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Mid September News 2018
Are you feeling disorientated? Does your old way of doing things no longer get the same results? Are you experiencing time differently?

Planetary frequencies are changing more and more rapidly and the response often looks like chaos in our outer world, which can feel very uncomfortable. But the more we allow and let go of our judgements about it, the more we can notice progress. 

Perhaps you respond with more maturity in previously triggering situations or you're more aware, or you have more compassion for yourself. These inner changes may not seem as dramatic as external transitions such as moving house or ending a relationship, but they resource you to handle life with more ease and create a different future.

Try making a list of the changes that have occurred this year within you as well as on the outside - it can be great way of seeing the positive effect of chaos.

This issue is full of tools to help you create the future you want. I hope you find them useful.

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach

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Content Links
Quick Deadline Reminders
From Pent Up Control to Composed Expression,
When Self Development is Unhelpful
Karma Connection - The First Step When Dealing With Trauma
Future Life Progression Training
Crystals & Planetary Magic - Judy Hall
Dearie Me
Uplifting Litsea Oil - Hands & Feet
Spirit of Business - Create a great Facebook banner
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millmanreminders
Trapped Emotions & Magnetic Field
Quick Deadline Reminders
This month's offers include: 
  • Confused Woman
    Half price personal essence guidance: when you want to grow in awareness it's not always easy to know where to begin. It can be like turning a ball of wool over and over searching for the end to pull. That's where personal guidance can help, as it bypasses the mind, the personality and the ego. This half price offer ends Tues Oct 2.
    Access the offer and payment buttons in the previous newsletter. 
  • Pink Rose
    Do you often feel ambushed by fear? Do you start off with confidence only to come over sick to your stomach or wake in a cold sweat convinced disaster's about to befall you. Or maybe you don't even begin because fear has built prison bars around your dreams. 
    When fear is stopping you from realising your potential it may be ancestral or past-life in nature or events that occurred when you were too young to remember. Either way, the ideal choice is Pink Rose. This karmic essence dissolves the crystallised energy around these memories allowing them to surface and release.
    Pink Rose is part of Crystal Herb's 20% offers which ends on Sunday 30 Sept. This link will then show October's offers. 
    Sacred Geometry: If you enjoy Merkaba meditations, the flower of life, stargates, mandalas or Archangel Metatron you'll love the Platonic Solid & Sacred Geometry Set also on 20% offer this month, designed to restore your original energetic blueprint.
From Pent Up Control to Composed Expression
Breaking Point
Do you 'bite your tongue' so hard you get a headache? Are you getting a stiff neck trying not to look at your shadow side? Do you panic that if you open up you'll drown in your own tears or destroy something you love? 

We live in a world of duality. There's no light without dark, no love without fear, no laughter without tears. But from a young age we often get the message that the negative side of our emotional nature isn't welcome. We learn to hide our jealousy, our anger and our grief for fear of the reaction of those around us. 

Unfortunately the more we stuff these feelings away, the more intense they become. Layer upon layer builds up. Each loss, each wound, becomes imprinted on each other like emotional scar tissue. And like scar tissue it becomes rigid and inflexible, almost impossible to penetrate.

This need to control our feelings, the habit of not giving ourselves an outlet to be heard, witnessed or validated, creates fertile terrain for obsession and overwhelm. It's present in the child who holds it together in the daytime but wets the bed at night, in the adult who holds down a responsible job but wakes up with tremors and night terrors. 

The next crisis becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back because there's only so much baggage you can carry and only so much tension you can cope with, whether that shows itself as physical illness, emotional outbursts or mental disorder. 

Cherry Plum
When you're at breaking point and you can't begin to make sense of how you feel,  Cherry Plum is the Bach remedy to reach for. 

