The Guardian
Henderson County Sheriff's Office Newsletter
February 2017
Message from the Sheriff

"Rule of Law? We don't need no stinking law!" This seems to be the message of those "protestors" destroying businesses and property while restricting free speech and interfering with the rights of fellow citizens to peacefully drive or walk on public streets or byways. What entitles them to scream vulgarities and to physically attack and ridicule those who dare question their myth-based, passion-inflamed, anarchist ideology? Well, they don't like what they don't like, regardless of how or why it happened. 

They are like a child playing a board game. Gleeful at the prospect of winning but impetuously overturning the table and throwing a tantrum when faced with the prospect of losing. No nation or community can enjoy a peaceful existence when the Rule of Law is cast aside for no other reason than an election didn't yield the results that some people hoped for. A nation that cannot subjugate itself to the laws established for the security and governance of its people, especially when those laws were established by its people, will not be able to provide peace and security for its people. Such a nation would be in great danger of forfeiting its own liberty to the angry passions of misguided rebellion founded in ignorance and oblivious to the righteous constraints afforded us all by the Rule of Law. 

I believe many of the vile and disgusting protests that are taking place across our nation are not a result of the differences between America's traditional political parties. Rather, they appear to be the result of an anti-American social progressive movement with the goal of subverting our great Republic and replacing it with something akin to the social economic governance that continues to decimate Western Europe to this day. In truth, I believe that many in this nation from all parties awoke at the last moment and saw the face of the beast that was poised to consume us all. 

Now is the time for patriotism and unity. Americans must focus on what we all hold to be true, regardless of party or religious affiliation. We must move beyond anger and grief; beyond gloating and taunts; beyond anxiousness and fear. Despite what we have all endured, God is still on His throne and we, by His grace alone, are still the greatest nation on this earth. Still, we are facing an insidious threat from within, and how we choose to respond will determine what kind of a country we leave for our children. 

Americans are deeply and rightfully patriotic. We love our nation, we honor our flag, and we worship our God according to the convictions of our own hearts. We love and honor freedom and those who have fought to obtain and keep it for us. We honor our nation's diversity, and we believe in the God ordained dignity and equality for all people. We respect all life as being given by God. We believe in sacrificing for the common good. We believe that in our homes, our communities and across our nation, we are still our brother's keeper.

As your Sheriff, it is my hope that our commonly shared values and beliefs will serve to unify us all for the sake of our county, our state and our nation. The Henderson County Sheriff's Office is committed to the welfare, peace and safety of all who live in our community. Through unified cooperation and partnerships together, we will respect and uphold the Rule of Law, the dignity of our people and the rights of all to be safe and secure where they work and live. Can we count on you?

Sheriff Charles S. McDonald

Upcoming Events

Sheriff McDonald and his staff will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting in Mills River on Thursday, February 9, 2017 from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the Community Room at Mills River Town Hall (located at 124 Town Center Drive in Mills River, NC).
  • Learn about events and programs provided by the agency
  • Ask questions
  • Meet the three deputies who are specifically dedicated to the Mills River community
More Town Hall meetings will be scheduled throughout the year in areas across Henderson County. We will share dates in "The Guardian" and on Facebook as they are scheduled. Plan to join Sheriff McDonald at a Town Hall in 2017!

Emergency Preparedness Class - 2 opportunities to attend!

Julie Kidd, Evidence Custodian, will be offering emergency preparedness classes in March.  There are two dates to choose from:

  • To attend you must RSVP to Julie Kidd by emailing (Facebook RSVP does not ensure your spot)  
  • Seating will be limited to 30 students per session
  • Participants are encouraged to bring a bagged lunch or snack
Learn how to make an emergency plan, build an emergency preparedness kit and stay informed

Hometown Heroes

Each month we would like to celebrate a few of the achievements and victories of our employees.

Congratulations to Telecommunicator Zecher for being our 911 Center's most recent Kudos Card Winner! He was nominated for going above and beyond every day.  One example of his dedication is the email he creates and sends during each shift that outlines which officer is working which area of the county and other pertinent information. 
Animal Enforcment Deputy Reece provided excellent service following an incident where a drunk driver's vehicle swerved off the road, crashed through a fence and struck and killed a horse in a pasture.  Deputy Reece was instrumental in building the case that led to the motorist being convicted of misdemeanor cruelty to animals (in addition to the motorist pleading guilty to DWI and driving with license revoked).  Following the trial, the victim and owner of the horse sent in a letter that contained the following: "I feel Deputy Reece's testimony was priceless in this jury trial. When tragedy comes you learn things you would otherwise never learn. I learned that day there is a deputy Sheriff that has compassion and is willing to go the extra mile to do his job. I can't tell you what a blessing he was to me on that horrible day."

