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Grace Church  
in Salem
385 Essex Street
Salem, Massachusetts 01970
The Reverend Debbie Phillips,
Grace Notes - The Weekly E-Newsletter of Grace Church
October 29, 2014

In This Issue
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Worship at Grace

Sunday Services at 8:00 am and 10:30 am


Healing Services on the third Sunday of the month


Young  and the Restless Chapel at 9:00 am the second Sunday of the month 



All are always welcome to worship and pray with us at all services

This Week's Calendar




9:30 am Morning Prayer

10 am - 12 noon Office open

10:00 am Art Class

4:00 pm Trunk or Treat @ Bowditch
7:30 pm Parish Choir





10 am to 12 noon

Office open





9:00 am - Music Together

2:00 pm - Funeral for Bp. Shaw at Trinity Copley Square 




8:00 am Holy Eucharist

9:00 am - Young and the Rrestless

9:30 am Parish Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am Holy Eucharist 

10:30 am Church School

12:00 pm - Celtic Worship Committee Meeting





10:00 - 12:00  Office Hours

10:00 am Music Staff Meeting

7:30 - North Shore Hub Meeting at Grace Church 





10 am Clergy Staff Meeting

6:00 pm AA





10 am - 12 noon Office open

10:00 am Art Class

4:00 pm Choir School

7:30 pm Parish Choir Rehearsal





The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector


Anne Busteed, Sr. Warden

Joanne Moar, Jr. Warden

Peggy Carter, Clerk

Gary Young, Treasurer



David Ashton

Melissa Barnes

Eric Fialho

Tom Lemons

Jacquie Valatka

Caroline Watson-Felt


The Reverend Laurel Deery, Deacon 


Ryan Patten, 

Director of Music


Tom and Karen Tucker, Sextons


Pauline Grady, 

Altar Guild Directress


Deb Papps, 

Flower Committee Chair


Eric Wagner,

Member Engagement Chair


Stephen Allen,

Stewardship Chair


 Jonathan Davis,

Finance Chair


David Ashton,

Real Asset Management Chair



Rector's Musings

webpic DebbieI have been working on the Worship Booklet for our daily night prayers while in the Holy Land. I have tried to design a service that reflects something of the places we visit that day. These places always involve people, whether it be Abraham, Mary, the Samaritan woman at the well, disciples or of course, Jesus.


All of these people trusted God. All of their lives were changed for the better because of this trust. They each placed their lives, their well being in God and were given new life.  


Trust is an important part of Stewardship. How much we trust God is central to how much we give back to God. How much we truly believe that God is mighty enough to provide us with all our needs is reflected in how much we give to others.


Going "all in" with God utterly transforms your life. You experience an exhilaration beyond compare. During these next few weeks, take a chance on God, trusting him with all your soul, mind and resources. 

This Sunday
All Saints  
This Sunday is All Saints' Sunday. We celebrate all the saints who have come before, are with us now, and are yet to come. We will baptize three new saints into the holy communion at 10:30 am 
Young and the Restless Chapel will take place at 9:00 am this week, as Debbie will be away next Sunday.

Our stewardship pilgrimage continues this week with Paige Nalipinski sharing her story at 10:30am
The Celtic Worship Committee is Sunday at 12 noon. 
We hope to see you there! 
Leaders This Week

8:00 am

The Reverend Debbie Phillips, presider and preacher 

Paige Nalipinski, assisting and epistler 

Cindy Rhodes, altar guild

Jane Thompson, flowers


10:30 am

The Reverend Debbie Phillips, presider and preacher

The Reverend Laurel Deery, deacon

Hugh MacKay, Joanne Moar, vergers

Jeremy Valatka, acolyte

Juli Lederhaus, lector

Paige Nalipinski, epistler

Juli and Walt Lederhaus, chalicers

Gary Young, David Latinik, ushers

Graham Gunnigle, greeter

Jane Thompson, flowers

Cindy Rhodes, altar guild

Jacquie Valatka, Jonathan Davis, counters

Worship Planning Group

 The next meeting to prepare for the Sunday evening Celtic service will be this Sunday at noon. 

Please come and share your ideas. All are welcome.
Our first service will be Sunday, December 7 at 5:00 pm. Tell your friends! 


Bowditch/Grace Church Partnership

This afternoon, we were a part of the Bowditch School's Trunk or Treat event. The Girl Scouts who meet at Grace Church joined us in this fun time, representing Grace Church to the children at our neighborhood school. It was so much fun!


