Enabling positive development for artisanal diamond miners and their communities
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News Release

April 16, 2014

For Immediate Release


Contact:          Dorothe Gizenga, Executive Director

                        Diamond Development Initiative International

                        Email [email protected]

                        Web www.ddiglobal.org


1 Nicholas Street, Suite 1516 A, Ottawa, ON  K1N 7B7 Canada


- Le francais suit -
[Ottawa] The Diamond Development Initiative (DDI) is pleased to announce a major new partnership with PROMINES, a project funded by the World Bank and the British Department for International Development (DFID) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) for improved governance in the mining sector.


The DDI project aims to assist the DRC government in formalizing the artisanal mining sector, reinforcing its management capacity and establishing a foundation for the social and economic development of artisanal mining communities. Specifically, this program will launch a sustainable process of regular registration and re-registration of artisanal miners. It will organize miners into associations and offer them support in technical areas, entrepreneurship, and pilot development projects to improve the economic and social situation of their communities. The project will be carried in the provinces of Maniema, South Kivu and Province Orientale for artisanal miners involved in gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten mining.


DDI is a unique partnership, bringing together civil society organizations, governments and industry to tackle the very substantial problems of artisanal diamond diggers in developing countries.


As explained by Doroth�e Gizenga, DDI's Executive Director: "The new project in DRC takes us beyond diamonds because we and our partners feel that our knowledge and success in that field can now be applied to other minerals." In 2011 and 2012, DDI successfully registered over 101,000 diamond artisanal miners in the Kasai provinces, an accomplishment of unprecedented size and importance. In 2013, DDI completed the registration of over 11,300 gold artisanal miners in the Gold Tracking Project, piloted by Partnership Africa Canada.


"The present project in the DRC takes formalization beyond basic registration and introduces programs that will sustain the transformation of the artisanal sector from informal to formal," said Michel Gratton, DDI's newly appointed Program Director.






[Ottawa] - L'Initiative diamant et d�veloppement (DDI) est tr�s heureuse d'annoncer un nouveau partenariat important avec PROMINES. Ce projet, financ� par la Banque mondiale et le Department for International Development (DFID), vise une meilleure gouvernance de l'industrie mini�re en R�publique d�mocratique du Congo (RDC).
Le projet DDI souhaite aider le gouvernement de la RDC dans sa formalisation du secteur minier artisanal, de renforcer sa capacit� de gestion du secteur, tout en mettant en place les assises sur lesquels se construira le d�veloppement social et �conomique des communaut�s mini�res artisanales. Plus pr�cis�ment, ce programme initiera un processus durable d'enregistrement des mineurs artisanaux.  Il organisera les mineurs en associations,  leur offrira un soutien dans les domaines techniques, d�veloppera leur esprit entrepreneuriale, et pilotera des projets de d�veloppement pouvant am�liorer la situation �conomique et sociale de leurs communaut�s.  Le projet sera r�alis� dans les provinces Orientale, Maniema et Sud- Kivu aupr�s des mineurs artisanaux exploitant l'or, le coltan, la cassit�rite et le wolframite.


DDI est un partenariat unique, regroupant les organisations de la soci�t� civile, les gouvernements et l'industrie pour r�soudre les probl�mes s�rieux auxquels font face les creuseurs artisans de diamants dans les pays en voie de d�veloppement.


Comme l'explique Mme Doroth�e Gizenga, directrice ex�cutive de DDI : " Le nouveau projet en RDC va au-del� des diamants.  Nous et nos partenaires croyons que nos connaissances et notre succ�s dans ce domaine peuvent maintenant �tre appliqu�es � d'autres types de min�raux." En 2011 et 2012, DDI a enregistr� avec succ�s plus de 101 000 mineurs artisans du diamant dans les provinces des Kasa�, un accomplissement de taille et d'importance sans pr�c�dent. En 2013, DDI a aussi compl�t� l'enregistrement de plus de 11 300 orpailleurs dans un projet de tra�abilit� de l'or, pilot� par Partenariat Afrique Canada.


"Le pr�sent projet en RDC prend la formalisation du secteur minier au-del� de l'enregistrement de base afin de mettre en œuvre des programmes qui fa�onneront la transformation du secteur minier artisanal, du formel � l'informel �, a d�clar� M. Michel Gratton, nouvellement nomm� directeur des programmes chez DDI.

About DDI:  The Diamond Development Initiative International (DDI International) is registered in the United States as a 501(c) (3) non-profit charitable organization, in the District of Columbia. EIN/tax ID number: 51-0616171. DDI's executive office is located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, where it is also incorporated as a registered charitable organization, registration N0. 841883606 RR 0001.

Contact us at [email protected] | Phone: +1.613.565.0507 | Fax:+1 613.565.0815