July 2018, A Productive Summer

I can remember a time when we referred to the months of July and August as the “lazy, hazy days of summer.” It seems like those days are long gone. There is nothing lazy about the days we’ve been experiencing here at Habitat CFC! The summer weather may occasionally slow us down, but Habitat CFC’s commitment to the elimination of substandard housing and the provision of life changing home ownership opportunities for hard working families is too important for a summer break.

As long as there are families in our community struggling with inadequate housing and as long as decent, stable housing remains beyond the reach of local individuals and families, Habitat CFC staff and volunteers will be hard at work. And whether you pitch in at a construction site, attend an event, contribute gently used furniture, serve on a committee, or make a donation – your participation is welcome, meaningful, and extremely appreciated. 

I hope your summer plans include some valuable personal time for friends, family, rest and rejuvenation. With the continued support of the community, we’ll be here if and when you need us!

Stuart D. Adelberg  
Chief Executive Officer 
Habitat CFC News
Habitat CFC’s Annual Board/Family Picnic
Habitat CFC held its Annual Board/Family Picnic on July 18 at the beautiful Beardsley Park in Bridgeport. No one could’ve asked for more wonderful weather for the picnic where Habitat homeowners, future homeowners, the Habitat Board and staff members enjoyed great conversations and good food.

Habitat CFC families put in a lot of hard work and Habitat CFC staff give a lot of support throughout the homeownership process, and we couldn't be more proud when that hard work and dedication pays off.

For more pictures click here or to learn more about becoming a Habitat CFC homeowner click here.
Progress Report....
For more information or to contribute, please click here .
Youth United’s Car Wash…
Habitat CFC’s Youth United program held its annual summer fundraising event this past Sunday at Pep Boys on Boston Avenue in Bridgeport. The students hand washed the cars and enjoyed the beautiful weather. The funds that were gathered will go towards Youth United’s 6th house!

For more info about Youth United click here .
Meet our New Staff Members
We're excited to welcome Anthony Christie  to the Habitat CFC family as an Assistant Project Manager.

Anthony has worked in the construction trades for the last 10 years as a self-employed contractor. He is excited to be joining Habitat CFC to help families achieve their dream of homeownership. When he isn’t building homes, he enjoys spending time with his family- his 5-year and 3-year old daughters, his 1-year old son and his wife. Anthony moved to the United States in 2001 from Jamaica with his family. He moved to Bridgeport in 2010 and is glad to be helping rebuild the city he and his family call home.    

We're happy to have him on our construction team!
Vincent Testone  recently joined the Habitat CFC ReStore staff. Vincent was previously with Helping Hands in Orange, CT where he managed the day-to-day activities of a fast-paced thrift store that engaged with the non-profit community. The ReStore is looking forward to his help and guidance in implementing some of the programs that Helping Hands had developed.
"I believe in being honest, hardworking and faithful. I also enjoy being a competitor, whether it's in sporting events or just for kicks. I am involved in two softball leagues and a former baseball player. I am a die-hard New York Mets and Minnesota Vikings fan. Respecting other people is the key philosophy in my life, because giving respect gains respect. I am honored to be joining the Habitat for Humanity family. "
The Habitat CFC and Habitat CFC ReStore staff are happy for Vincent to join the organization!
Cars for Homes
Old cars can do more than sit in your yard as lawn ornaments. Donate yours to Habitat and we will turn it into cash that supports local building programs. Towing is free!

For more info click here .
Upcoming Events
RESERVE YOUR SPACE for the Habitat CFC Golf Outing

Our  25th   Annual Benefit   Golf Outing   is getting closer! Join us on Monday, September 17, 2018 at  The Country Club of Fairfield .

All of the proceeds from this event will go directly toward building and providing affordable homeownership opportunities to hardworking families in Coastal Fairfield County.
5K Run

The 5K Run for Home was created over 20 years ago by Habitat CFC Co-Founder John Olson and has been one of Habitat CFC’s main events over the years.

The fast and flat course makes the 5K run the perfect opportunity for serious runners to set personal records and all abilities to enjoy our scenic course. The WorkBoot Challenge is a one mile event prior to the 5k and offers participants the challenge of wearing workboots (or ANY boots) on the shorter course. This race is produced in association with Marty Schaivone – M.S. Running Productions. Register early for discounted tickets:

$27 – register online between August 1 and October 4
$20 – register online (for ages 13 and under) through October 4
$35 – register at the race
1785 Stratford Avenue, Stratford
Just off exit 31 I-95 
(store entrance is on Honeyspot Road)
ReStore Hours
Tuesday - Friday 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday - 9 am to 4 pm 
Closed Sunday and Monday
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County | 203-333-2642