SBIR/STTR Training & Support for Virginia's Technology Community
February 2017 Issue
A set aside for small businesses, over $2.5B is available each year in SBIR/STTR funding from 11 participating federal agencies. This strategic funding provides critical financing for early stage, high risk research projects that have a strong commercial or federal acquisition pathway. Virginia's SBIR/STTR support program, administered by CIT, provides low cost training and other support for Virginia's technology community to help facilitate successful participation in these programs.
Upcoming SBIR/STTR Workshops in Virginia
Feb. 21, Intro to SBIR/STTR, 9-11AM, Chalottesville, VA
Feb. 21, NIH SBIR Proposal Prep, 11AM-4:30PM, Charlottesville, VA
Feb. 22, NSF SBIR Crash Course, Charlottesville, VA
Feb. 23, Intro to SBIR/STTR, 9-11AM, Blacksburg, VA
Feb. 23, NSF SBIR Proposal Prep, Blacksburg, VA
Feb. 24, NIH SBIR Crash Course, Roanoke, VA
April 12, Building Business with SBIR/STTR Awards, Richmond, VA
SBIR Intro & NIH Proposal Prep Workshop
February 21, Charlottesville, VA
This full day workshop presents a brief intro to the SBIR/STTR programs at all 11 agencies, followed by an in depth discussion of the SBIR proposal preparation process at the National Institutes of Health. Intro to SBIR/STTR session is followed by a section by section break down of how to build your NIH proposal. SBIR Intro Only option available. This session will be especially helpful to those targeting the April 5, 2017 NIH SBIR/STTR deadlines. Event presented by Becky Aistrup, BBC ETC, one of the leading SBIR consulting firms in the US.
TIME: 8:30AM-9AM Check-in, 9-11AM SBIR Intro, 11AM-4:30PM NIH SBIR Prep. LUNCH provided.
LOCATION: Omni Hotel, 212 Ridge McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903
COST: Virginia based small tech firms & University Researchers: Intro Only $15, Full Day $65; All others $175
National Science Foundation SBIR Proposal Tips Crash Course
February 22, Charlottesville, VA
This half day session presents a brief intro to the SBIR/STTR programs, followed by highlights of the most important aspects of planning and developing SBIR Proposal for the National Science Foundation. Especially helpful to those targeting the June 2017 NSF SBIR/STTR deadlines. Event presented by Becky Aistrup of BBC ETC, one of the leading SBIR consulting firms in the US.
TIME: 8:30AM-9AM Check-in, 9AM-12:30PM NSF Proposal Tips
LOCATION: Omni Hotel, 212 Ridge McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903
COST: Virginia based small tech firms & University Researchers: $35 per person; All others $85
SBIR Intro & NSF Proposal Prep Workshop
February 23, Blacksburg, VA
This workshop presents an intro to the SBIR/STTR programs at all 11 agencies, followed by an in depth discussion of the SBIR proposal preparation process at the National Science Foundation. SBIR Intro session followed by a section by section break down of how to build your NSF proposal. Intro only option available. Options to register for Intro Session or Full Day Workshop available. Especially helpful to those targeting June, 2017 NSF SBIR/STTR deadlines. Presented by Becky Aistrup, BBC ETC, one of the leading SBIR consulting firms in the US.
TIME: 8:30AM-9AM Check-in, 9-11AM SBIR Intro, 11AM-4:30PM NSF SBIR Prep. LUNCH provided.
LOCATION: Inn at Virginia Tech & Skelton Conference Center, 901 Prices Fork Rd., Blacksburg, VA
COST: Virginia based small tech firms & University Researchers: Intro Only $15, Full Session $65, All others $175.
NIH SBIR Proposal Tips Crash Course
February 24, Roanoke, VA
This half day session presents a brief intro to the SBIR/STTR programs, followed by highlights of the most important aspects of planning and developing an NIH SBIR Proposal. Especially helpful to those targeting the April 2017 NIH SBIR/STTR deadlines. Event presented by Becky Aistrup of BBC ETC, one of the leading SBIR consulting firms in the US.
