August 2018, The Last Days of Summer

Yesterday, four days before Labor Day, my summer came to an earlier than anticipated end. I pay little attention to the school calendar since we no longer have a student at home, but as I drove to the Habitat CFC Warehouse in the morning, it was apparent that a new school year had begun. The friendly crossing guards I last waved to in June were back at their corners and several times I had to stop my car for excited children to get on their school busses. I was sad to see the summer come to a close, but I was reminded that the end of August is also a time for important and exciting new beginnings.

I am proud to report that the children from seven local families are heading off to school from brand new Habitat CFC homes that were completed, so far this year. We know that children from Habitat families do better in school and have fewer health problems than others in their peer group. This shouldn’t really surprise anyone. When a child lives in a stable home, when a family is able to securely manage their finances, and when a home is constructed with quality, safe materials, the positive impact on every member of the family is remarkable. I can’t say that all of our Habitat children are entering their classrooms happy that summer is over – but we’re thrilled that they’re all beginning a new school year poised to succeed!

This weekend, when you feel sad about the end of the summer, take a moment to celebrate the positive new beginnings you’ve helped Habitat CFC make possible. With your continued support, there are many more still to come. Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend!

Stuart D. Adelberg  
Chief Executive Officer 
Habitat CFC News
Double Home Dedication for The Quinones & Boglio/Diaz Families
On Saturday, August 25 Habitat CFC held a Double Dedication Ceremony at Waldorf Avenue in Bridgeport for the Quinones and Boglio/Diaz families. No one could have asked for more wonderful weather for the Dedication where our future homeowners, Habitat staff members, Youth Build participants, Youth United members, students from Sacred Heart University, friends, neighbors and family enjoyed the celebration. After the ceremony the families welcomed attendees to join them to “break bread” for the first time in their new homes and share their happiness.
One of the unique aspects of this dedication was the great participation and sponsorship of the Waldorf Avenue houses by young people from throughout the County. Habitat CFC’s Youth United group sponsored and raised a significant amount of money toward the construction costs in partnership with the Sacred Heart University Habitat for Humanity Chapter. Both of these groups also participated in building the homes and were joined in the effort by participants in the Youth Build program. Youth Build is an alternative education program operated by The Workplace in partnership with Habitat CFC that provides young people with an opportunity to obtain their GED, get construction training and leadership opportunities through service.
Everyone in attendance offered the two families their most sincere good wishes as they begin their lives in the new homes they helped build. It was also particularly moving when Waldorf Avenue neighbor Doran Wright stopped by to warmly welcome the Quinones and Boglio/Diaz families to their new neighborhood.  

For more pictures click here
Habitat CFC’s AmeriCorps finishes his 1,700 hours
Habitat CFC staff and volunteers came together on Tuesday, August 21 in the afternoon to thank Nick Knebel for his year of service as an  AmeriCorps volunteer. Nick gave us 1,700 hours of his time, talent and friendship helping to build new affordable homes for hard working Fairfield County families. We wish him well as he moves onto his next adventure!! Thank you, Nick!!

For more pictures click here
Progress Report....
For more information or to contribute, please click here .
Cars for Homes
Wondering if your car will make it for the last road trip of the summer? Don't risk it. Donate it to Habitat for Humanity. We turn cars into cash to support affordable home buying opportunities Towing is free!

For more info click here .
Upcoming Events
There are Still a Few Spaces Remaining So Reserve Today

Our  25th   Annual Benefit   Golf Outing   is getting much closer! Join us on Monday, September 17th at  The Country Club of Fairfield .

On Friday, September 7th our Golf Silent Auction will go live for pre-bidding. Event and non-event goers can bid on items. All you have to do is sign up and start bidding. Mobile and online bidding is fun, active and completely secure! Bid on our unique Silent Auction items by using your smart phone or tablet. You can start bidding right away by simply registering in our auction site. Everyone can bid in the auction and help Habitat CFC build more affordable homes even if you can’t make the event. The Silent Auction will close at the evening of the Golf event!

We have many unique items this year including Golf Packages at great courses such as Winged Foot Golf Course, Wee Burn Country Club, Country Club of Fairfield, a Pampering Package that includes a Frédéric Fekkai Salon and Noelle Spa gift certificate, a Fall Family Entertainment Package and more!!

All of the proceeds from this event will go directly toward building and providing affordable homeownership opportunities to hardworking families in Coastal Fairfield County.
Save the Date! For Get Out the Vote! On Tuesday, September 25 th !

Habitat CFC is participating in Fairfield County Community Foundation’s Get Out the Vote program which offers support to nonprofits to boost local efforts to engage voters in Fairfield County. As Connecticut looks forward to Election Day on November 6th, Habitat CFC will hold an event on National Voter Registration Day (September 25 th) at our ReStore. We will be sharing voting information and helping voters register and pledge to vote on Election Day.

We are planning a fun day which will include complimentary food for participants, so make sure to stop by our ReStore at 1785 Stratford Ave. in Stratford between 10am and 6pm on September 25th. Other nonprofits including Housatonic Community College, CT Nonprofit Alliance, and Bridgeport Generation Now will also be at the ReStore to participate in the event!!!
Runner Get Ready Our 5K is Fast Approaching

The fast and flat course makes the 5K run the perfect opportunity for serious runners to set personal records and all abilities to enjoy our scenic course. The WorkBoot Challenge is a one mile event prior to the 5k and offers participants the challenge of wearing workboots (or ANY boots) on the shorter course. This race is produced in association with Marty Schaivone – M.S. Running Productions. Register early for discounted tickets:

$27 – register online between August 1 and October 4
$20 – register online (for ages 13 and under) through October 4
$35 – register at the race
1785 Stratford Avenue, Stratford
Just off exit 31 I-95 
(store entrance is on Honeyspot Road)
ReStore Hours
Tuesday - Friday 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday - 9 am to 4 pm 
Closed Sunday and Monday
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County | 203-333-2642