I Am Thankful for ______ in
My Answer =
Well, this is probably your last full day in
the office this week, so let me be the first (or one hundredth)
person to say "Happy Thanksgiving" and enjoy the time off. Every
one is thankful for something on Thanksgiving - family, friends and
other things, but I'm thinking more along the lines of government.
Click below and fill in the blank for yourself:
I'm Thankful for ____ in Gov't
While there are tons of things for which we're thankful in
government, there are also things that need some fixing. Often
times, people complain instead of working on a solution. Last week
we had over 100 comments on suggestions for fixing TSA's current
issues, so we thought: Why not take a stab at helping
out another gov't program? You guessed it...the DMV. Got
suggestions? Share them!
there are a thousand awesome
things about government..and you're one of them!
you for all you do to serve our country. Enjoy the holiday!
More awesomeness below.
Keep being awesome,
Steve (aka Mr. GovLoop)
P.S. Don't miss our awesome LIVE CHAT
NEXT TUESDAY, 11/30, 2-3p ET: