" ("If You Can Read This You're Overeducated"), but when your wood carver charges you by the letter, an inside joke like that quickly becomes surprisingly pricey.


At the end of the day, I chose a single word that seemed to work on a few levels: It alluded to what the guy within the little cupola-topped building did in there all day, it quietly alluded to the poetic mystique of the Old Village itself, and a wooden sign comprised of a mere seven letters never broke anyone's bank.


"IMAGINE" was carved in classic Baskerville and set against the ocean blue of the quarterboard.



photo courtesy Bob Staake


Years later, rarely a day goes by in which I don't spy a pair of tourists strolling along Main Street to the Lighthouse only to suddenly stop to snap a picture of the building, and in a neighborhood filled with more than its share of awe-inspiring photo ops, it's nice that they judge the outside of my little studio as camera-worthy. Me, I always seem to be happily inside - drawing, writing, creating - and doing my best to imagine.

~ Bob Staake 

Alliance Update 2013-2014


David MacAdam is the OVA Representative to The Chatham Alliance. The Alliance has grown to an association of thirteen non-profit organizations since 1998. Its mission is to preserve Chatham's historic houses, streetscapes, natural resources and heritage as a small fishing village. The Alliance fosters cooperation and mutual support among its member organizations toward achieving their goals. The Alliance cultivates common ground on issues of conservation and preservation and works to build broad town-wide consensus.   


Its been an interesting and informative year at the Chatham Alliance for Preservation and Conservation, for which I serve as OVA representative. This organization of fifteen autonomous non-profit Chatham organizations seeks to promote and advocate for our natural, historic, and cultural assets. I will summarize four highlights of the year's Alliance program that I found to be particularly substantive and informative.


A presentation by Paul Lagg (Chatham Town GIS Coordinator) on the new FEMA Flood Zone Maps last spring provided detail on the formulation and need for an update of these maps. These maps are based entirely upon past flood data and do not take into consideration projected future flooding. With 66 miles of shoreline, much of it occupied by valuable property, these maps have serious implications for many Chatham property owners. There are important repercussions of these maps, as explained by Alan Long (Eldredge & Lumpkin Insurance, Chatham) at the same meeting, as federal flood insurance rates are tied to them. Federal flood insurance is mandatory for a mortgage in a flood zone. There has recently been a substantial increase in these rates in a move to relieve the Federal government (taxpayers) from the high cost of recent storms. The matter is complex and arcane, so Alliance members were grateful for the light our two well-informed speakers were able to shed on the subject.


Moonrise, North Beach
E. Joan Horrocks

This presentation was followed the next month by one in which attempts were made to clear up confusion generated by local attempts to severely reduce wetlands protection in Chatham when approving the FEMA maps. Approval of the maps was necessary to enable local property owners to purchase Federal flood insurance. Reducing wetlands protection was necessary to increase development. Subsequently, Town Meeting eliminated the Town's wetland buffer when it approved the new FEMA maps.  


At the next meeting, Jamie Bassett of the Friends of Chatham and South Beach presented that groups' views regarding the proposed US Fish and Wildlife Service's proposed annexation of a portion of South Beach, and imposition of restrictions on certain methods of shell-fishing. He described the Friends' efforts to organize a Town-wide campaign against the USFWS plan, arguing that Chatham knows far better how to manage its beaches and shellfish grounds for conservation and preservation (having done so for 300 years) than do Washington bureaucrats.  


At our recent October OVA Board Meeting a substantive discussion of summer vehicular traffic congestion in the Old Village was held. That same afternoon the Alliance invited in Deann Ruffer, Director of Community Development, and Jeff Colby, Director of Public Works for Chatham, to talk about planning to handle the accelerating influx of visitors each summer. I used this opportunity to convey to these two Town officials the OVA's concerns about not only summer traffic congestion in the Old Village, but also our concerns about heightened congestion due to the closing of Bridge Street. It is not good when congestion severely limits residents' access to their homes in the Old Village, eastern Bridge Street, Little Beach, Morris and Stage Islands, and Shore Road. Two bottlenecks in particular were identified at the OVA meeting and conveyed to Town Officials at the Alliance Meeting - the Main Street/ Shore Road intersection, and the Lighthouse lookout, both of which invite unsupervised turnarounds with the closure of Bridge Street and the confusion of new detour signs. Several OVA suggestions to mitigate this congestion were conveyed to the two Town Officials. We'll see what they come up with for summer 2015.


