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President Trump's executive order on free speech and religious liberty, while welcome, is rather weak. It is woefully inadequate in meeting the challenges of our time ....
Pray for wisdom on any legislation that addresses issues regarding freedom of speech and/or religious liberties.
Pray Gal 5:13.


Perhaps there's no better person to serve America in Congress than one who has offered up his life in defense of her precious freedoms .
Military veterans work well as a team, have a sense of duty, are disciplined and know how to solve....
Pray that the Lord will raise great leaders for America's coming elections.
Pray Gal 6:9.

In January of this year, a horrific case of child abuse and neglect made waves across the country giving rise to the Fire Inspection bill that could threaten the rights of homeschooling parents....
Bad situations can sometimes result in bad policies. Please pray for protection of godly homeschooling families. Pray that California would find ways to address child neglect and abuse without infringing basic constitutional rights.
Pray Pr 3:13-14.

"Border Patrol agents say they can't be much clearer: They want more walls along the U.S.-Mexico border.
In a survey conducted by the National Border Patrol Council, the agents' union, they overwhelmingly supported adding a "wall system" in strategic locations, embracing President Trump's argument that it will boost their ability to nab or deter would-be illegal immigrants
Pray for God's solutions to our immigration problems.
Pray Ex 22:21.


To help Christians consider these issues from the viewpoint of what the Bible says, what the Constitution permits, what freedom requires, and what justice demands, American Pastors Network offers these four principles in considering how to vote 

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