Detention Center Improvements

At the end of 2016, the Henderson County Detention Center's minimum security housing unit received some upgrades. Showers were resurfaced, walls received a fresh coat of paint and carpet was removed from the common area. The material used on the showers is easier to clean and more durable than the previous surface.

Jail inspectors are now using Henderson County's shower re-surfacing upgrade as a model for other detention centers as they manage the wear-and-tear and moisture issues that can occur in their facilities.  A special thank you goes out to the jail administrative staff and two inmate workers who assisted with painting. 

The Bloodhounds Are All Grown Up!

For those of you who have followed our bloodhounds' progress over the past year, we wanted to provide an update on just how much they've grown.

Deputy Turpin has chronicled K9 Bailey's growth over the past year.  Since last January, Bailey successfully completed her first certification process through the North American Police Work Dog Association. Bailey and her half-sister Echo train together at the K9 team's weekly training session in addition to assisting on missing person calls.  

Recent Events

Sheriff's Citizens Academy

The 2017 Sheriff's Citizens Academy is off to a great start.  Three weeks of class have already taken place with a presentation from Sheriff McDonald and tour of the Crime Lab and Sheriff's Office occurring on the first evening. Students have received blocks of instruction on training, the hiring process, school resource deputies, STAR (Sheriffs Teaching Abuse Resistance), the court system, union squad, chaplains, honor guard and cadets.  SCA is a wonderful opportunity for members of the public to get an in depth look at all aspects and divisions that make up the Henderson County Sheriff's Office.
The Way's Hometown Heroes Luncheon

Thank you to the teachers and students at The Way Christian Academy for organizing a Hometown Hero luncheon honoring Henderson County's first responders. Firefighters, EMS personnel and law enforcement were recognized during a thoughtful and entertaining presentation.

Teacher Mindy Greene gave a special thank you to Sgt. Bishop and other deputies for all the assistance they provide the school. She celebrated the fact that the students at The Way appreciate the deputies and know law enforcement as friends. VIP Danny Livingston also received recognition for the time he spends providing patrols and even coming in the school and helping students with their work.

We were happy to see so many wonderful students respecting and appreciating the work that our first responders do in this county! 
Civil Sale

Cpl. Cox and Lt. Anderson conducted a civil sale on the steps of the courthouse on January 18th.  There are no upcoming civil sales at this time, but we will continue to post information on our website and Facebook page in the future.
TRIAD Henderson County

The Sheriff's Office was happy to host members from  TRIAD Henderson County for their monthly meeting. TRIAD does wonderful work in our community providing resources to the elderly and combating elder abuse and fraud. 

TRIAD, along with HCSO,  Hope Rx and other community partners, will be offering Shred/Pill Collection events throughout the county in 2017. We will keep you posted.
Instructor School 

Congratulations to our staff who successfully completed instructor training! This course is required for all instructors who conduct state mandated in-service training, Basic Law Enforcement Training and other specialized courses. The challenging 75-hour course required these individuals to develop lesson plans and teach their own 80 minute course on a topic of their choosing. Special thanks to Cpl. Cantwell, Lt. Fuss, Capt. Denny and retired NCJA instructors Leila Humphries and Gail Kemp for making it possible for the Henderson County Sheriff's Office to host this course in house for the first time.

BCFD Ladies Auxiliary Appreciation

Sheriff McDonald and Major Stout attended a meeting at the Bat Cave Fire Department to present the Ladies Auxiliary with an appreciation certificate for their work during the Party Rock Fire.  They went above and beyond to take care of firefighters and emergency responders throughout the entire response.  
Taser Training

Another group of deputies and detention officers completed their taser training course this month. Following the seated portion of the class, students not only completed the practical portion involving deploying their tasers, but the portion where students were the tasing recipients as well.
River Oak

The River Oak community hosted Sheriff McDonald and his staff for an informational town hall meeting.  A variety of information was covered including crime statistics and citizen programs.  The VIPs gave a special presentation as well. 
Church Security Class

Due to the large number of participants, we held our most recent Church Security Class in the courthouse.  Over 50 people representing eleven organizations attended.  

Did you know?

The 85 volunteers in the VIP program contributed 24,727 hours during 2016! That is 5,265 more hours than in 2015. Sheriff McDonald tasked the VIPs with some extra responsibilities over the past year. VIPs now assist with Detention Center reception, Animal Control's feral cat program and management of the Speed Trailer.  The VIPs provide a great service that allows deputies to focus on the tasks that only they can do.  

The estimated value of 2016 volunteer hours: $541,089 to the Henderson County taxpayers!  

The VIP Program is always seeking civic minded people to join their professional team.  Get a glimpse of their varied areas of responsibility and call (828) 698-5055 for more information.

Henderson County Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Charles S. McDonald
100 North Grove Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792

Admin: (828) 697-4596
Communications: (828) 697-4911

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