Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church |  www.cedarheightspres.org
February 2014
In This Issue


Thank you to all who contributed to the Angel Tree this Christmas season.  This year we helped to warmly clothe, feed, and brighten the lives of 19 needy people in the Cedar Valley.  The blankets, mittens, hats, and scarves have been distributed to the Hospitality House, a daytime homeless shelter in Waterloo. They were so appreciative during this exceptionally cold winter.


Your generous contributions have exemplified the true meaning of Christmas, and have given hope to our fellow brothers and sisters who need it the most.  Thank you again.


-The Mission Committee 


Children & Youth
Children's Ministry Happenings


Sunday SchoolAll children 6th grade and below are invited to attend Sunday school each Sunday at 10:00 AM. We will offer four classes for various age groups: 2-3 year-olds will meet in the Nursery, Pre-K-Kindergarten will meet in Scripture Tent (upper level across from the Nursery), 1st-3rd graders will meet in Creation Station (lower level across from the Youth Room), & 4th-6th
graders will meet in the Youth Room (lower level). 


Children's Church: All children 3rd grade and below are invited to join Stephanie and a parent volunteer for Children's Church each Sunday following the children's message during the 11:00 AM service. Each week we will explore a bible story, have time for a fun activity, sing a song or two, and say a prayer.


Wednesday Nights @ Cedar Heights: Come out for an evening of fun and fellowship each Wednesday from 6:00pm-7:30pm! We will meet for a share meal from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM with kids' activities and our parent's group starting after the meal. If your family is willing to help make a meal, please contact Eric or Janelle. This year children 3rd grade & below will enjoy a bible story and fun activity with Janelle, while the 4th-5th graders have adventures with Stephanie!



Jr. & Sr. High News


All Youth


Ski Trip: We're hitting the slopes with our friends from Westminster Presbyterian Church once again for an all-night skiing extravaganza! We will load up in a bus at Westminster in the evening on Friday, February 21st and return on Saturday morning. Exact times will be forthcoming. In between we'll ski! The cost is $80 for rental, lift ticket, and bus fare; or $63 for lift ticket only and bus fare. Please sign up and pay no later than February 14th!



Jr. High (6th-8th Graders)


Youth Group: We meet on Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Bring your friends and join us for a good time of fellowship, faith, and fun.



Sr. High (9th-12th Graders)


Sr. High Fellowship:  We will meet from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM each Sunday in the youth room. Bring your friends and join us for a good time of fellowship, faith, and fun.


Summer Mission Trip Information Meeting: All interested in participating in the Summer mission trip are invited to an informational meeting Sunday, February 9th following the 11:00 AM worship service. We are planning to spend the week of June 13th-21st working with D.O.O.R. Denver.


Sr. High Bowling: Join us Sunday, February 16th for bowling fun at maple lanes. We will meet at Maple Lanes at 7:00 PM and finish up around 8:30 PM. Bring $10 for shoes and bowling costs.


Adult Education


Adult Forum: During the month of February, Pastor Eric will continue a six-week study Christian Marriage in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). "This is a study of what the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has said on Christian marriage. The issue before the PC(USA) is whether to say something new about marriage, specifically concerning same-gender couples. This study is to equip the PC(USA) for this discussion by giving it a firm foundation of the church's tradition on marriage." ~from the Introduction to Christian Marriage in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)



February 2nd: The Well-Being of Society

February 9th: A Holy Mystery

February 16th: TBA

February 23rd: A New Way of Life


Oxygen: Join this group of adults during Sunday educational hour for a lively, refreshing, and renewing conversation. It is a little time to reconnect and recharge. We are currently watching and discussing short films by Christian leader and popular author, Rob Bell.


Men's Bible Study: Meets weekly, at the Cedar Falls Panera on Friday mornings at 7:00 AM for a time of bible study and fellowship led by Pastor Eric. This month we will continue studying lectionary passages. Please contact Eric with any questions.


Women's Circle Bible Study: Women's Circle Bible Study will meet Thursday, February 27 at 1:00 p.m.  This is open to all women.  We are using the Horizon's Bible Study-An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy.


Women's Book Club: Come join our Women's Book Club that meets at the church on the second Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m.  On Feb. 13, we will discuss The 19th Wife  by David Ebershoff.


