Greetings from Goodman Games! We hope you had a great summer filled with friends and gaming, and that your hearts weren’t broken too badly by the Game of Thrones finale.
Gen Con 50 was a success beyond our wildest dreams! So many Crew judges came and ran so man amazing sessions! It truly felt like Goodman Games had a smaller, cooler convention going on inside of Gen Con . We had the best games because we have the best judges, and we thank each and every one of you for your efforts. WELL DONE CREW! 
Tournament Winners: Huge thanks to the winners of the 2017 Gen Con Dungeon Crawl Classics Team Tournament , team Medieval Knievel’s! Thanks to all the contributing desiners and judges, and a special thanks to Wayne for creating the Gong of Doom!
Road Crew Targets : After that fantastic success of Gen Con 50 , we are looking to our amazing Road Crew judges to help crew some events we have coming up soon. Specifically, . . .
The Alliance Open House is an industry event – this could be your chance to run for some of our amazing retailers and distributors! Be aware, this is not a standard convention. The Alliance Open House is an industry event hosted by a large game distributor. The event is for industry professionals only, so we are asking for Judges who can feel comfortable and have fun in that kind of setting. This event is a chance for you to “take your judging to the next level” and it has specific requirements: evening demo hours, a structured format, and professional attire required (for example, slacks and a collared shirt). If you are interested, please provide contact information for a retailer reference who can vouch for the quality of your games (for example, a retailer where you have run games). Judges who shine at an event like this may have future opportunities to attend the GAMA Trade Show and other industry events with Goodman Games.
And yes, when we say “scouts” we mean Boy Scouts! This is another non-traditional gaming event, an opportunity not only to run games for some young people, but to teach the next generations of players and Judges – both serious business and potentially an amazing amount of fun! This is going to be just like you imagine – tent camping in winter, an outdoors setting, and working with young people.
If either of those events speak to you, drop a line for details:  [email protected]
As 2017 begins to wind down, we want to say a huge Thank You to the entire crew for representing Goodman Games! The Road Crew is the proving ground, and the hundreds of amazing games you ran this year already – and the many, many more to come – are the proof.

And a reminder: judges who run 13+ games get their own wood-grained Judge pin. Make sure to hit that mark before the year closes!

Goodman Games: