Be Connected
Dear Volunteers,
Open a box of Girl Scout cookies and what is inside? Aside from our iconic chocolate, peanut butter and shortbread treats, there's a world of opportunities for girls inside.
- The opportunity to go to camp, travel with your troop, or mount a public service project
- The opportunity to grow and develop from a girl to a mature young woman who, as a participant in the cookie sale, learned to set and realize financial goals
To date the weather has been a challenge in this year's cookie sale, so all the more reason for us to remind our friends and communities about the direct sale beginning on February 14th. Whether you use Facebook, Twitter, group e-mails, or old fashioned pen and paper, remind everyone you can that they can find cookies by downloading our Cookie Locator app to their smart phones or by visiting on the web.
And be sure to tell all the Thin Mint addicted friends about the opportunities they are providing to girls when they buy and enjoy our famous cookies.
We appreciate your part in the Girl Scout Cookie Program!
| Carolyn Warman | Jane Ransom | Board Chair | President & CEO |
Outdoor Programs Filling Up Fast!
GSHPA's 2014 Spring Outdoor Programs will have Girl Scouts looking up in the sky, down at the earth and even back to the past as they discover and explore everything that nature has to offer. With our Outdoor Programs Girl Scouts can become anything from treasure hunters to adventurers and archery masters to scientists all while they bond with other Girl Scouts.
Spots fill up fast so register for your next outdoor adventure today! We have a variety of outdoor programs for every Girl Scout that provides fun and exhilarating new experiences that they will remember for a lifetime!
- Backpacking
- Foxfire Programs
- Nature Explorers
- Star Center
- Troop Adventure Camp (TAC)
- Adventure Days
- Canoeing
- Horseback Trail Rides
- Outdoor Skills
Click here to register for programs and to learn more about the outdoor adventures that awaits Girl Scouts.
Join Girl Scouts Across the Country by Celebrating Girl Scout Cookie Weekend
The initial ordering period might be over, BUT it doesn't mean you can't keep taking cookie orders! Rally up the troops and help us celebrate National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend (Feb. 7th-8th) by spreading the word and taking cookie orders. Any orders taken this weekend can be filled quickly by taking a visit to your closest Cookie Cupboard!
Help your Girl Scouts celebrate National Cookie Weekend by continuing to take orders. Click here to see a list of all cookie cupboards to continue fulfilling orders and get your Girl Scouts one step closer to their goal!
Did you know? The #1 reason why someone didn't buy cookies last year was because they weren't asked? It isn't too late to get Girl Scouts out and ask friends, family, neighbors or the community to help support a Girl Scout troop by purchasing their favorite cookies!
DEADLINE TO REPORT SALES: 11:59 p.m. Friday, February 14, 2014.
Girl Scouts will get a sweet reward for participating in National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend by receiving a FREE National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend patch.
Click here to find out how your troop can participate!
2014 Summer Camp Registration Opens Monday, Feb. 10th
What week-long vacation costs less than $300 and includes lodging, three meals a day and days filled with activities, new adventurous experiences and lifelong friends? Girl Scout Summer Camp at Camp Small Valley and Camp Archbald of course! Registration opens Monday, February 10 and at a new low price! - Traditional Camp = $249 +$50 non-refundable deposit
- Ranch Camp = $399 + $50 non-refundable deposit
Camp Small Valley
Camp Dates
Camp Archbald
Camp Dates
- June 15-20
- June 22-27
- July 6-11
- July 20-25
- July 27-August 1
- August 3-8
Click here to check-out our virtual Summer Camp Guide to see what adventures Girl Scouts will go on. Spots fill up quickly so register today and make this the summer she will never forget!
*Register before April 1 and your camper will receive her very own camp sweatshirt!
