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Mid May News 2018
Coastline  Mossy Banks
Where do you shine your light the most? 

Our energy is here to be expressed and our emotional energy in particular can behave like water. If we're not present it can leak, drain away, stagnate or freeze up but, used with awareness, it can be harnessed and directed to create powerful change and vibrant relationships, constantly cleansing and refreshing us.

In this issue you'll find lots of suggestions how to direct it through clear channels that create pathways towards your life purpose and your greatest growth.

Wishing you light and companionship on your journey

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

PS Just a quick reminder that I don't message on Facebook, Twitter or any social media. Email  is always the best way to get me.
Content Links
Quick Deadline Reminders
Boundaries: Are You A Saviour or A Servant?
Finding Your Spiritual Voice
Karma Connection - Release Stress in Less Than 5 Minutes
Boundaries, Self-Care & Narcisssm
The Birdie Song
Free Gaian Tarot Card Reading
Adventurous Eucalyptus
Spirit of Business - 7 Steps to Being Your Own Boss
Communicate With Crystals - Findhornreminders
An Evening with Marianne Williamson
Quick Deadline Reminders
This month's offers include: 
  • Lotus Bud
    Unsure which essence blend to choose? I love to tune in to discover the most powerful and effective blend for you right now and this personal guidance service is at half price until June 2. Thank  you for all your appreciative emails - they mean the world.

    'I swear I'm already experiencing the effects of the essence attunement and they haven't even arrived yet!' Jake, Student, Wales

  • Girl with Teddy and Moon
    Does your inner child need attention? So many of our triggers stem from childhood. We all adapt our behaviour as children to try to get love and approval. And, if that doesn't work, we'll misbehave or get sick. Negative attention is better than none.

    One of the ways we reclaim our wholeness is to give aspects of our wounded child the healing needed to become mature, functioning parts of us. The Inner Child range of essences has been channeled specifically for this by Shimara Kumara. This month the Inner Child essence called Peace is part of Crystal Herb's 20% offers which end May 31. 'Peace' releases any unresolved childhood shock or trauma.

  • Seal Sleeping Nikken Newsflash - at time of writing the Nikken wellbeing website  is offline due to a website migration.
    An upgraded site with easier navigation and more functionality will be live shortly - hopefully by May 18. I hope it gets your seal of approval:) In the meantime if you're already a customer you can order via customer services on 0800 0132 142 - just quote your customer ID. Email me if you need a reminder.  bach
    Nikken will be celebrating with a superb offer on all sleep products including magnetic mattress pads, duvets, pillows and sleep masks - so, if that's of interest, watch for a mailing in the next ten days. Read how Nikken's technologies raise your vibration & enhance your wellbeing
Boundaries: Are You Saviour or Servant?
Woman with Hands Reaching Out to Her
Are you very sensitive? Able to predict people's needs? Do you have psychic gifts and do you love to help others? 

These are all wonderful traits and to make the most of them, you also need discernment and clear boundaries. Otherwise it's easy for others to take advantage of your kind, giving, nature and you'll lose sight of your own goals because you're constantly diverted helping others with theirs. 

There's a balance that can be hard to find at times, between leaping to fulfil the needs of others that you are so aware of and neglecting your own. Sometimes, at an unconscious level, we may even use the problems of others to avoid looking at our own issues. We can also forget that by saving others we may prevent them from learning lessons that are vital for their soul growth.

Bach to the rescue: If you recognise this pattern then add Centaury to your Bach remedy mix. It belongs to the Oversensitivity group of remedies and is known as 'the service flower' as Centaury's commonly needed by those of us in service - particularly if you use your psychic and empathic gifts in your work. It's also the perfect remedy if you've experienced along period of illness or chronic pain which may have depleted your will. 

The fine line between being somebody's saviour and somebody's servant is one that becomes clear as you take Centaury. You'll finally check in with your own needs and desires before agreeing to something, 'no' will feel a comfortable response and you'll be able to see other people's motives more clearly.   Order Centaury

PS If this remedy resonates you'll enjoy Matt Kahn's video below
Finding Your Spiritual Voice
Jack in the Pulpit
I've been doing personal attunements now for 14 years and spirit still surprises me with new essences that I've never heard of. I also love the way that many plants are named after the states that they treat - the shamans of old knew just how to use them. This plant, for example, came through for the first time earlier this year and it's called Jack in the Pulpit - or less romantically, Bog Onion:)

It helps those of us who've been held back or repressed by religion or who've suffered because of our spiritual beliefs, whether in this lifetime, past lifetimes or through our family line.

If the thought of speaking with your authentic voice or following signs from spirit brings up feelings of panic or confusion, if it's hard for you to trust in your inner knowing, this plant will restore your faith. And as we move closer to a fifth dimensional reality we all need to leave behind the memories of religious persecution that may be subconsciously silencing the most essential part of us.

If you'd like to release past life blocks that are impacting your current life, try  Past Life Release essence

'Thank you very much for my Personal Transmission Attunement. It was spot on! Unwittingly I started feeling the attunement before I read your email.  I've taken in all your suggestions and I'm on the way to getting out of my head. It's been a problem for a long, long time.' Edwina, Retired, Devon
Join the Karma Connection  
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Recent posts include:  read your face map, the trauma crystal, the key to depression, how to release stress in less than 5 minutes and  conscious gardening.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (for example you're reading this on Facebook or Twitter) please sign up to the newsletter first on the website or use the gold 'Join My Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection

Not Yet Approved to Join? If you're on the mailing list as Lily Smith but your Facebook name is Flower Fairy:) you won't be approved to join, so please email your Facebook name if it's different to the name on the mailing list (I don't 'private' message).  matt
Please remember that forums are a benefit of being a newsletter reader. If you choose to opt out, you're opting out of the forums as well.
Boundaries, Self-Care & Narcissism
How's your emotional bank account? In this 90 minute video Matt Kahn talks about the importance of boundaries so that you don't overspend in response to the demands of those around you and end up emotionally bankrupt. 