Mar. 13, 2014 - Blake, Sarah - The Postmistress


Where Moms Connect: Moms come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing's for sure- all moms need to connect with other moms!  Where Moms Connect is a unique curriculum that brings women together and helps them connect naturally, through faith-based discussion, and fun.  No matter where a mom is on her journey, she's welcome at Where Moms Connect. Each one-hour session includes insights on the day's topic, small-group discussion time, Bible insights, and practical ideas to apply what's learned. Any questions, contact Janelle Darst at 319-231-2435 or [email protected].  We will meet the third Saturday of each month: Feb. 15, March 15, April 19, May 17.

  "When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours." (Romans 1:12)

Lenten Book Groups

Once again we will offer a chance for our community to enjoy great conversation and grow friendships while reading good books together. Eric, Christine, Janelle, and Jay each plan to offer a different option to entice you. If you are interested in selecting a book and gathering a group, please let Eric know. Groups will begin meeting sometime after Ash Wednesday, March 5th and conclude on Holy Week. Signup sheets will be available in the Commons and books may be purchased through Amazon or other retailers. Here is what's on the schedule so far:




Jesus Freak: Feeding Healing Raising the Dead by Sara Miles 

Led by Pastor Eric at 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings and, if interest permits, noon on Wednesdays. 

Location: CHCPC building


Sara Miles offers a fresh, fully embodied faith that sweeps away the anxious formulas of religion to reveal the scandalous power of eating with sinners, embracing the unclean, and loving the wrong people. Jesus Freak: Feeding Healing Raising the Dead is her inspiring book for undomesticated Christians who still believe, as she writes, "that Jesus has given us the power to be Jesus."  Join pastor Eric on Sunday mornings or for a midweek lunch where we'll feast together at the table of Jesus Sara's words so lavishly set for us. 



What's the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian? - A Guide to What Matters Most by Martin Thielen  
Led by Pastor Jay at 7:00pm-8:30 on Mondays: March 17, March 31 and April 14.  
 Location:  Panera, Cedar Falls 


  "This book answers well a burning question.  It is a quick and easy read, but don't let that give you the impression it is simplistic.  It boils the faith down to the essential issues. and breaks through the logjam many of us and many churches are facing in trying to live the faith.  We will just be reading only Part 2 for our Lenten meditation, "Ten Things Christians Do need to believe."  For some who have done this book, it is good enough to warrant a second look.  For those who haven't, be prepared to be surprised and inspired by what really matters."



Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman 

Led by Christine Kaplunas at 11:00 AM on Thursday mornings: March 6, 13, 27, April 3, 10.  

Location: Brinkerhoff Lounge


"[This book] is the centerpiece of the Black prophet-mystic's lifelong attempt to bring the harrowing beauty of the African-American experience into deep engagement with what he called 'the religion of Jesus.'  Ultimately his goal was to offer this humanizing combination as the basis for an emancipatory way of being, moving toward a fundamentally unchained life that is available to all the women and men everywhere who hunger and thirst for righteousness, especially those 'who stand with their backs against the wall." -Vincent Harding. 

Note from Christine: Read the 1st chapter for the first gathering, one chapter per class.  Come with an open mind, and be ready to think out loud.


Music Notes from Sue Feltman, Director of Music

Below is the 9:00 music schedule for February:


February 2:  Sanctuary Choir  "O God, Our Help in Ages Past"

February 9:  Sanctuary Choir MEN: "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah"

February 16:  Choir off.  CHILDREN ring bells with Stephanie

February 23:  Sanctuary Choir "Jesus Calls Us"  with guest clarinetist


11:00 worship band continues each week with a rotating schedule.


If you have been involved in any of the music at Cedar Heights, vocal or instrumental, please reserve on your calendar Sunday, May 4.  This will be our Music Sunday with a combined 10:00 service.  I would love to have full participation from all musicians!


In appreciation of your time and talent,


Interim Pastor's Note ~ Dr. D. Jay Losher


   The questions on everyone's minds are  "Where are we in the process of calling the next pastor?  It doesn't look like we made any progress.  Shouldn't we have the Pastor Nominating Committee up and running by now?"  These and similar things are being asked more and more. 


   The process involves a series of stages.  We are currently nearing the end of the stage of "Preparation" for the search process.  We will be entering the next phase with our election of the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) on March 9! 

Strategic Planning Committee is circulating a survey which will form a final piece of the "Preparation Phase," so please complete and return the church-wide survey.  We hope to get as many to participate in the survey as possible to guarantee full and accurate information on our church dossier.  This will move us ever closet to the completion of the process. 




