Forum Focus
July 2018

Message to Our Membership
Following the June meeting of the Scarsdale Forum Board of Directors, committee chairs and co-chairs for the 2018-2019 season have been appointed. Some already have indicated which topics they wish to study during the year ahead, and we look forward to an active 12 months of discussion, programs and meetings together as volunteers who care about our community.

A happy July 4th holiday week to all and best wishes for an enjoyable summer. For those of you in town this week, the Village has some holiday celebrations scheduled at the Scarsdale Pool Complex that you may wish to enjoy (see Community Events below). I look forward to seeing many of you at our next membership meeting on October 4 at the Scarsdale Woman’s Club, if not before.

Jon Mark
Committee Updates
Downtown Revitalization

Having completed work on its landmark Consumer Survey Report, the Downtown Revitalization Committee now is continuing its efforts, including meeting with some local merchants and landlords to review ideas and comments that were included in the report. 

Committee members also are hard at work entering and reviewing data from a similar survey of local merchants. The group is seeking volunteers who can help with this data entry and analysis; if you would like to lend a hand, please contact the committee chair, Susan Douglass ( .

In addition, the group is examining the possibility of using some of the village's unrented retail space as staging ground for an art show, in collaboration with the Scarsdale Arts Council. The idea is still in its infancy, and many details need to be addressed to determine its feasibility. The committee will continue to discuss the initiative in the coming months.

The Membership Committee will meet on Wednesday, July 18 at 8:00 pm , to review strategies to retain existing members, and encourage new members to attend Scarsdale Forum events and join committees. The group also will discuss ways in which the Scarsdale Forum can raise its profile throughout Scarsdale as a whole, and among smaller groups of residents who are most likely to join and take part in Scarsdale Forum activities.

You need not be a member of the Membership Committee to help develop its plan for next year. If you have comments or wish to join the group's efforts, get in touch with one of its co-chairs: Bruce Wells ( ) or Tim Foley ( ). 

The Program Committee has begun planning some exciting programs for the 2018-19 year. It is a robust group that includes several members who are new to both the committee and Scarsdale Forum.

The group also is excited to announce that it plans to collaborate with the Friends of the Scarsdale Library in planning at least one program next year. If you have any programming suggestions, feel free to contact either co-chair of the committee: Dara Gruenberg ( ) or David Irwin ( ). They welcome both new members and input on upcoming events.
Sustainability and Municipal Services

The Sustainability and Municipal Services Committees are working on a joint report about pesticide use throughout Scarsdale. The draft is near-final, and will be distributed to the members of each group for review and approval shortly.  

For more details, contact either of the Sustainability Committee's co-chairs, Darlene LeFrancois-Haber ( or Michelle Sterling ( ; or Municipal Services Committee chair, Madelaine Eppenstein ( ).
Community Events
July 2nd Fireworks Display at Pool

The annual fireworks display will be held tonight, Monday, July 2 at approximately 9:15 pm at the Scarsdale Pool Complex at 311 Mamaroneck Road . The event also will feature a performance by the Westchester Band, beginning at 7:30 pm . (In the case of rain, the band concert will be held on July 5 in Chase Park at 8:00 pm.)
A $2.00 fee will be charged to all non-pool members entering the pool complex after 5:00 pm, in conjunction with the scheduled fireworks. Beginning at 8:00 pm, all individuals entering the complex will be charged $2.00.

July 4th Carnival Day at Pool

Pack up the family and head over to the Scarsdale Pool Complex for a July 4th celebration. Enjoy a day of picnicking, carnival attractions, music and aquatic activities from 12 noon to 5:00 pm. Rain date, July 7th.
The Scarsdale Forum

The Scarsdale Forum is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, it has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, public speaker events and committee discussions. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status. 

Forum Focus generally is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members on the first Monday of each month. Story ideas should be sent to one week prior (last Monday of each month) to be included in the coming issue.

Media Contact/Communications Chair
Tim Foley 

Forum Focus Editor
Laura Halligan