Friday with Fred - December 2, 2016

                   What is Man that Thou Art Mindful of Him?
One of the most exciting courses I am teaching at seminary this semester concerns the doctrine of God. In it we examine the names of God, the attributes of God and the concept of the trinity. This is very heady stuff but also very important for our daily spiritual lives.
One of the most amazing facts is that we are made in the actual Image of God. That does not mean that I am God or a little god, but I have the moral qualities and capabilities that are shared by God as well as responsibilities that go with those abilities.
Given that all men and women are made in the Image of God before the fall (Gen. 1:26, 27) and continue after the fall to possess the Image of God (Gen. 9:6) this places before us some ethical implications. The fact that man is made in the Image of God means we must think long and hard about ethical issues such as the death penalty, healthcare rationing, abortion, and suicide. All of these continue today to be topics of discussion in both secular and sacred venues.
The fact that we are made in the Image of God also demands some personal reflection regarding everyday situations with people. In today's political climate of identity politics, gender discrimination, race bating and bigotry it is all too common and all too easy to devalue and dehumanize people. This is exactly what Hitler did to the whole Jewish race, viewing them as sub-human. It is what Louis Farrakhan says whites have done to blacks, as he seems to do the very same thing to whites.
Every person deserves to be honored as a person no matter how horrible they act toward people. That does not mean you need to agree or like their views. This goes beyond free speech and freedom of religious expression. It goes to the heart of who we are, whose we are, and what we are. We are God's creation made in His Image for His Glory.  Our expression toward people is to be based on the realization of their essence. We are all made in the Image of God and as such we should be seen as having intrinsic worth, not simply instrumental value.
Let's bring our theology to the street! Do we treat people, all people, as one of God's creatures who possesses and has been created in the Image of God? I have failed many times over this political season to view some people with the divine dignity that is theirs by virtue of God's decree about His creation.  Make no mistake, some people do not seem to possess much virtue, but that does not erase the Image of God in them and God's love for them, nor my obligation to love them and treat them with dignity.
 "Love is sincerely wishing God's very best for someone else and
 doing what you can to see it come about."  ~ Pastor John Mitchell~
Serving Him with you
Until He comes for us,
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Grace Line Spiritual Life Conference
March 11, 2017
Phoenix, AZ 
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