Email Newsletter: Feb 7, 2019 Part I - Vol 122 No 123
Your monthly NTA news & updates

Yes, 2019 has arrived and now it’s time to organize your taxes.

This week, our Newsletter actually has quite a bit of really useful tax information about what this upcoming filing season will mean to you.

We will cover Why your business Needs an EIN number and the Eight Most Common IRS Tax Penalties and How to Avoid them.

Since success in the trucking industry is measure in nickels and dimes, you have to really make sure the wheels keep rolling to make a dollar. 

Next, I am proud to announce that starting in March 2019, we will add another benefit to our website. The NTA & the Colonial Life Ins Co have struck a deal whereby the NTA will offer Group On/Off Job Accident coverage and Group Critical Care coverage when you join the NTA.

The rates start as low as $17.53 for Group Accident and $15.62 for Group Critical coverages.

Always remember to check the NTA website every month for new benefits

Join the NTA and let us help you shine. 

Remember, our motto is "Helping Others to Succeed in Business"
Wayne Schooling
NorthAmerican Transportation Association 
Featured Article
Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs an Employee Identification Number
Independent Contractors often shrug off the idea of obtaining an employee identification number, or EIN, believing that their small business really doesn’t need one. Though there are some cases where a solo business can get away with merely utilizing the business owner’s Social Security Number, doing so is not necessarily the best idea, even if you don’t have plans to hire employees in the future. In almost all instances, having an EIN is a good idea. It provides many benefits that go beyond facilitating the payment of employees. 
Featured Article
The 8 Most Common IRS Tax Penalties and How to Avoid Them in 2019
Featured NTA Services
Helping Others to Succeed in Business 
Our Social Media in 2019
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  • Company Name
  • Your Location
  • Short message

2019 Quick Links 
2019 Quick Sites
NorthAmerican Transportation Assn. | (800) 805-0040 | [email protected] |