TIME: 8:30AM-9AM Check-in, 9AM-12:30PM NIH Proposal Tips
LOCATION: VT Carilon Research Institute, 1 Riverside Circle, Roanoke, VA 24016, Room 232
COST: Virginia based small tech firms & University Researchers: $35 per person; All others $85
Tips to Maintaining Company Growth Objectives - WEBINAR
February 16, 2017
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM (Eastern)
CIT is pleased to present this webinar featuring a presentation from GenEdge Alliance. Entrepreneurs are faced with many issues/needs during start-up and even more challenges develop while trying to manage their daily business. It is very easy to get caught in the day-to-day, to become overwhelmed and to lose sight of the original vision. One of Stephen Covey's 7 habits, "Begin with the End in Mind," is fundamental. A company needs a vision and a strategy to get there, a road map of sorts. This session will talk about the essential questions you need to answer for your business, help you under understand your business' value today, what the upside could be and what value gaps need to be closed in order to develop your own roadmap. SBIR/STTR companies may find this session of particular interest. GENEDGE will also discuss a special software tool they utilize and their EDGE VA program, which guides leadership teams through a "Value Analysis" process. GENEDGE will overview how this approach has been used by many Virginia companies to diversify into commercial markets, lessen their reliance on the DoD and increase their top line.
TIME: 1PM-1:45PM (Eastern) SPEAKER: Cindy Glisson, GENEDGE Alliance
COST: Virginia based companies Free; All others $10 per person.
Building Business with your SBIR/STTR Awards
April 12, 2017
Richmond, VA
This one day workshop presents a short intro to the core goals of the SBIR/STTR programs, followed by tips to help move from Phase I to Phase II, an overview of the key commercialization requirements of SBIR/STTR, legislation that provides advantages to SBIR/STTR companies, how to build business from your SBIR/STTR technologies, a look at some state programs designed to foster commercialization success for SBIR/STTR recipients, and how to use the sole source contracting provisions available to SBIR/STTR recipients.
- 9:00AM-9:15AM - Introduction, Robert Brooke, CIT
- 9:15AM-10:15AM: Intro to SBIR/STTR - A quick review of these programs to understand what the goals are, and what this means to long term success. John Davis, SBIR Resource Center
- 10:15AM-11:15AM: Keys to Moving from Phase I to Phase I (PART I) - You've received Phase, now what? A look at what it takes to deliver phase I results and what agencies expect in phase II commercialization plans. John Davis, SBIR Resource Center
- 11:00AM-11:15AM - BREAK
- 11:15-Noon: Keys to Moving from Phase I to Phase II (PART II) John Davis, SBIR Resource Center
- Noon-12:45 PM: LUNCH
- 12:45-1PM: State Programs to support SBIR/STTR Commercialization
- 1:00-1:45: Tips to Grow your Business - Keys to developing growth strategies in your business, selling to new markets, and tools that can help. GenEdge Alliance
- 1:45--4:30PM: Sole Source Contracting with SBIR/STTR - How to use the laws of SBIR/STTR to secure contracts at any federal agency. What is the law, how does this really work, what do you need to do, and how to proceed. John Davis, SBIR Resource Center.
- Va. Biotechnology Research Park, Richmond, VA
- Virginia Technology Co's & University Researchers: $35 per person ($10 for Intro to SBIR/STTR Only) - All others; $85 per person ($25 for Intro to SBIR/STTR Only)
Other Important Events and Programs of Note
MACH37 Accepting Applications for Spring 2017 Cohort
MACH37, the cyber accelerator located at the
Center for Innovative Technology in Herndon, is accepting applications for its spring 2017 cohort. Information-security startups and entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply. Up to eight companies will receive an initial $50,000 investment to help develop products and bring them to market. Since 2013, MACH37 has helped launch 40 cyber companies.
