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Grace Church  
in Salem
385 Essex Street
Salem, Massachusetts 01970
The Reverend Debbie Phillips,
Grace Notes - The Weekly E-Newsletter of Grace Church
September 24, 2014

In This Issue
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Worship at Grace

Sunday Services at 8:00 am and 10:30 am


Healing Services on the third Sunday of the month


Young  and the Restless Chapel at 9:00 am the second Sunday of the month 


Morning Prayer is read Monday through Thursday at 9:00 am


All are always welcome to worship and pray with us at all services

This Week's Calendar




7:30 - 1:30 Yoga Training

9:00 am Morning Prayer

10 am - 12 noon Office open

(All choir rehearsals cancelled)

6:30 pm Pre-marriage prep

7:15 pm Pre-marriage prep 

7:00 pm Decorating Party for Spaghetti Supper




7:30 - 1:30 Yoga Training

9:00 am Morning Prayer

10 am to 12 noon

Office open

6:30 pm Bowditch Supper




7:30 - 1:30 Yoga Training 




8:00 am Holy Eucharist

9:30 am Parish Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am Holy Eucharist

10:30 am Church School



9:00 am Morning Prayer

9:30 am Music Staff Meeting

10 am to 12 noon

Office open



9:00 am Morning Prayer

9:00 am to 11:00 am Divorce Workshop

6:00 pm AA




9:00 am Morning Prayer

9:00 - 11:00 am Divorce Workshop

4:00 pm Choir School

7:30 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal








The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector


Anne Busteed, Sr. Warden

Joanne Moar, Jr. Warden

Peggy Carter, Clerk

Gary Young, Treasurer



David Ashton

Melissa Barnes

Eric Fialho

Tom Lemons

Jacquie Valatka

Caroline Watson-Felt



Ryan Patten, 

Director of Music


Tom and Karen Tucker, Sextons


Pauline Grady, 

Altar Guild Directress


Deb Papps, 

Flower Committee Chair


Eric Wagner,

Member Engagement Chair


Stephen Allen,

Stewardship Chair


 Jonathan Davis,

Finance Chair


David Ashton,

Real Asset Management Chair



Rector's Musings

webpic Debbie

As much as I thoroughly enjoyed my time off, it has been great to be back with you all. I had an experience of awesome hospitality in Nova Scotia, which I will share in future Gracenotes, but the welcome I received when I returned on the 14th pulled at my heart.

I am looking forward to deepening our connection to God through relevant worship, learning and especially through our new partnership with the 4th grade class at Bowditch School. It will be quite the adventure!

So thanks again for giving me the time and space to explore new ways of being in Christ and for the work you all accomplished while I was away.
This Sunday

99% of life is just showing up - Woody Allen

This Sunday, Jesus challenges the Pharisees to consider their own faithfulness with the parable of the landowner and his two sons. As he asks them to go work in his vineyard, one agrees, yet doesn't actually show up, and the other declines, but changes his mind and goes to work. Jesus asks them which son was more faithful. Their response requires them to consider their own faithfulness.

Leaders This Week

 8:00 am
Priscilla Lemons, assisting


10:30 am

 Joanne Moar, verger

Mason Nalipinski, acolyte

Eric Wagner, lector

Walt and Juli Lederhaus, chalicers

Peter Little, Marc Hawlena, ushers

Mark Steadman, greeter

Judy Rhodes, flowers

Lois Nicholson, Beth Brown, altar guild

Eric Fialho, Caroline Watson-Felt, counters

Bowditch Partnership

Like to eat? Come to our free spaghetti supper tomorrow in Abbot Hall.

This Thursday is our first event with the Bowditch's fourth grade class, their families and their teachers. We are hosting a spaghetti supper at Grace Church so that we can introduce ourselves and get to know each other a little better. The partnership between a church and a school is new for the City of Salem, and we are excited to host this event.

What can you do to be a part of this exciting endeavor? Come for a free spaghetti supper! And while you're eating, get to know the others at your table. 

There will be a decorating party tonight at 7:00 pm. The dinner tomorrow begins at 6:30 pm. See you there!
Halloween Parade October 2


Grace Church is joining her fellow citizens in the Salem Chamber of Commerce's Halloween Parade. The parade, which leaves Shetland Park and ends at the Salem Commons, is a family friendly event which includes all the schools in the system, as well as businesses and civic organizations. This year's theme is fantasy, so come dressed as your favorite character from C. S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia


We will be handing out bags of candy with our service schedule included. Please consider donating some candy and small ziploc bags. We will also be getting together at 6:30 the night before to fill these bags. All are welcome to come and help. 


We will be meeting at Shetland Park at 6:00 pm on October 2. Come for the fun and show Salem we understand how to celebrate the Eve of the Saints.

Blessing of Animals - October 5

Mark your calendars! Save the date! Groom your pet! Come to the Blessing of Animals on October 5 at 10:30 am in the Church.


This year, we've added a pet parade following the service down Essex Street, so come with your furry and feathered companions an celebrate the joy they bring as we remember that humble servant of God, St. Francis of Assisi.

Prayers of the People


M. Thomas Shaw, Pauline Grady, Pauline Zwicker, Vivien Forbes, Colin, Todd Cheney, Corey and Suzanne MacNeil, Karen Tucker, David, the Allen Family, the Bub Family, the Ryan family, Dorette Jodoin, Sally Coleman, Don, Jeanne Parler, Jeff Bowie, Nancy Dolan, Gary Young, Jr., Elisabeth Thomas, Cindy Carr, Ross Dolloff, Fran Nalipinski, The Tache Family, Alison, Blair and family, Bernice Conway, Jeff and family, John Mason, Karen, Susan Warren, Camilo Notario, Jr., Esmunda Notario, Tom D., Robert Duff, Stephen Duff, Rick Rizoli, Ian J. Surabian, Ashley Galvin, Gerry M., Mary K., Peter Brown, the Castiello Children, Eric Rielly, Maureen Joyce, Linda and Patrick Grant, the soul of Carol Sczerba Rielly, Glenn Murer, Carpenter Family, Karin O'Brien, Judy Rao, Kathy Christopher, Marge Bastos, Paul Williams, Patricia McDuffe, the Clancys, Beatrice Jideofor, Rachel Davis, Dr. Elizabeth Prout, Albert Engelken, Mary Carter, Harry Davis, Fatima Pinto, Kori Rodriguez, Mary Manning, Pat Carr, Love, Tiffanie Surabian, Nate, Phoebe and family, Carolyn Kent, Jannett, Marcie, Andrew Rossi, Norman Belanger, Joanna Morse, Virginia Steadman, Soiesette Robinson, Ryan Patten, Lisa J., Nancy Moore, Sarah Fialho, Bertram Furrowh, Jeannie and Harry W, Hank and Ann Cook, Patrick O'Donoghue, Do�a Yoya, Kathleen Hoff, George and Sue Erickson, the Diocese of Jerusalem and the Salem Public Schools, especially the Nathaniel Bowditch School.

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteers to answer the phone and help out with simple secretarial tasks at the Parish House. The hours available are Monday through Thursday from ten to noon and from one to three in the afternoon.  There is a sign up sheet in the lobby or you may contact Priscilla Lemons at 978-854-5100 or [email protected] to volunteer.

Grace Episcopal Church | 978-744-2796 
385 Essex Street
Salem, MA 01970

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