Cherry Plum enables the pent up feelings to open and flow. Instead of an explosion there's relief and release. A sense of normality returns as you're once more able to connect with your higher guidance. Light arrives in the darkness and you can begin to compassionately integrate your experiences to become a more rounded and relaxed human being.   Order Cherry Plum

Cherry Plum is a key remedy in the blend of five stress remedies that have been trademarked as Rescue Remedy™. This blend is sold as Revival Remedy by Crystal Herbs and is one I always have in my handbag. It's also available as a fast-acting spray to clear difficult atmospheres and a skin cream which many people - especially teeenagers with tricky skin - swear by.  

'The essence you sent me was very helpful and I may use more of your essences or get another personal attunement soon. I've improved a great deal since, and I know the essence definitely had something to do with it' Rachel, Photographer, London

When Self-Development is Unhelpful
Red Camellia
Are you sensitive? Do you always give 100%? Many of our patterns of striving and perfectionism come from a belief that we need to be perfect ourselves - and we're not. 

Even self-development can be unhelpful if it comes from a place of trying to fix ourselves. We're not broken, we're simply a work in progress.

This sense of not being 'enough', whether that's wealthy enough, clever enough, successful enough, fit enough, slim enough or young enough, stems from the fact that we aren't energetically whole. We can't be enough if we have left parts of ourselves behind. Parts that we labelled as shameful, embarassing or unwelcome.

Healthy self-developement is a path back to wholeness. That means acknowledging the uncomfortable memories, the times we felt unsafe, shocked, or rejected and loving the parts of ourselves that are fragile, vulnerable and in need of love.

Red Camellia addresses those fragmented parts of us and opens a path from the heart chakra to the base chakra so that love can flow in and integrate the vibrations of fear, transmuting them into the original innocence and delight of our child self. 

Red Camellia is in Your Divine Blueprint - Live Soulfully essence

Consult Map Would you like an experienced companion for the next part of your journey? I've a coaching slot opened up for anyone wanting to start this month. Please email  if you'd like to set a time to see if it's the right time and fit for you. 

'Nikki gave me the time and space to support me through a huge transition in my life. She helped me to release fears and prepare myself to allow love to come in. Thank you for facilitating and working with me on this immense healing.' M. H. Meditation Teacher,

Join the Karma Connection  
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Recent posts include: why self-compasssion trumps self-esteem, a message from women to men, how to programme a crystal and  the first step when dealing with trauma.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (for example you're reading this on Facebook or Twitter) please sign up to the newsletter first on the website or use the gold 'Join My Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection

Not Yet Approved to Join? If you're on the mailing list as Lily Smith but your Facebook name is Flower Fairy:) you won't be approved to join, so please email your Facebook name if it's different to the name on the mailing list (I don't 'private' message).  flp

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Future Life Progression Training
Oct 12 - 14 Maidenhead, Berks
The Future is Yours Book Would you like to step into a possible future 5 or 10 years from now and get advice from your future self?

Anne Jirsch, who's pioneered Future Life Progression, explains that many people who use this method to see themselves in a situation in 5 years time find it then manifests much more quickly than that. Once we've stood in that energy it can move towards us much faster, whether that's a life partner, a genius business idea or a new house. 

Anne saw her own three book deal during future life progression and was able to ask her future self for the titles and which people to approach. She's also helped many people find the house of their dreams, their life purpose and the next step for their business success. Her books are packed with fascinating case studies.

From October 12-14 you can spend a long weekend experiencing and learning to deliver Future Life Progression.  You may want it as part of your professional toolkit (you get a certificate and the technique is well marketed, so clients can find you) or simply enjoy the experience of slipping around in time yourself. 

You also get a chance to visit a past life and travel many light years into the future when this planet is very different. Its fun, thought-provoking and inspirational.

Find it hard to make decisions? Try  Gemini-Mercury essence
Crystal & Planetary Magic - Judy Hall
Friday 19 Oct London 7-8.30pm
The Crystal Bible
The connection between crystals and planetary magic goes back into pre-history.  Crystals and their planetary affinities have been used for millennia to create luck, abundance, protection, wellbeing and wisdom. 

