Global Initiative/Archived Messages

Dear Global Initiative Friends,

You may now view Chris Griscom's archived messages about the Global Warming & Conscious Solutions initiative by logging in to Chris' website at with both the username and password: ecosos
--you will find the "login" button on the top right of the home page.  

Once you log in, the archived messages link will appear on the tool bar at the top left of the page, 2nd line--the link is: Global Warming & Conscious Solutions: Archived Messages from Chris Griscom.

It is very heartening to see that you care deeply about what is happening to our climate and that you are willing make it a priority in your lives.  Please reach out to everyone you know to join us in this most crucial endeavor.  

People from every walk of life, every philosophical perspective, can become aware that they have a stake in what happens to us all and our beloved planet.  We do not have to agree about what is true in life, or even actually believe that our thoughts can change things, to activate this Global Initiative.  We only have to practice the technologies of consciousness and see the results--however, the more people who participate, the more powerful it will be, so spread the word to everyone around you.

--Excerpt from Chris Griscom's Global Initiative archived messages

Thank you to all of you for the help you are extending, and for "spreading the word" to make this global project grow!  

Keep up the GREAT work of using your consciousness and energy to help our beloved planet!

With profound gratitude for each of you,
The Conscious Solutions Staff