February might not officially be National Chocolate Month, but it sure feels that way with all of the holiday candy around. We cannot walk into a CVS or supermarket without seeing an abundance of marked-down Valentine's Day candy and newly-stocked Easter treats. Leftovers from Valentine's Day are probably in your office seemingly calling to you right now.
Chocolate is more than the staple of these holidays. We find it to be a source of tension and confusion for many of our patients. Hopefully, this month's "He Said, She Said" will provide some useful perspective that will leave you with a healthier relationship with chocolate.
Jonah Soolman, Registered Dietitian / Co-Owner
The Real You Is Sexy
If a model gets his or her frame through an eating disorder, are we really to look up to that image as an ideal just because there is no retouching involved? Read More
Five Red Flags of an Eating Disorder
Having worked with hundreds of eating disorder patients and their families, the question I am most often asked by the patients' parents is "How did I miss the signs?" Read More
Just as it makes no sense to scapegoat a particular nutrient that exists in the larger context of one's eating pattern, it is similarly ridiculous to . . . Read More
He Said, She Said: Chocolate
Does chocolate deserve to be seen as a guilty pleasure, and what sort of place can it have in a healthy lifestyle?
He Said
If chocolate and coffee were people, they would probably get along great. Together, they could commiserate over being unfairly portrayed as guilty pleasures when really they each have much to offer. Their reputations are not based on themselves, but rather on the company they keep.
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She Said
Among my patients, there doesn't seem to be a more polarizing food than chocolate. Many of my patients have a love/hate relationship with it. On the one hand, it's the quintessential indulgence, one to be savored on special occasions and eaten with gusto. On the other hand, especially for those who are struggling with an eating disorder, chocolate can be a fear food, one that they feel they cannot control themselves around.
Television Apperances
We have a couple of television appearances this month, one of which was filmed last week when Jonah sat down with Jake Maulin to talk about nutrition for endurance athletes. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can catch these videos once they are posted!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal
* 1/2 cup rolled oats * 1 cup water * 1 tsp cocoa * 1 Tbsp peanut butter 1. Bring water to a boil. 2. Add oats and cocoa. Read More
To keep with our chocolate-themed newsletter, we thought it would be fun to review one of our favorite dessert restaurants, Finale. We had our very first date at the Finale in Coolidge Corner (which sadly is no longer), so the restaurant holds a special place in our hearts. Read More