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Full Moon in Scorpio   May 10, 2017
This Full Moon is called the Full Flower Moon since all growing things are opening to the warmth of the Sun. It is also called the Milk Moon since it marks a time of increasing fertility with temperatures warm enough for safely bearing young. I have been watching the canada geese and mallards pair up and I saw a baby robin last evening on my walk home. And I live in the city! I can only imagine what is happening in rural areas. This Moon is also called the Corn Planting Moon since with the warmer temperatures it is time to plant the gardens which will feed you all summer and provide a harvest in autumn to get you through the next winter.

This Sunday, May 14th is Mother's Day, a celebration of all mothers.  I think of our first
Mother - Mother Earth, sometimes called Gaia, or Pachamama. I think of the ocean, forests, and air, and how we all - plants, animals, and humans - depend on her for our very existence, and have for hundreds of thousands of years. I think of how fragile she is, with her delicate shell that surrounds an incredibly hot core and the thin bubble of atmosphere that provides us with air to breath as we zip around the sun at 67,000 mph. Every time I hear someone say Happy Mother's Day I will send a silent prayer of gratitude to Mother Earth that we all wake up to the fact that the Mother we share is struggling to support her children, all 7 billion of us, and that we can no longer take her generosity for granted.
This Full Moon signals coming out of the dark into the light. And with Jupiter shining so brightly right next to the Moon we can see that we are getting the good vibrations and support we need. The time of darkness is giving forth to the season of light. The Moon will be exactly full at 5:42 pm EDT on May 10th but will be especially powerful from now through the 11th.

Shining brightly,
Sun in Taurus & Moon in Scorpio
This month the Sun is in Taurus, so the Moon is in the opposite sign of Scorpio. These two signs are not as different in meaning as one might at first assume. Taurus the bull is an earth sign and deals with practical issues including the things we want to manifest in our lives. Taurus loves the material world and experiencing it with all five senses of taste, touch, sight, smell, and hearing. Taurus appreciates things that are solid and lasting and have practical purpose, so it is understandable that this is the Sun sign that oversees the physical labor that goes into the act of planting the fruits and vegetables that we harvest in the fall.

The Full Moon is in Scorpio, a water sign associated with the transformative energies that run beneath the surface of our world. These energies often stay locked in dark places since their sudden eruption can disrupt the smooth surface of our life with an emotional tsunami. Scorpio also wants to manifest, but on an emotional level where it can have deep connections, intensity, and passion.
The place where Scorpio Moon and Taurus Sun connect is through the surface of the
earth. Taurus is visible above the earth with its fertile fields and lush harvest. Scorpio is visible below the earth in molten lava, water, and dark crevices. The earth is the ground that both separates them and holds them together. One action on which Scorpio and Taurus agree is the act of plowing. Taurus likes it because plowing is necessary to sow the fields with seeds for the next harvest. Scorpio likes it because plowing a field brings the things that are underground up to the surface. Plowing the soil adds depth and fertility to the fields, guaranteeing a more abundant harvest.  

For You: To chose which seeds to plant you must first figure out what you wish to harvest.
Don't just grab any old seeds that happen to be close at hand. Really take some time and think this through. Plowing, planting, and harvesting a field is a lot of work. Be sure that you end up with something worth the effort and that will give you pleasure in tending and pride in harvesting.
As you plow you will find stones and rocks and other hard objects that get in the way of your planting. This is like when you dig into
past and find many hard places that have been obstacles in your path. Seeing these hard places can be difficult and painful.  Scorpio is saying that you can't ignore the dark hard places. But Taurus is reminding you that you can't stay too long looking at the pains of the past or you could get forever lost in the underworld, adrift in
the river Styx. When an old hard rock of the past comes to the surface while you are plowing your field,  pick it up, take time to look at it closely and then put it to the side and keep working. Don't let it take you away from the task of growing your life. You may find that you uncover enough stones that you can build a rocky wall around your field, turning what your thought were weaknesses into strong protection. Tend to your seeds, watch them break through the surface and grow into the plants and visions you worked hard for and deserve.
 Out of the darkness and into Enlightenment!
The Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon celebrates the Buddha's birthday and enlightenment. Buddha means 'one who is awake.'  It denotes a person who has attained supreme wisdom and compassion and the transcendence of desire and suffering. The celebration , called the Wesak Festival,  reminds us of the story of how the Buddha gained Enlightenment and to reflect on what it might mean for individuals to move towards Enlightenment. People who are not Buddhists can still learn from the teachings of the Buddha and seek to find a path of wisdom and compassion of their own choosing.

The festival is celebrated with much color and gaiety. Homes may be cleaned and decorated and chanting and praying are an important part.  'Bathing the Buddha' ceremony is often included where water is poured over the shoulders of the Buddha and serves as a reminder to purify the mind from greed, hatred and ignorance.

For You: My first astrology teacher, Isabel Hickey, told us that the Wesak Festival was a very special time for all people. She said that on an esoteric level, Buddha and Christ were brothers. But when Christ left the earth he promised to return only once; when Buddha left he promised to return yearly. She said that the Wesak Festival was when Buddha returns and shares the light of enlightenment, spiritual insight and good will to all humanity. Legend says that there is a yearly pilgrimage of people in the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas who gather at the time of the Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon in order to soak in the light of Buddha. Use your imagination in your meditation and see yourself join with others in this festival and connect to the spiritual enlightenment the Buddha shares during this Full Moon.
See with the eyes of Buddha, full of love and compassion for all beings. Send your love and energy to those who are suffering. The Buddha reminds us that nothing is permanent and the attachment to permanence causes suffering. See the world in its constant state of change, falling apart and coming together over and over again, until you reach a place of peace with the impermanence of life.
Lilan Laishley, Ph.D.     Astrologer
Lilan helping the Corn Planting Moon, Arizona
If you have been wanting to have your astrological chart interpreted, now is a good time. Lilan can help you see yourself in a new light, your strengths as well as your challenges. She will map your changing landscape and explain the current cycles of the planets through your life.  She has been a consulting astrologer for over thirty years, in addition to being a university professor and licensed counselor.  You will find her unique in the depth and breadth of knowledge she brings to her astrological readings, coaching, and teaching. To inquire about phone or office consults go to [email protected]