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Generous Thinking 
"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

~Frederick Buechner

In This Issue
Generosity NOW
ABC Biennial Mission Summit
Book Reviews
Leaders Who Last Ministry Growth Series
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April 2017
What is your why? 
A few years ago, Simon Sinek led a TedTalk called "How Great Leaders Inspire Action." One of his critical points is this: "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." Sounds simple enough, but the truth is most of us, including most of our churches, operate from a place of what we do not why we do it. We have a good music program. We offer a multitude of educational opportunities. We go on mission trips. Come and join us! Look at how we discuss our budgets and the same is true-we need you to give to help us pay our bills, keep our staff, fund our ministry. But really what people are inspired by and motivated by-and respond to-is why we do it. The critical question facing churches in the 21st century is do you know your Why? Why does your unique and particular church exist? What would be missing in your community without you? Again, sounds simple enough, but discerning our Why is harder than it seems. So start with you. Why do you get up in the morning? Why do you go off to work or school? Why do you go to church? Why does it all matter? 

And as you start praying and listening for God to help you answer...go deeper. Go deep enough to touch the grace-filled imagination of God and when you reach that sweet spot, you'll know. You will start to change. Your church will start to change. The Spirit will flow and people will respond. Not because of what you do, but because of why you do it. What does this have to do with generosity? Everything. Generosity works and transforms the world because of our why more than our what or how. We can give money and time, but when it is given out of our deep why, we connect with God's work in the world which is more than good works, it is transforming, healing, and revolutionizing.

Grace and peace to you,
~Rev. Stacy Emerson
Stewardship Facilitator, Mission Resource Development
American Baptist Churches USA
GENEROSITY NOW: April 25-27 Washington DC

Still time to register  for GENEROSITY NOW formerly the North American Conference on Christian Philanthropy, which has been a premiere Ecumenical Stewardship Center event for decades. Laypersons, pastors, and judicatory and denominational staff who attend Generosity NOW increase their knowledge about spiritual principles and best practices relating to faithful stewardship and generous giving through plenary sessions, workshops, and worship.

The event will be held at Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, DC, an ABC church

Speakers include: 
Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
Director, Lewis Center for Church Leadership
Distinguished Professor of Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary

Dr. Ann A. Michel
Associate Director, Lewis Center for Church Leadership
Lecturer in Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary

Join us at the ABC Biennial Mission Summit in Portland, OR

June 30-July 2, 2017

What is a biennial Mission Summit?  The first purpose is the "Mission Summit," which is a unique opportunity to come together, share ideas, and learn from one another what is working in the growth and vitality of our churches today. American Baptists can take away new information to their home churches, and try new tactics to be successful as churches within their community.

Second, the Biennial Mission Summit is a time of celebration. We gather to celebrate God's work among us as an ABCUSA family, and this time together serves as a reunion where brothers and sisters in the faith reconnect, worship and learn together. These moments of celebration take place at the worship sessions, Mission Summit Experiences, in the hallways, and at the pre- and post-Biennial events of various ABCUSA affiliated groups and organizations.

Come and join us in Portland!

Book Review: Embracing Stewardship

Embracing Stewardship: How to put stewardship at the HEART of your congregation's LIFE by Charles R. Lane and Grace Duddy Pomeroy
Lane and Pomeroy address the challenges of stewardship in congregations today with a clear understanding of the obstacles we face and offer 8 pathways to deepen our ministry of generosity and stewardship as disciples of Christ. They give a generational perspective and touch on how we can transform the conversation in our congregations.

Leaders Who Last Ministry Growth Series
Are you ready...
To learn new strategies to grow and expand into your leadership?
To finally feel confident with money and stewardship?
To strengthen your relationships?
To finally get a handle on your productivity?
To balance work and life, so you can grow personally and professionally?

Margaret Marcuson's brand-new
Leaders Who Last Ministry Growth Series is designed for you.

Each series includes 8 specific lessons that are time-tested with leaders just like you. You'll receive one lesson a week to implement, so you can steadily grow stronger and more effective in that area. Plus you can get coaching to support you as you put these ideas to work in your own setting. Get support from an experienced pastor who can help you sustain yourself in your ministry.

Margaret J. Marcuson is a leader of leaders, ordained ABC minister, and teacher and student of human systems. She speaks and writes on leadership and works with faith leaders nationally as a consultant/coach.


Rev. Stacy Emerson, Stewardship Facilitator
Mission Resource Development
American Baptist Churches USA

American Baptists serving as the hands and feet of Christ

© 2014 Mission Resource Development, American Baptist Churches USA 
This resource is provided to you as a ministry of American Baptist Churches USA
 because American Baptists are united in mission through United Mission. 
Thank you for your gifts to United Mission!