This evening Edwin Courtenay and Judy Hall will be sharing some of this ancient knowledge and how we can harness it to enhance our everyday life.

Edwin will also be offering guidance as to how we can create a heavenly magical circle calling upon the fixed stars to both protect us as we journey into the astral planes and call down the full power of our soul through the mystery and wonder of the zodiac journey.

Click for Judy's online crystal course, blog & upcoming events in Woverhampton, Ireland and the Netherlands
Dearie Me
Baby Deer Keeps Revisiting Man Who Rescued Him From Hole: Animal Family Compilation | The Dodo Top
Baby Deer Revisits Man Who Rescued Him: Animal Compilation
This lovely video shows five heart-warming stories of animal rescues. With bad news grabbing the headlines it's a lovely reminder of our essential kindness. 

Interestingly when Deer arrives as a totem in your attunements it brings the qualities that you see in the video: sensitivity, gentleness, compassion and the ability to get out of difficult situations.  reading 

So if you're facing a challenge and you call on deer energy it will open you up to your basic innocence and encourage you to take an open-hearted approach to the situation while trusting that it will resolve easily and peacefully.
Free Card Readings
Card Reading These Osho Tarot readings offer spreads from several decks. Read the explanation on the page, focus on your question and when you're ready click 'deal'. nyr  

Uplifting Litsea Oil - Hands & Feet 
Feeling tense, apathetic or foggy-brained? Do you have problems sleeping?

Litsea, also known as May Chang, has an uplifting, floral lemony aroma. Like liquid sunshine it cuts through apathy and confusion bringing refreshment to the mind and body and has a cleansing and astringent effect on the skin. 

Adding Litsea to your diffuser soothes your nerves, relaxes your body and cuts through negative thinking. It's a great oil for promoting restful sleep and encouraging better digestion as well as deeper breathing.

NYRO Soaps You'll find Litsea in the Neal's Yard's Garden Mint & Bergamot Hand Cream and Hand Wash and Hand Lotion, as well as their  Garden Mint & Bergamot Soap - palm-oil free, it leaves your skin soft and fragrant.  

The soap's also available as a pack of three or a multipack of four different soap fragrances or there's 4 GBP off a  Hand Cream & Soap duo.

Litsea oil is also in the fresh zingy aluminium-free Peppermint & Lime deodorant and in the pumice foot scrub which makes the most of its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properies.

Clearance - 50% Off Superfood Detox Blend
You'll find the vegan organic fibre cleanse blend at half price - ideal for a detox smoothie or sprinkled on food, it includes flax and chia seeds, apple and psyllium husks. 

Skincare Kit Offer Love Frankincense Intense? If you buy two Frankincense Intense products you currently get a free skincare kit worth 25 GBP or 28.75 Euros
Browse September offers   This link updates with new offers as time passes.

Products available in the UK, Ireland, France & Germany. Browse New Brochure

Please follow my Neal's Yard Facebook page to be first to hear of new offers and products.

Thinking of becoming a consultant in time for Christmas? Free training means you learn numerous ancient beauty secrets and you can access everything at a wholesale price. See what you get when you join.
Spirit of Business Forum
Expertise & Offers
Tree Pose on Beach
Recent highlights in the closed Facebook Group  create an amazing Facbook banner, and how to network from the heart.

New members are welcome, provided you're a reader, so if you're not on the mailing list, (for example, you're reading this on Social Media) please sign up to the newsletter first on the website or use the gold 'Join My Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. 

Are you beset by doubt and worry? Try Capricorn-Saturn essence.