The Alliance continues to seek an acceptable balance between its desire to avoid controversy and its need to advocate vigorously for preservation and conservation in the face of powerful local special interests bent on unfettered growth and development.


~ David MacAdam 

Village People - with John Whelan


John Whelan is a retired stock broker who has lived in Chatham a long time.  He keeps busy walking, and playing softball and paddle tennis. He writes a monthly column for the Cape Cod Chronicle, and has written two children's books. He's also a DJ on WOMR-FM, 92.1 Community Radio for Cape Cod, playing oldies rock and roll, and is enjoying retirement in Chatham. This is the second in his series.


This time the focus is on Naomi Turner who lives with her husband, David Veach, in a beautiful restored cottage facing Chatham Harbor just off lower Main Street. Naomi has quite a story to tell, and I can only scratch the surface in the limited space I have here. As many of you know, Naomi is the owner of the Candy Manor, which will soon celebrate its 60th Anniversary. I asked her about the long-term success of the store. Naomi credited her two most-trusted employees, Susan Carroll and Kim Marsh, who have been with Naomi 40 and 30 years respectively. The store employs 20 people year-round and 40 people in the summer. Inherent in the managing philosophy for the Candy Manor is Naomi's belief that the store should give something back to the community.    


Naomi is also a dancer and a dance instructor and the founder of Studio 878 here in Chatham.  Studio 878 is a Non-Profit 501c3 dance studio which offers dance classes to children and adults. The offerings include ballet, tap, jazz, ethnic dance, ballroom and swing as well as yoga. Studio 878 also sponsors dance presentations from time to time. Naomi told me she is just now getting back to instructing at Studio 878 after devoting 3 years of her life to the return of the Chatham Orpheum Theater.


Turner receives recognition from Rep. Sarah Peake - photo by Susan Carroll

The Orpheum was Naomi's dream. She had worked with a group of Chatham citizens on the concept of a cultural center for more than ten years. When CVS decided to leave the former theater on Main Street, Naomi saw it as an opportunity to bring movies back to Chatham. She had no formal organization and she had no money, but she asked building owner Ron Rudnick for time to work on her dream. Ron gave her 6 months and Naomi went to work. She found that Chatham was very receptive to her idea. She put together a group of Chatham people who also believed in the concept. Over time, they located major benefactors as well as getting support form the Town of Chatham. In addition, there were hundreds of small donations from people who just believed the effort to restore the theater could succeed.  


Naomi told me that the founders of The Tropic Theater in Key West were particularly generous with

Savoring the triumph
photo by Anita Harris

advice on the operation of a small theater. One key decision was the choice of a movie booker. Naomi feels the the Orpheum benefits from the best booker available. The decision to offer two screens was also an important one. The Orpheum has enjoyed a wonderful start and has exceeded all attendance estimates to date. In October, Naomi was recognized by the Business and Professional Women of Lower Cape Cod as a Woman of Achievement. The award was presented by State Representative Sarah Peake at the Barley Neck Inn.


"What's next?" I asked Naomi. She told me about a new musical she has been working on. It is Naomi's hope that "Wrinkles" will be ready for prime time sometime in 2015. "Wrinkles" is an original musical that celebrates the achievements of mature women. I expect we'll see it soon and Naomi will have another successful arts project. Naomi considers her life a gift from God and she uses her creativity and effort to give back. I think she has done a pretty outstanding job to date, and there is still more to come.      

~ John Whelan 


The Chatham Packet Wharf 


Debbie Aikman first came to Chatham as a college student to waitress at the Hawes House (corner of Water Street and Main Street). She is a past president of the OVA, and is currently Vice President. She and her husband Don purchased their house on Water Street, where they currently reside, in 1974.