What Every Girl Scout Volunteer Needs to Know
A Girl Scout volunteer is many things (i.e. role model, leader, banker, travel agent, etc.) and with all the titles it is easy to get inundated with information, but volunteers can access all of the information you need to know via the 2014 edition of Volunteer Essentials. All Girl Scout volunteers are orientated using the Volunteer Essentials, but it never hurts to have a refresher! Check it out to learn about: - Girl Scouts as national organization and our council
- Journey curriculum
- Engaging girls and their families
- Travel policies
- Troop finances
- Safety guidelines
- Volunteer requirements
- Roles and responsibilities
Updated volunteer resource forms are also located on our website, they include the camp site rental form, financial records forms, parent/guardian permission forms, program training forms, trips and travel forms, volunteer screening process resources and even meeting ideas! It is everything you need to know and all under one page.
New West Regional Office Open
It's official, we've moved our State College office to the Hamilton Square Shopping Center located at the corner of West Hamilton Avenue and Atherton Street. Our new mailing address is 216 West Hamilton Avenue in State College, PA 16801. A well-lit sign will be installed by the end of this month to make it even easier to find us.
Camp Work Days: 4 Camps with Over 1,200 Acres in 3 Weekends!
Camp is just around the corner, but with 4 camps and 1,200+ acres to prep in only 3 weekend work days we need help from our Girl Scout troops! Spring Work Days provides Girl Scout troops (Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassadors) with service opportunities. Girl Scouts will help with a variety of jobs such as prepping units, setting up seasonal equipment and general clean up that will help get the Girl Scout camp grounds ready for spring camping. Spring Work Day Camp Calendar Troops will report on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at the camp dining hall to receive morning assignments. Afternoon assignments will be given after lunch, which will be provided. - April 4-6: Camp Echo Trail
- *April 4-6: Camp Furnace Hills (*Only Senior and Ambassador age levels may participate)
- April 11-13: Camp Louise
- April 25-27: Camp Archbald
Important things to note! - Only troops working may camp overnight.
- Limited accommodations are available for troops participating in the workday.
- Troops will camp for free, but must meet all training requirements and adult ratios.
- Non-Girl Scout adult volunteers will be on site for part of the day.
- A full Spring Work Day is 8 hours, but troops can enjoy camping activities once a full day is completed.
If a Girl Scout troop just can't wait for Girl Scout camp, this is a wonderful teaser to start the countdown to summer camp! Sign up for a Spring Work Day by calling GSHPA's office at 800.692.7816 and ask to be connected to a Registrar.
Registration Opens for Last Roundup Reunion
Plan now to "make new friends and keep the old" as Girl Scouts come together to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the 1965 Idaho Roundup from September 13-18, 2015 in Sandpoint, Idaho. Click here to find out more about this national Roundup Reunion and how you can register for a weekend of reminiscing and Girl Scout traditions from the Michigan '56, Colorado '59, Vermont '62 or the Idaho '65 Roundups.
North Regional Office Moving Upstairs
Our Montoursville office will be relocating but won't be going very far! Later this month, we will be moving our current Montoursville office from the lower level of the Parkview Center located at 999 North Loyalsock Avenue to an upper level suite in the same building.
Save the Date!
February 7 - 8 - National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend
February 10 - 2014 GSHPA Summer Camp Registration Opens
February 26 - Healthy Promise Video Chat - Episode #4 March 1 - Traveling Store in York
March 4 - Regional Governance Meeting in Montoursville March 5 - Regional Governance Meeting in Harrisburg March 6 - Regional Governance Meeting in Scranton March 8 - Traveling Store in Montoursville
March 11 - Regional Governance Meeting in York March 12 - Regional Governance Meeting in State College March 13 - Regional Governance Meeting Webinar March 15 - Traveling Store in State College
March 22 - Traveling Store in Scranton
March 28 - GSHPA Scholarship Applications Due by 4:30 p.m. April 4 - 6 - Work Days at Camp Echo Trail April 4 - 6 - Work Days at Camp Furnace Hills April 11 - 13 - Work Days at Camp Louise April 25 - 27 - Work Days at Camp Archbald May 3 - GSHPA Annual Meeting May 17-18 - aMAZE Weekend June 8 - Healthy Promise Finale at City Island in Harrisburg, PA
June 21 - Gold Award Ceremony at Founder's Hall in Hershey, PA