The new Farm My Yard t-shirts are in - order one today and wear it proudly - spread the good word!
I hope you're having a great Summer. Here in Portland I've been watching the sunflowers outgrow me, picking blueberries, raspberries and I saw the largest elephant garlic of my life last weekend at the Oregon Country Fair! 

I have some great news! Kevin Fitzpatrick and his shop have printed the first batch of Farm My Yard t-shirts.  So, if you ordered one or more, they should be on their way to you. If you'd like to order one or more, visit the Due West Press site. Here's a video to entice and entertain you about the making of these shirts.  Kevin is quite pleased with the result!
Farm My Yard - 4 Colors
Farm My Yard - 4 Colors
H ave a great Summer, Albert Kaufman, Farm My Yard
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