Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight
Wright Enterprises-Community Spotlight

News Release
March 2, 2017

Bayview Hunter's Point YMCA 
"Primed & Prepped" Iron Chef Competion...
@ Fillmore Heritage Center (Formerly Yoshi's)

Don't Miss Out!  Attend or Donate

Renowned Chefs Partner with Successful Bayview Hunters Point YMCA Teen Program for 3rd Annual Iron Chef Competition  
Click flyer for tickets!

San Francisco-With deep roots in the Bayview community, the YMCA of San Francisco has a legacy of effective teen programs, preparing teens for jobs, school, and life. 'Primed and Prepped' is a notable program for the Bayview Hunters Point Y, through which young men and women of color have gained job skills in the culinary arts and gone on to explore careers in culinary arts and hospitality.

Bayview YMCA's Primed & Prepped: A Hospitality Management/Culinary Arts Mentoring & Job Training Program is pleased to announce their 3rd Annual Iron Chef Competition Fundraiser. The community event will be held at The Fillmore Heritage Center (Formerly Yoshi's) located at 1330 Fillmore St. on Tuesday, March 7th, from 5:00-8:00 pm.  ( Click Here for complete article)

San Francisco Renowned Chefs Give Back via
 "Primed & Prepped" Iron Chef Competition &
Hospitality Leader & Entertainer
Tommy Fullove will be Full ON 
as EmCee 

With more than 25 years of hospitality industry experience generating annual sales over $3.7 million, promoting San Francisco nightlife as a much sought after MC/DJ and with a compassion for community serving at the New Hope Community Church in South San Francisco, "Primed & Prepped Iron Chef Competition" Emcee for the evening, Tommy Fullove is the perfect person to keep the mix of food, fun and friends boiling over to an enjoyable evening of purpose.


Come on out to the 2017 Iron Chef Competition!  
See last year's coverage  and know you've got to get  "Primed and Prepped" 
for the  Iron Chef Competition 
@ The Fillmore Heritage Center (Formerly Yoshi's) 
Tuesday, March 7, 2017!

Thanks KTVU for 2016 Coverage!
Oh What Fun! Click Images to see!
Kelly Armstrong as "Cutie Pie" Speaks with KTVU Reporter at Last Year's Event. It's a must see and must taste event! March 7th! Coming Soon! Click Here for Tickets for This Year's Event!

Jackie Wright, Wright Enterprises

Media training, media and communication plans, community outreach, public relations, government relations, international business relations, social media, cause related marketing and fundraising are among the services of Wright Enterprises.   Contact: ; 415 525.0410