IDEAL School of Advanced Learning
             February 2016
Greetings from Our Wonderful World Media! Hope everyone's New Year is off to a healthy and prosperous beginning. Our company is forging a number of new and exciting relationships that are sure to produce some of our finest content ever. As for this month, we've got lots in store!
We're going to take you on a tour of what may truly be the most state-of-the-art school on the planet...a dream school no doubt.... Oh to be young again!  
Did you know that cucumber can reduce cellulite and help with that hangover headache? can do all sorts of good for your body.
Now this is an election year, but do you really understand the Electoral College? OK's your chance to be the expert at your next cocktail party.
You've heard about non-toxic pesticides...but is there really such a thing? Get the true story.
Yes, the Green Goddess is as beautiful and knowledgeable as ever! Even better, she's ready to share her Pearls of Wisdom with YOU! So, let her help you jump start the New Year with some of her secret potions!
Want to save the planet and on your garbage bill at the same time? We have a way to do it...Learn everything you ever wanted to know about composting.
Want a self-watering container but don't want to pay the big bucks? No problem! We're going to show you how to do it yourself...and you don't have to be a rocket scientist either.
Theatre buff? We've got the scoop of what's on stage in Palm Beach. Get the latest rundown from OWW's Theatre Expert, Jan Davisson.
Want to save on your utilities this winter? Thought you'd never ask!
So, does this sound good? Told you we had some great stuff. Here's a list of all that we've added:

  • "Curtain Up" - Get the Latest on the Palm Beach Theatre Scene
Well, that's it for now!
Wishing you continued health, happiness and success. Now grab that green drink and get clickin'!
Until next month,

Sharon & Glenn
Almighty Cucumber
Non-Toxic Pesticide
Ask the Energy Expert
Cucumber Salad Recipe
Here is an excellent recipe using cucumbers which acts as an anti-oxidant when taken together with friend and barbequed foods...  Read more.

Non-Toxic Pesticides
What most people don't realize is that pesticides can have a reduced risk when using the proper application processes. In the...  Read more.

Ask the Energy Expert
Florida winters are generally mild, but there are still some things you should be aware of in this season that impact your energy... Read more.

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