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July 2013

Update from Villa Finale
Museum & Gardens

~ Fotoseptiembre 2013 ~
Somos San Antonio - We Are San Antonio
Places That Once Were
A community-based photo exhibition where
you are the photographer!

Fotoseptiembre 2012
Is there a place in San Antonio that is, or was, near and dear to you but is no longer open, standing or is in serious neglect?  Villa Finale: Museum & Gardens, invites the people of San Antonio to share these places with us as part of its Fotoseptiembre 2013 community exhibtion, Somos San Antonio - We Are San Antonio: Places That Once Were.  Photograph your selected place in a way that shows everyone why it is so special to you. 

Twenty-five of the best and most creative photographs will be on exhibit
at the Villa Finale Visitor Center located at 122 Madison Street from August 22nd through October 11, 2013.  Grab your cameras and get creative, San Antonio!

How to Enter

Become a member of Villa Finale's Somos San Antonio Flickr group and upload your photo(s).  You may also submit them electronically to  Inlcude the title of your photograph, where it was taken, and a sentence describing why the subject of your photo is meaningful.  (Open to all skill levels and ages.  Photos must be in JPEG format.)

Important Dates
August 9: submission deadline
August 14: photographs selected, photographers contacted
August 22: exhibit opening reception at the Villa Finale Visitor Center (5:30pm - 7:30pm)

For more information, visit or contact Sylvia Gonzalez, Manager of Public Programs at or call (210) 223-9800 ext. 34323.

Looking Ahead
Music for Your Eyes Tour
Thursday, August 1, 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Wax cylinder
Our most popular tour is back! Walter Mathis enhanced Villa Finale's world of visual beauty by filling his home with the sounds of music. Guests to his home were treated to a unique visit as they toured Villa Finale's collections while their ears were entertained by the musical delights of antique machines. We recreate this experience by treating today's visitors to demonstrations of some of the rare music machines in the Mathis collections including the automated 1921 Bechstein-Welte reproducing piano, located inside one of the home's lavish parlors.

$15 for members, $20 for non-members
Reservations Required: Please call (210) 223-9800 for reservations.

Opening: Somos San Antonio - We Are San Antonio 2013:
Places That Once Were
Thursday, August 22, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Villa Finale Visitor Center

Join us at the Villa Finale Visitor Center as we celebrate the opening of our Fotoseptiembre exhibition, Somos San Antonio - We Are San Antonio: Places That Once Were.  The exhibit is composed of photographs submitted by residents of San Antonio featuring places in the city that are important to them.  A boarded up restaurant?  A remodeled grocery store?  The site of what used to be a neighborhood playground?  These and more are the places that make a city home.

Opening reception is FREE and open to the public
Light refreshments will be served 
Questions? Please call (210) 223-9800  
At the Visitor Center

Villa Finale Visitor Center

122 Madison Street, San Antonio, TX 78204

Tuesday 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Wednesday - Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Texas Meets Paris: Printmaker Mary Bonner's French Works

Exhibit on view through August 16, 2013


Museum Shop Overstock Sale

40% off everything while supplies last!

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401 King William Street, San Antonio, TX 78204

Museum Shop located in Carriage House at rear of property.

Tuesday 12:00 - 4:00 pm  ~  Wednesday - Saturday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm



Tickets sold in the Museum Shop at the Carriage House.


Guided tours at 1:00 & 2:30 pm (reservations recommended)

Wednesday - Saturday

Guided tours at 10:00 am & 2:30 pm (reservations recommended)

Self-guided tours from 11:15 am - 2:00 pm (first floor only)

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