He clarifies how narcissism has become an over-used expression and why many of us have subtly but crucially misunderstood the idea that life is a reflection of what we need to heal. 

He points out that being triggered shows you where you're outgrowing a particular level of consciousness. So being triggered is not a reason to go into self-judgement with thoughts such as 'surely I should be over this by now'. It's simply another layer - a chance to release more baggage. 

As he says, being triggered is an opportunity for forgiveness, for letting go of the need to blame the person who triggers you and taking responsibility for your own historical emotional pain. When we judge, it keeps us from being self-responsible. Relationships thrive when we communicate needs, rather than blame and make each other wrong. The final half hour is an exercise in transforming difficult feelings through our ancestral lineage. Well worth a cup of tea and some quiet personal time.

Try Karmic Forgiveness essence.
The Birdie Song 
This short video is sure to make you smile. Whatever music is playing in this Woodcock's head, it's a lot of fun to watch.
If you feel you've a lot on your shoulders right now, or it's been a while since you laughed, try  Lighten Up essence and you'll soon be walking like a woodcock:)
Free Gaian Tarot Reading
Card Reading This Gaian Tarot deck gives you an rich reading, showing you the challenges and gifts in your current situation. nyr  

Adventurous Eucalyptus
Feeling hemmed in? Does life feel stuck on repeat? Would you like to run free but feel it's too late or you've got too much responsibility?

Eucalyptus is a wonderful essential oil to strengthen lung energy. It helps you to release stagnation, when you may be feeling trapped and melancholic. Its invigorating effects mean you'll no longer feel bogged down physically or emotionally. It opens your chest and encourages you to breathe deeply of life in all its richness, so you can once again choose a path of adventure and look forward to the unfolding of fresh, new experiences.  

You can add Eucalyptus to your diffuser or you'll find it in Neal's Yard blend Herbal Remedies section as a salve to clear your head, lungs and sinuses with the cleansing scents of pine forests and with other oils as a soothing honeyed throat pastille.

Frankincense Intense Lift Duo New Arrival: The new addition to the Frankincense Intense Lift range has arrived. It's a natural age-defying eye cream clinically proven to deliver visible results in just 15 days. It visibly reduces fine lines and wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness. 

Launch Offers: To celebrate its arrival you can either save 20 GBP  or 23 Euros by ordering it with the hydrating cream or save 35 GBP or 40 Euros when you order the whole collection. Read more here

30% Off Clearance - includes a divine cologne for the man in your life which doubles as an after-shave, geranium shampoo and conditioner and organic virgin coconut oil.

May offers includes soaps and hand cream duos.   Browse 15% Off Rose Collection & Other May Offers This link will update with new offers as we move through May.

NYRO Spring Brochures
Browse online brochure

Products available  in the UK, Ireland, France & Germany spiritofbusiness

Please click 'follow' on my Neal's Yard Facebook page where you'll be first to hear about offers and new products.

Newsflash: Psst! The next new product will be an addition to the men's skincare range:)
Spirit of Business Forum
Expertise & Offers
Tree Pose on Beach
Recent highlights in the closed  Facebook Group  the 15 best video editing apps and 7 steps to being  your own boss.

New members are welcome, provided you're a reader, so if you're not on the mailing list, (for example, you're reading this on Social Media) please sign up to the newsletter first on the website or use the gold 'Join My Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. 

Do you need to find a balance that allows you step into spiritual leadership? Try Leo-Sun essence.

Are you an entrepreneur or would you like to work for yourself? Browse the best ethical business support I've used online

Please remember that forums are a benefit of being a newsletter reader. If you choose to opt out, you're opting out of the forums as well. 
Communicate with Crystals - Findhorn
Sat 30 June (7 Days)
Orange Calcite The mineral kingdom was the first to exist on Earth. Everything else followed: the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, and finally humanity. Crystals are the flowers of the mineral kingdom. Their regular geometric structure is unique in nature and can help to anchor light on the planet and within ourselves. They also contain ancient wisdom that can be accessed for the greater good.

At this moment of environmental stress humanity has a great responsibility to work cooperatively alongside the nature kingdoms. In this workshop, you'll learn how to respectfully attune to crystals and to the subtle realms, how to be of service in co-creating a better world for all: to help heal yourself, your environment and the planet. You'll learn what kind of crystals are best to work with in different circumstances.

The week will include profound meditations, healings and work in nature, all within the magical environment of the Findhorn Foundation.

The Crystal Bible
All crystals are provided on the workshop, with a wide selection available for you to experience their different energetic qualities. However, feel free to bring any personal crystals you wish to.

Clear Quartz Retreat in Ireland May 26/27 - book and read more alternatives

Use four powerful crystals to heighten your vibration and absorb more light Try Ascension Blend essence
An Evening With Marianne Williamson
Weds May 30, London WC1H
Books Studying
Marianne Williamson is one of the world's most respected spiritual teachers.

Drawing on her insights from A Course in Miracles, Marianne will speak about how we may transform our own lives and what we can do to change the world.

Marianne's best seller A Return to Love contains a paragraph beginning " Our deepest fear is not that we're inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we're powerful beyond measure..." which is considered an anthem for a generation of spiritual seekers.

Age of Miracles

Browse Marianne's upcoming eventsin the USA, France & Spain

Join her weekly livestream on the Course in Miracles

Release your old vision of yourself and find out who you could become Try Let Go and Flow essence
Making Light of It
Sleeping Baby

'Dreams are free therapy, but you can only get appointments at night.' Terri Guillemets

Brow Chakra essence
Quick Links
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