What an incredible Sunday of life change this past weekend! We celebrate the 15+ people who either surrendered their life to Jesus for the first time or recommitted their life to Him! Now, this Sunday the fun continues... baptizing those who will go public with Jesus! If you haven't signed up yet, there's still time! Go here: Sign Me Up!
This class is for EVERYONE! We are all about living out Matthew 28:19-20 and want as many people as possible engaging in discipleship. Why? Because we're called to do this! And we love Jesus too much not to! Pour into someone else or get poured into by taking this next step towards spiritual growth. Free food involved! Email Marlene and say "I'm in!"
We talked about this on Easter Sunday for the first time... a great outreach opportunity for YOU to get involved in! Do what I did and go out and buy as many flip flops as possible and then drop them in the bucket at our "flip or flop" display on Sundays! You'll only have until the end of our "IF" series, so don't wait too long! Thank you so much for your generosity!