The Old Village Association has been responsible for a number of efforts to bring attention to the importance of the Water Street East town landing. First, funds were donated to the Town for removal of invasive species which had taken over and prevented public viewing. This was followed by the donation and installation of a plaque which was given to the Town of Chatham as part of the 2012 Tercentennial celebration. The plaque was made possible thanks to the efforts of Mary Ann Gray, who did the research for the text which appears on the plaque. Below is a copy of the text, separating the left and right sides, as it appears on the plaque:

The plaque provides history and flavor for visitors  photo by Don Aikman




The Old Village, encompassing the land between Chatham Harbor on the east and Mill/Little Mill Pond on the west,

became the town center in the early 1800's, probably due to the Old Harbor area becoming less navigable. A concentration of small stores on Water and Main Streets reinforced the position of the Old Village as Chatham's primary commercial center until the late 19th century.


Water Street, aptly named, is probably the only street in Chatham to run from one body of water to another i.e. from the Atlantic shoreline to Mill Pond. Many of the homes that still remain along the portion of Water Street from Main Street to the Mill Pond were built by Sea Captains or former sea captains and their names are recognizable in Chatham history; however, the history of the portion of the street running from Main Street to the Shore line is less well known.


Early in the nineteenth century the freight business arrived by packets and vessels and was of great importance to Chatham. Barzilla Harding and Heman Smith ran one of the businesses prior to 1829. The sloop Canton, of forty-six tons, was built in 1826 on the east shore, north of the lights and ran thirty years as a packet to Boston. The Canton, captained by Barzilla Harding, was also owned by Collins Howes, Rueben Howes and Enoch Howes. All of these men were residents of the Old Village.


Right Side 


The 1858 map of Chatham Village shows two extensions into the Harbor area indicating the site of the two docks at the end of the street. Documents in the Historical Society archives indicate that packet ships used the docks to allow cargos to be brought ashore along with passengers.


The view this fall at the end of Water St.  
photo by Don Aikman

Another source indicates that Capt. Josiah Hardy owned a store and a stage (wharf) at the end of Water Street from which schooners were outfitted to sail o every port in the world. In 1864, Andrew Harding, then 28 years old and the youngest of the fourteen children of Barzilla and Pattie (Bangs) Harding, and a grandson of Isaiah Harding opened a store there. In 1865, he purchased a second store formerly owned by Isaiah and Simeon Harding and combined the two businesses. In 1871 in connection with his stock of paints and oils, he added a painting business that he ran with H. M. Smith. Later that store was moved to Main Street where it is now a residence. By 1872, the shore had eroded to the point where the stores and the wharves had to be torn down.


The area where this plaque now stands still remains on the town maps as a Town landing, but due to the cycle of constant erosion, it has not always been accessible to the water."


It is anticipated this landing will again be accessible to the water, with the addition of a viewing platform and stairway to the beach. This will all be made possible thanks to the generous donations of Old Village property owners along with funds to be appropriated by vote at the May 2015 Annual Town Meeting.


~ Debbie Aikman

Natl Trust blog logo
Preservation Toolbox

As the National Trust writes, "Buying a historic house with the intention of fixing it up is a significant undertaking -- and one that can come with its share of surprises. Understanding how to ask the right questions before you begin renovating is key to the overall success of your project." Their
round-up of toolkits from the 10 on Tuesday vault (now Preservation Tips & Tools) offers an "idea of what to consider and how to find sensible solutions as you look to restore or rehabilitate [there's a difference] your newly acquired treasure". For further reading on what's current in the minds of fellow preservationists, have a look at

~ Village News ~
In the Village and Close By

Water Street East 


In November 2011 the Old Village Association donated $8,500. to the Town of Chatham and worked with Ted Keon, Director of Coastal Resources to remove invasive species at the eastern end of Water Street. This project improved the appearance of the area and provided an example of the appropriate naturalization and beautification of coastal banks using native plantings. It also cleared the way for the replacement of steps leading from the street to the beach.


photo by Nancy Koerner

This August, Clarissa Rowe of Water Street and Andrew Friendly of Mill Hill Lane launched a fund raising campaign to establish a Water Street Steps Fund. To date 42 families have donated over $15,000. Continuing to work with Ted Keon, we hope to see the plans for these steps approved by the town this Spring. The cost for the steps is estimated to be approximately $50,000. We have committed $20,000 to the town and hope that the remainder will come from Community Preservation funds and town meeting appropriation.


