Three Globe Machine Manufacturing personnel; Ron Jacobsen, Vice President; Ted Hile, Custom Manufacturing Manager; and Jim Martin, Director, Advanced Composites Equipment, attended and staffed the Globe exhibit at JEC World in Paris, France, March 8-10. Our booth within the U.S. Pavilion was visited by many prospective and current customers and we were well supported by the U.S. Commercial Services' French staff, some of whom have organized the U.S. presence at JEC for two decades. Our thanks go out to Stephanie Pencole for her continued outstanding service to our team! The JEC organization will likely report record attendance for this 3-day event at nearly 25,000; with approximately 1,200 exhibitors filling the venue.
Globe personnel spent more than 75% of their time in scheduled meetings to discuss current projects, identify mutual interests with partners, and listen to the needs of prospective customers. Direct meetings left little time to view the entire exposition, but the ability to meet with so many of our important business relationships at one venue brings great value to our organization in general and to our composite process technology and equipment developments specifically. JEC World Paris is very well attended by industry leaders from all parts of the world, providing the unique ability to schedule many high-value meetings all in one location and in a short time period. Paris may be an expensive location to visit, but not compared to the dozens of travel arrangements that would be required to achieve a comparable number of individual meetings!
Our partnerships and good relations with many composite material suppliers was highly evident at JEC. We frequently found ourselves in each other's exhibit spaces to introduce prospective mutual customers and discuss ways to combine the best material selections with innovative process technologies existing or in development at Globe. The RapidClave® production cure system, open collaboration with RocTool induction heated tooling methods, and our tailored continuous fiber thermoplastic tape tailored blank layup and consolidation workcells were just a few areas of great mutual interest. Globe composite customers typically require complete solutions that include intimate knowledge of the input materials, as well as the process and manufacturing technologies, so what better way to achieve this than through a team approach with our partners in composite materials and tooling engineering and supply? Look for upcoming announcements of the fruitful outcomes of these collaborative efforts!
Jim Martin, Director 

To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.

  Albert Einstein

Globe Machine Manufacturing Company | | (253) 383-2584