Click here for details and application
Bench Wet Lab Space for Rent
The Prince William Science Accelerator now offers 9 ft. bench spaces for $600 a month. Short term leases arrangements are available. Located in the heart of Prince William County's Science & Technology hub at Innovation Park, the Prince William Science Accelerator is a premiere life sciences incubation facility, which features 5 fully built out, commercially available wet lab bench spaces - the only commercially available wet lab bench space option in Northern Virginia. Shared Lab features include: autoclave, glassware washer, DI water, two conference rooms, kitchen and copy room. for more info, click HERE or contact
Virginia Venture Summit
April 6, 2017,Richmond, VA
Venture Forum RVA brings together people from across Virginia's entrepreneurial ecosystem for a day of networking, learning, and collaboration.
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a potential investor, a student, or simply interested in startups, growth, and leadership, you won't want to miss the Virginia Venture Summit.
Showcase Startup Alley
To be considered for the Showcase Startup Alley, send your presentation deck, executive summary, video, or a demo to by March 18, 2017. A selection committee will review all submissions and identify finalists. Info and to register, click HERE.
VIRTUES II Conference -- Academia & Industry Collaboration in Unmanned Systems
VIRTUES II organizers are excited to announce the confirmed attendance of distinguished guest, Governor Terry McAuliffe, to VIRTUES II: Curriculum & Industry at James Madison University. Governor McAuliffe will be making remarks during conference events on Friday, February 10, 2017. An updated agenda along with a link to register can be found online at
Please contact Emily Winter at 540-568-7447 or with any questions.
Enterprise Development Growth Engine "EDGE" Introductory Workshops
Presented by GenEdge Alliance, these sessions provide in depth discussion of how to accelerate the growth of your business.Event dates and locations: March 7, Chester VA; March 23, Harrisonburg, VA; March 30, Northern, VA; April 6, Forest, VA. Each session is 4 hours long. $20 per person. For more information and to Register HERE
Gov't Procurement Conference
April 19, 2017, Washington, DC
The Government Procurement Conference is a national conference fostering business partnerships between the Federal Government, its prime contractors, and small, minority, service-disabled veteran-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, and women-owned businesses. Now in its 27th year, the Government Procurement Conference has become the premier event for small businesses throughout the United States. For info, click
THRIVE 2017 - Creating the Future of Bioscience in Virginia
April 6, 2017, Virginia Beach, VA
Virginia Bio is bringing together leaders from bioscience companies, research universities, government, the investment community, entrepreneurs and professional services firms from across Virginia and beyond to learn, share, plan, do business and bring the biosciences to life in the Commonwealth. For more info, to register, or to sponsor, click HERE. Please contact if you would like to sponsor or get involved!
90 min Webinars Addressing Patents, Trade Secrets, Trademarks, and Copyrights for Small Business
It is necessary to protect your ideas, products, and product names in today's knowledge economy. The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will present seven free webinars surrounding Intellectual Property (IP) for individuals and small businesses that have been awarded grants through the NIH SBIR/STTR program. Patents, Trade Secrets, Trademarks, and Copyrights will be discussed in 90 minute webinars designed to specifically address the most common IP issues facing small businesses participating in the SBIR/STTR Program. Space is limited to 200 people per webinar; explore the presented topics and be sure to register early at the link below! Learn More and Register:
$30M Available from ARPA-E for New Class of Building Sensor Systems
ARPA-E has announced up to $30 million in funding for the development of a new class of building sensor systems aimed at improved controls for heating and cooling that will improve comfort, reduce costs, and reduce energy use. Their Saving Energy Nationwide in Structures with Occupancy Recognition (SENSOR) program seeks to develop innovative and highly accurate presence sensors and occupancy counters that will lead to significantly improved heating and cooling of buildings and lower energy use. ARPA-E is allocating up to $30 million for SENSOR, with $10 million available to small businesses under ARPA-E's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program and $20 million available to all applicants. The deadline to submit a Concept Paper for SENSOR is 5 p.m. ET on March 17, 2017. Additional information, including the full FOA and how to find project teaming partners, is available on ARPA-E's online application portal, ARPA-E eXCHANGE
Congratulations to Virginia's 2016
Tibbetts Award
Named after Rolland Tibbetts, who was instrumental in in developing the SBIR program, the Tibbetts Awards are presented annually to those who are beacons of promise and models of excellence in high technology. Awards may go to an individual/organization based on unique, long-term service, creation and/or initiation of new programs, and/or advocacy of the SBIR programs. SBIR/STTR companies are evaluated on how they leveraged the SBIR investment and program to stimulate technical innovation, generate business impacts, and spur broader social and economic benefits. Virginia's Tibbetts Award winners for 2016 are:
- SBIR Company: Mikro Systems, Inc., Charlottesville, VA
- SBIR Company: Parabon NanoLabs, Inc., Reston, VA
- Individual: Robert Brooke, Center for Innovative Technology
Paula Armentrout of Reston VA based Parabon Nano (L), Robert Brooke of the Center for Innovative Technology (C), and Jim Atkinson of Charlottesville, VA based Mikro Systems (R) at the 2016 Tibbetts Awards ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by the US Small Business Administration at the White House on January 10, 2016..