In Jesus' service,

Pastor Jay 


Associate Pastor's Note ~ Rev. Eric Sunderland


Dear Friends,


   We continue our journey this month through the season of Epiphany-a time when the church looks closely for the presence of God given to the world in the life of Jesus. I have to admit; sometimes it is hard to find the presence of God in the midst of daily living. Our attention is pulled in so many directions at once; the demands of work and family life are many. One day can glaze and melt into another. If we are not careful a whole lifetime can slip by us with little of it being truly lived.


   This is not the existence God intends for us. Poet Christian Wiman shares these words of wisdom in his book My Bright Abyss: "But what a relief it can be to befriend contingency, to meet God right here in the havoc of chance, to feel enduring love like a stroke of pure luck." So much happens in a day. We brush off the well-timed text message with a word of encouragement. We fail to marvel at the joy and laughter of a playing child. But what if we learned to be present to the divine spark in these and so many other common, everyday occurrences?


   A few weeks ago, I encouraged you to consider where you have seen or experienced or felt God in the past week, month, or year. I want to encourage you to take a moment or two each week during the month of February to consider how you are encountering God.  Then find time to share your experiences with others. I would be thrilled to buy you a cup of coffee and hear about your encounters with God.


   As for me, I am excited about the many ways God continues to show up in the life of our congregation: teenagers who want to wrestle with the meaning and purpose of life, desiring to know how God fits into the grander picture; a mission committee continuing to draw us all into active participation with God's mission through their volunteer challenge (how many hours can we add up this month?); people passionate about exploring all the possibilities God has for us.

Hope to see you in worship or over a cup of coffee soon.


Grace & Peace,

Pastor Eric



Life of the Congregation
Prayers, Letters & Thank You's


PRAYERS FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY:  Tricia Caster, Betty Meewes, Linda Gleissner, Joyce & Henry Hermanstorfer; for Grace Berends' brother; for Mila Daman's son; for Kathy Orr's sister; for Norma Caquelin's cousin; for Linda Walther's brother; andfor Barb Dowd and David Feltman, who are participating in the Feb. 1-10 Presbytery mission trip to Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey. 



  •  Jennifer, Troy, Marissa, & Delaney Garrett; Jennifer's grandmother died on Dec. 28.
  •  The family and friends of Pearl Apling, who passed away on Dec. 30. 
  •  Stephanie, Scott, Noah & Benjamin Gleissner; Stephanie's mother, Kathleen Gordon, died on Jan. 26.



  •  Megan & Dan Butler on the birth of their daughter, Ada Clare, on January 8.



...to all for the support we have received following the loss of our baby, Jensen Paul. We appreciate all your support, and keeping us in your prayers during this very difficult time. Thank you. Jacob, Ashlinn, & Jackson Baber 



Cedar Heights is hosting the Presbytery Meeting on March 4th!  

This is a great opportunity for us to share with other Presbyterians who we are and how we are about the work of the Lord.  Hosting does involve some responsibilities to make this happen.  We are in need of volunteers as greeters, to help direct folks where they need to go, for the registration and dining ticket tables, and ushers for the collection in the worship service.  If you would like to help CHCPC put our best foot forward, please sign up on the sheets in the commons.

Volunteer Schedule


Head Ushers in February:

9:00- DeAnna Lane

11:00- John Harris


Communion Preparation:

February 16-Dianna Briggs & Bob Cooper


Coffee Preparation:

Greg Dietz (Feb. 23: Willard Jenkins)



February Birthdays


Dr. D. Jay Losher, Interim Pastor

Rev. Eric Sunderland,Associate Pastor of Christian Education

Rev. Christine Kaplunas,Outreach & Web Design

Rev. Robert Roof, Pastor Emeritus

Sue Feltman, Director of Music

Janelle Darst,Early Childhood Christian Education

Stephanie Ehlers, College Intern of Children's Ministry

Kim Latch, Office Administrator

Shelly Mallin, Accounting

Elena Lyalina, Sanctuary Choir Accompanist

Morgan Horning, Soprano Section Leader

Leia Lensing, Alto Section Leader

Brent Smith, Bass Section Leader

Cindy & Tim Klatt, Custodians

Samantha Wohlert & Jessica McEvoy, Nursery Attendants


Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church | [email protected] | http://cedarheightspres.org/
2015 Rainbow Drive
Cedar Falls, IA 50613