You're our number one crush!
Welcome to our February line up for
Peace Talk Radio's:

" Soul Chat with Faith and Michelle "

This weekly program is a platform where free, candid conversations about  living life here on Earth in the New World can take place!

We talk about all things spiritual!

This is an extremely important time for you, 
for humanity, and for Mother Earth.

Life is no longer to be lead from a "lack" mentality, 
no more victim consciousness, no more poverty consciousness.
There is a zero tolerance zone (ZTZ!) for lack now!

Learn more about these new times and how to properly use your free will!
BE the change you want to see in the world.

You, standing in your Light, can make a difference--more than you know!

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"Soul Chat with Faith and Michelle"
 ~ Tuesdays, 2:00-3:00 PM CAT/SAST ~
7:00 AM EST / 4:00 AM PST

Michelle Manders, your Host
Faith Parent Hendrickson, co-host

automatically converting to your local time zone.
Register once for all weekly events.

~ February 2017 Schedule ~
This month is the month of love, self-love, partnerships, and forming new foundations. 
Join us as we welcome guest speakers to partner with us, joining our show each week for the month of February:

February 7:
Dr. Estia Odendaal
Gynecologist and Functional Medical Doctor, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, presents:
"Are your Adrenals supporting the Foundation of your New Life?"
"What are you doing to support your Adrenals?"
Estia is a gynecologist and functional medicine doctor, assisting women of all ages in achieving physical wellness that is in alignment with each patient's personal needs. She helps empower women to overcome disease by incorporating the body-mind-soul connection. This is done through the use of both conventional and functional medicine approaches. 
She is working from Nurturance - women's journey to wellness, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa.
Estia's shares the importance of understanding biochemistry, hormones, insulin, stress on the body/mind/spirit, the chakras and more.  

We take what Estia's taught us about the importance of proper self care, body-mind-soul, into next week's show...

February 14:
Ginger Zucchino
Founder, The Gardener's Kitchen , Cary, North Carolina, USA
Ginger teaches organic gardening, canning, fermentation, dehydration and food preservation workshops at  THE GARDENER'S KITCHEN . She is a native North Carolinian raised in the Appalachian Mountains. Growing up she apprenticed on a five-acre family vegetable garden and worked for a commercial landscape design business and a commercial greenhouse and nursery operation. Ginger learned to can and preserve fruits and vegetables under the experienced, watchful, and loving eyes of her grandmothers. She formalized her education by earning a Bachelor's degree in Botany at UNC Chapel Hill and a Master's degree in Landscape Architecture at NC State University.
Ginger combines her love of organic sustainable agriculture with creativity and a passion for gourmet cooking. She created The Gardener's Kitchen to share with everyone her passion for growing, harvesting, cooking, and preserving fruits and vegetables through vivacious educational workshops.
Ginger believes everyone has the right to fresh, healthy, organically grown food. She wants you to enjoy acquiring the knowledge to provide organic produce for yourself - no matter where you live - whether in an apartment, urban or suburban home, or rural setting.
Join us as Ginger discusses the spiritual connections that can be made when we garden, especially using Biodynamic Gardening practices of Rudolf Steiner and the strength and unity that can be found and realized in gardening spiritually.  

February 21:
Nicholas Mintern
Born in Chelmsford, Essex, now in Nelson, New Zealand.
If you've ever dreamed about taking your home-based organic way to life to your neighborhood, or connecting more with your own community, or if you've thought about changing your hectic lifestyle to one of living in a community where people know each other, pitch in to help each other, often bartering services to maintain each others' homes and properties, you'll enjoy listening to Nick and how he turned a lost job in in the East of England in the London commuter belt to a completely different way of life he always dreamed of, while also moving to Nelson, New Zealand. It's here that he's enjoying Community living (common-unity living) with his young family.
But this isn't a bunch of tents and yurts, living off the grid--although Nick does have a yurt and straw bale house! It's still rural living.  What's most fascinating is by listening to Nick, you'll learn that you can take your own neighborhood and apply many of the same processes, shaping harmonious common-unity for mutual benefit, even if you're still in modern living. This is more than community gardening, in fact, you don't have to start with gardens! It's really a one-step-at-a-time process for reducing stress in the modern lifestyle from you, your home, to a community level.
This will be a thought-provoking discussion that I'm sure you'll walk away with some ideas for your own common-unity!
And the next week is our guest, Nick's, amazing partner...

February 28:
Jennifer Burt
Nelson, New Zealand
Join us as Jenni shares her fascinating experience with raising their boys with a different style in their up-and-coming common-unity, including her amazing pain-free childbirth experiences in their home, along with the use of spiritual midwifery. I found it fascinating to listen to Jenni also describe her methodology for raising her children through teaching them self-reliance, helping them to be themselves and loving to learn as they go along. Jenni describes this as "child-centered center of activity" and not one where the child is the center of attention. This is not a "baby-talk" approach whatsoever but rather a love-filled approach without judgment or labeling. I spoke to all of our 4 guests for over an hour indivicually to discuss their topics, and this was another conversation I didn't want to end! If you're interested in learning more about this style of parenting that Jenni will be sharing with us, here is a peek into some of what she'll share:

"Jean Liedloff , an American writer, spent two and a half years deep in the South American jungle with Stone Age Indians. The experience demolished her Western preconceptions of how we should live and led her to a radically different view of what human nature really is. She offers a new understanding of how we have lost much of our natural well-being and shows us practical ways to regain it for our children and for ourselves.

"Though not written as a child-rearing manual,  The Continuum Concept  has earned a reputation as an excellent resource for parents and parents-to-be who intuitively feel that the parenting "techniques" of the modern era are inherently misguided. It has also been helpful to many adults - parents and non-parents alike - who hope to recover the natural state of happiness lost as a result of the modern child-rearing practices of their well-meaning parents."

Get your headset to be ready to share with us or to ask a question when we're broadcasting live! Remember, if you can't attend live, listen to the recording. Feel free to email me, Faith, at  [email protected]  with any comments or questions! 

This weekly show is FOR YOU! Let us know how we can help you, topics you'd like to discuss!

Register now, and you'll receive reminder notices of our weekly program. Recordings are available at both my website and Michelle's website. Download and listen to the shows when you're in the car, traveling, walking, etc. "See" you soon!

Faith and Michelle

HeartLight Communications

Palace of Peace