A complete list and description of award winners from across the country are available here:
Pre-Recorded SBIR/STTR Training
Pre-Recorded SBIR/STTR Training Sessions
Most of these sessions are FREE for Virginia based companies and Virginia based university researchers. Details and Registration, click
- SBIR/STTR Intro -- NEW Version
- Intro to the CIT GAP Seed Fund -- NEW
- SBIR/STTR Project Scope & Feasibility
- Building High Quality Teams for your Startup
- DOD/NSF Competitive Checklist
- Quickbooks & Compliance Webinar
- SBIR/STTR Eligibility Requirements Webinar
- SBIR/STTR For PostDocs & Grad Students
- Essentials of Effective SBIR/STTR Commercialization Plans
- Intellectual Property Protection & Licensing Strategies
- NIH SBIR/STTR: Writing Research Strategy & Demonstrating Impact
- NIH SBIR/STTR: Tips on Preparing Biosketches and Facilities Sections for NIH Proposals (small fee)
- NIH SBIR/STTR: Developing your NIH SBIR/STTR Commercialization Strategy (small fee)
- NIH SBIR/STTR: Forms, Submission and Tracking (small fee)
- NSF Session 1: SBIR/STTR Program Intro
- NSF Session 2: SBIR/STTR Program Details & Project Planning
- NSF Session 3: SBIR/STTR Proposal Prep Essentials
- NSF Session 4: SBIR/STTR Forms, Budget and submission Tips
- Tips from NIH SBIR Award Winner
- Tips from NSF SBIR Award Winner
Questions about any of these events:
SBIR/STTR Solicitations & Links
-CIT has an NSF SBIR Webinar Series available for viewing HERE -Engage w/ NSF Program Manager in advance. Topic areas contacts HERE. -Tips from an NSF SBIR Winner HERE.
ARPA-E SBIR FUNDING to Award $10 Million
ARPA-E's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programand $20 million available to
all applicants
. For details on this program, click
-Talk to NIH SBIR/STTR Program Manager for advice: HERE -5 Step Registration Process can take 6-8 weeks -- get registered. Learn more HERE. -New ASSIST Program to submit your proposals. Learn more HERE. -Tips from an NIH SBIR Winner HERE.
Dept. of Transportation, Closed Dec. 21, 2016 NIST SBIR, Closed April 14, 2016 NOAA SBIR -- Opened October 20, 2016, Closed January 25, 2017 EPA -- TBD USDA -- Opens in June, Closes October, 2017
CIT Supports Virginia's SBIR/STTR Community
CIT's Federal Funding Assistance Program works with Virginia
based tech
firms and university researchers to support SBIR and STTR efforts. Services include:
- Low cost training across the Commonwealth
- Webinars (Live and Recorded)
- Mentoring services
- Consultant referrals and discounts
- Grants to support SBIR/STTR consultant hires
- Introductions to CIT GAP Investment Fund
- SBIR/STTR Matching Grants (via CRCF program)
- More
Robert Brooke, Director, Federal Funding Program, CIT
2214 Rock Hill Rd., #600
Herndon, VA 20170