Our next event takes place on November 14 from 11:30-12:30. The fourth graders are responsible for the 20 centerpieces for the Bowditch School Thanksgiving Meal. They will be taking a field trip to Grace Church and working with us, make their centerpieces. If you have this time to spare, consider stopping by and getting to know these students. Please see Debbie or Laurel if you can attend or have questions.

This reflection is the fifth in the series of our "Walking the Way" pilgrimage to generous hearts


Blessed are the pure in heart,  
for they will see God.

My parents introduced me to Jesus. They rarely gave lectures. They just lived and I
observed. They lived the Beatitudes by loving, forgiving, giving, and seeking God.
I saw my parents pray and study the Bible. I heard my parents share God's miracles,
wonders, blessings, and encouragement with others. And most of all, I saw my parents give.  My parents were guides and mentors to my brother and me, accompanying us on the path of walking the Way. Part of that walk, as my dad says, is giving God the 3-T's: time, talent, and treasure.

Papi, an Episcopal priest in Houston, and Mami never forced my brother, Alex (now an Episcopal priest in Manor, TX), or me to go to church. But we saw their dedication and countless hours at church preparing, cleaning, creating, listening, and counseling without complaining. We had many people come into our home to eat, sleep, and be refreshed. Papi and Mami taught us by example that we are blessed to be a blessing.

The more I give, the more I am blessed. I give the time God has granted me, and my beatitude is that a 24-hour day
accommodates my full-time teaching career, 9-hour course load for a doctorate, music ministry, walking, cooking, texting,
writing, singing, movies, family, travel, and friends.

I give the talent God has given me, and my beatitude is that I can write new songs and hear how my songs have touched
and moved others towards faithfulness.

I give the treasure God has entrusted me, and my beatitude is that I can be generous to my church, all the bills are paid and
there is money left over to travel to visit my son.

I like to think Jesus, as a son, is like me, a daughter, blessed to have received the gift of loving parents who taught us what
blessedness looks like in God's kingdom.

We all need guides and mentors to follow the Way of Jesus. The walk is not always easy, but we are never alone and
infinitely blessed


Reflection Questions:
* Who is your mentor in The Way of Following Jesus?
* How is it that in giving we receive?
* What does the path of the Beatitudes look like for you?
Sandra Montes
Iglesia Episcopal San Mateo
The Episcopal Diocese of Texas 


Young and the Restless:
Date Change
Debbie will be on pilgrimage in Israel and Palestine from November 9 through 21,
so Young and the Restless has been moved up to November 2 at 9:00 am.

Prayers this Week

Our Prayers are offered for:

The Madden Family, Joe L'Heureux, Joe Doherty, David, Giffy Russell, Marilyn Russell, George and Sue Erickson, Kathleen Hoff, Pauline Grady, Pauline Zwicker, Vivien Forbes, Colin, Todd Cheney, Corey and Suzanne MacNeil, Karen Tucker, David, the Ryan family, Dorette Jodoin, Sally Coleman, Don, Jeanne Parler, Jeff Bowie, Gary Young, Jr., Elisabeth Thomas, Cindy Carr, Ross Dolloff, Fran Nalipinski, The Tache Family, Alison, Blair and family, Bernice Conway, Jeff and family, John Mason, Karen, Susan Warren, Camilo Notario, Jr., Esmunda Notario, Tom D., Robert Duff, Stephen Duff, Rick Rizoli, Ian J. Surabian, Ashley Galvin, Gerry M., Mary K., the Castiello Children, Eric Rielly, Maureen Joyce, Linda and Patrick Grant, the soul of Carol Sczerba Rielly, Glenn Murer, Carpenter Family, Karin O'Brien, Judy Rao, Marge Bastos, Patricia McDuffe, the Clancys, Beatrice Jideofor, Rachel Davis, Dr. Elizabeth Prout, Albert Engelken, Mary Carter, Harry Davis, Fatima Pinto, Kori Rodriguez, Mary Manning, Pat Carr, Love, Tiffanie Surabian, Nate, Phoebe and family, Jannett, Marcie, Andrew Rossi, Norman Belanger, Joanna Morse, Virginia Steadman, Soiesette Robinson, Lisa J., Nancy Moore, Sarah Fialho, Bertram Furrowh, Jeannie and Harry W, Hank and Ann Cook, Do�a Yoya, Patrick O'Donoghue, Kathleen Hoff, George and Sue Erickson, the peaceful repose of the soul of M. Thomas Shaw, the Diocese of Jerusalem and the Salem Public Schools, especially the Nathaniel Bowditch School



Grace Episcopal Church | 978-744-2796 
385 Essex Street
Salem, MA 01970

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