Are you an entrepreneur or would you like to work for yourself? Browse the best ethical business support I've used online alternatives

Please remember that forums are a benefit of being a newsletter reader. If you choose to opt out, you're opting out of the forums as well. 
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Mon 29 Oct 7-8.30pm, London W1
The Life You Were Born to Live Explore the nature of reality, the self, death, and finally, a secret as ancient as the roots of this world. Awaken to the hidden powers of paradox, humor, and change. Discover a vision that may change your perspective about life's potential.

After an intensive, twenty-year spiritual quest, Dan Millman's teaching found its form as the Peaceful Warrior's Way. His work continues to evolve to meet the needs of a changing world.

Dan's seventeen books, including Way of the Peaceful Warrior, have inspired millions of readers in 29 languages worldwide. The feature film, Peaceful Warrior starring Nick Nolte, was adapted from his first book, based upon incidents from his life as  a former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor.

Click for Dan's upcoming events in Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic and the USA
Try  Soul Purpose essence
Trapped Emotions & Magnetic Field
Massage Most of us experience a wide range of emotions as we go through life. Some we allow to flow through us but if they're too uncomfortable or we don't feel able to express them, that flow is interrupted. 

It may be that later you can give yourself space to release the feeling, especially if you have a conscious practice such as mindful exercise or meditation. If you don't, then emotions become trapped creating an energy block that can cause problems physically, mentally and emotionally.  

When we block emotion we contract and guard against the feeling. Healing involves the opposite - expansion and relaxation, which we'll only do when we feel safe. That means feeling supported and accepted, perhaps by a practitioner or a loved one or by connecting deeply with our primal mother - Earth. 

She's always there, offering her healing plants and fertile soil in endless service. Her energy field is expressed as a magnetic grid which is deeply stabilising and relaxing and reminds you at a cellular level where you come from - quite literally in the case of birds and insects, who use it to navigate. When you root deeply into the nurturing earth, your body is better able to release its hold on difficult feelings.

  Woman Lying on Leaves One of my favourite cleansing practices is to lie spread-eagled on the ground and consciously offer all that's not in my highest interest to the Earth for transmutation.

A lack of connection to this energy is the prime reason why there's an epidemic of problems at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

So if you want an easy way to restore a constant healthy connection to magnetic field and Mother Earth, I can recommend the Nikken technologies. Simply slipping insoles that mimic the Earth's grid under your feet and drinking magnetically charged water makes a big difference. 

If you feel particularly depleted Nikken's unique magnetic sleep system allows you to cocoon yourself against the bombardment of wifi and emotional stress and give yourself a safe place to release and recharge. Many people report very vivid dreams when they first use one - I imagine due to emotional processing.

Nikken Magboy Explanation by Dr Bradley Nelson
Nikken Magboy Explanation by Dr Bradley Nelson
If this speaks to you, you may be interested in reading more about the Emotion Code devised by chiropractor Dr Brad Nelson. He uses energy testing to identify trapped emotion and then uses the Nikken Magduo (formerly called the Magboy) to release it and, if you read the book, you'll be able to do the same.

Magduo Saving: Originally 57 GBP the Magduo's been reduced to 44 GBP inc VAT until further notice. If you prefer it as an autoship order, you get reduced shipping. It's also great just to rub the Magduo over your body to 'wake it up' if you've been sitting for a while or to warm up before exercising or performing.

If you'd prefer the guidance of an experienced Emotion Code & Body Code practitioner, I can recommend Jude Hubbard, who offers sessions remotely. She has clients all over the world.

How to Order in the UK
Online: the Magduo is  available here online  for UK delivery

Outside the UK: To order within Europe please follow the steps on this page or   email for instructions

For the USA please contact Nikken consultant  Vanessa Francis.

Bernadette MacBurnie
Would you like to experience the technologies and learn more about the business model? Join me and other top consultants on Saturday Sept 22 in Bracknell, Berkshire from 10-12noon. Under an hour from Winchester, Guildford, Reading, Basingstoke, Oxford, Slough, Watford and West London.  Read more here
Making Light of It
Car Passenger
'A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.' Anon
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