Mary's Heirloom Seeds
Growing Root Crops from Seed to Harvest
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A few of our favorites

Did you get a chance to check out our
AUGUST Seed Planting Guide for the US
It was packed with growing info. 

Last week we also shared
Boost Your Health with Organic Herbs

If you have additional questions, we are happy to help!

Growing Radish from Seed to Harvest
The   German Giant is my favorite Radish.  It's not fancy or hard to grow and tastes great at any s ize.  The Radish may be a cool-weather crop but I continue to have success even in South Florida.
Grow  radishes in full sun or partial shade. Plant radishes in loose, well-drained soil. Remove soil lumps, rocks, and roots from radish planting beds. Obstructions can cause roots to grow malformed. Add organic matter to planting beds before sowing radishes. Radishes prefer a soil pH of 5.5 to 6.8.
Sow radish seed ½ inch deep and 1 inch apart; thin successful seedlings from 1 to 4 inches apart in wide rows depending upon the variety.
Sow radishes in the garden 2 to 3 weeks before average date of  the last frost in spring. Sow succession crops every 2 weeks in spring and in autumn. Two or more crops can be grown in spring. Radishes require 22 to 70 days to come to harvest. Warm weather can result in small roots. Long days may also cause radishes to flower; plant radishes during the shorter days of spring and autumn. In mild winter regions, grow radishes in late autumn and early winter. Radishes can withstand frost.          Continue Reading

Growing BEETS from Seed to Harvest
Beets can germinate in soil temperatures as low as 50 degrees, making them ideal for the early spring
and fall vegetable gardens. Beets don't care for overly acidic soil, so gardeners should perform a soil test before planting to ensure that the pH is between 6.2 and 6.8.
chioggio beets
Chioggio Beets
Table beet (also known as garden beet, blood turnip or red beet) is a popular garden vegetable throughout the United States. Beet tops are an excellent source of vitamin A and the roots are a good source of vitamin C. The tops are cooked or served fresh as greens and the roots may be pickled for salads or cooked whole, then sliced or diced. Beet juice is a basic ingredient of Russian borscht. The garden beet is closely related to Swiss chard, sugar beet and mangel.
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Fast-growing spring turnip crops are best harvested while the weather is still cool. The flavor of fall crops is improved by light frost. Don't forget the greens which are delicious!


Days to germination: 4-7

Days to Harvest: 50-70


Prefers well-drained, fertile soil high in organic matter, pH 6.0 to 7.5. Can tolerate slightly alkaline soil. Needs plentiful, consistent moisture. Loosen soil deeply or grow in raised beds to encourage good root development.   


From early spring to late summer, sow seeds ¼ to ½ inch deep, 1 inch apart in rows 12 to 18 inches apart. Thin plants to 4- to 6-inch spacings.

Plant every 2 weeks for continuous harvest. Quality and flavor are best if harvested when whether is cool.  




Rutabagas are cool weather crops that must be harvested before temperatures reach 75 degrees Fahrenheit but shouldn't be planted until the soil temperature remains at 50 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer.

Days to Germinate: 7-10
Days to Harvest: 80-90 days 

Prefers well-drained, fertile soil high in organic matter, pH 6.0 to 7.5. Can tolerate slightly alkaline soil. Needs plentiful, consistent moisture. Loosen soil deeply or grow in raised beds to encourage good root development.   


From early spring to late summer, sow seeds ¼ to ½ inch deep, 1 inch apart in rows 12 to 18 inches apart. Thin plants to 4- to 6-inch spacings.