The steps will be made of wood with a platform at the street level and a landing part way down. The lowest portion of the steps will be made of metal and can be easily removed or retracted in case of a threatening storm.   These steps are replacing a set of concrete steps which were in the same location for many years but were deteriorated and eventually washed away in a storm in the late 1980's. Donations may still be sent to the OVA at P.O.Box 188, Chatham, MA 02633.

- Nancy Koerner, Treasurer


See more on the Water Street steps project in the Cape Cod Chronicle Nov. 26 issue, article by Tim Wood.


Latham Lifelong Pet Care is the newest vocational program at Latham Centers, consisting of dog walking, and both long-term and lifelong pet care. This program provides Latham Centers' residents, with complex

Accompanied by his residential counselor, a Latham Adult Resident walks "Caleb" as part of the Latham Lifelong Pet Care Dog Walking vocational program
special needs including Prader-Willi Syndrome, the  opportunity for paid vocational activities while meeting your pet care needs. Dog walking is conducted by a Latham resident, accompanied by a Latham Centers staff person, lasting from 15 - 60 minutes per user. For $15 per walk, a dog owner can create a schedule in which his or her dog continues to exercise during cold months. These pet care opportunities also provide animal therapy for Latham's residents. Walks are offered between Orleans and Wareham, including Chatham!
Pet Sitting, or "Long Term Pet Care" is a program which offers pets cage-free living and opportunities for play and exercise, fresh air and full-time caring staff in one of our supervised residences. The routine, schedule and price are all customizable. Please visit for additional information.
-Dawn Dinnan

Author and educator Dr. Peter Saunders' 20 years of teaching poetry workshops for older poets has culminated in the anthology, Silent No More - Unlocking Voices of Older Poets, (Provincetown Arts Press, 2013) available in Cape bookshops. He shares one of his own poems below:




Long after any jet lag,

I try to get my feet on the ground

after cruising the Seine from Paris to Normandy - 

Linda's gift to me on my 80th.


What a cruise - replete with beauty and history -

from Monet's Giverny gardens - blooming weeks early -

to Normandy beaches, Aromanches D-day museum,

American cemetery of near 10,000 crosses.

The beauty along the river contrasts

with horrors of the invasion.

Standing in German gun turrets overlooking

cliffs US Rangers scaled above Omaha beach,


realizing I was saved from their hell by a mere five

years, I'm overwhelmed by a debt I can never

By Holway and Main - E. Joan Horrocks

repay, devouring history where history was

made. Reflecting on the epic struggles

that took place here while looking at

year-old great grandson Logan's

picture - jeans, jacket


and Boston baseball cap - every bit the

little man he is - I talk to him each morning.

Imagine what fronts he'll fight on in a precious

few years, while I'm blessed by impossibly good

news - wealth of health and faith, facilitating on

poetry fronts - the only fronts I live to fight

on, wondering at the equity of God

as the ninth decade

embraces me.                                              - Peter Saunders

Chatham Alliance For Preservation and Conservation meetings are held and open to everyone, and usually from 3:30-5:00 pm, the first Thursday of the month, September - June (except January) at the Community Center. There is usually a speaker/lecture on a topic relevant to conservation and preservation in Chatham at each meeting. Once or twice a year the Alliance also hosts forum/panel discussions on conservation and preservation topics of broad current interest.  For more information email David MacAdam.

If you'd like to contribute or subscribe to future e-newsletters please contact us. Allowing us to email you helps us conserve resources and funds! Your email address will be used only for OVA communications.


Special thanks to Nancy Koerner for her update and photo, and to Joan Horrocks for her kind permission to reproduce her photography in this issue. To see more of her work visit  

Happy Holidays!  

Old Village Association
P.O. Box 188
Chatham, MA 02633