Rev. Chuck's Email for Sunday, April 29, 2018
Members and Friends of First Church,

Springtime greetings from the intersection of Main Street, Job's Lane, and Meeting House! I have not seen any of Job Sayre's cattle being led to greener pastures to the west(how the name of the Lane originated). But, I do pick up an increase in activity along the main arteries of this historic village. There is a tangible bustle as we enter the busy season here on the east end. May this increased energy characterize the church you love.

Sunday marks the 5th Sunday of the Easter season, and the text for the day comes from Acts 8:26-40, the story of an unlikely encounter leading to an unlikely Baptism. The sermon title is "Surprised by the Spirit on the Road to Gaza". Join us to sing hymns such as "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name", "Lord I want To be a Christian", and a wonderful sending hymn entitled, "Savior Again to Your Dear Name (We Raise)".The choir sings an arrangement of the 23rd Psalm. I do not tire of telling you that the 10 oclock hour Sunday morning is the most important hour of the week. Be here!

At its meeting Thursday evening the session accepted with regret the resignation of Ann West and Khristin Heaney as Christian Education coordinators. The month of June will be their last and we will have a chance to recognize and thank them for their leadership on June 10th, the occasion of the summer picnic and conclusion of the church school year. Ann and Khristin have overseen the teaching ministry of this church for the last 8 years. We are grateful for their leadership and are assured that their participation in the life of their church will continue. Watch for an announcement about future changes as we insure a smooth transition.

The month of May includes special events such as First Communion on May 6th, Mother's Day celebration on the 13th, Confirmation-Commissioning on the 20th, and Memorial Sunday on the 26th.

The Pastor Nominating Committee continues its work, entering a new phase. After making revisions in the Ministry Information Form, the document candidates will see, the group prepares to review applications from potential pastors. We will hear a report in a minute for mission soon.

Take a look at the bulletin boards here in the Christian Education Wing. They tell a story of the Cuba Trip, Fellowship, and other mission activities. There's also reminders of next month's Presbyterian Women"s Rummage Sale, May 18th and 19th.Plan now to bring donations May 14th or thereafter.

The confirmation class is busy with memory work and their statements of Faith. Senior highs will deliver beautiful spring plants to many of the veteran members of FPC. The youth programs of our church bless not only the youth involved, but the greater congregation. Rejoice!

Plan now to attend a comedy, murder mystery dinner theater here on Saturday, May 12th at 6:30. Entitled, " A Redneck Wedding- Dyin to Get Hitched". The cost is$25 per person and part of the proceeds support FPC. RSVP to the church office, 283-1296. Who Dun it? The audience will be asked to solve the crime.

A Funeral service for Lee Nugent happens tomorrow, April 28 at 4:00 pm in our sanctuary. Lee had the distinction of serving in every office (deacon, trustee, and elder) as well as a Sunday School teacher at our church. We give thanks for him as we give him back to God.

Prayer for the Day: Almighty God, no concern of ours is irrelevant to you. No worry of ours is a mystery to you. You understand us better than we understand ourselves. Come quickly to lift us and share our burdens. Heal us of our diseases, and restore in us our sense of purpose. Be near to those who suffer, and console those who grieve. Bring peace where violence reigns, and increase the faith of those who doubt. Hear our prayers and let us hear you as we pray the prayer Jesus taught us by saying..."Our Father..."

See you in church!