May 2018, Just Build It

Surveys have indicated that Habitat for Humanity is one of the most recognized and admired names in the charitable, not for profit sector. It feels really good to know that our organization is both trusted and valued and I personally feel a great sense of responsibility to ensure that we consistently act in a manner that makes us worthy of this. I also wonder, however, if those who admire Habitat for Humanity truly understand what we do.

It seems like all information today must be delivered in soundbites. We are always urged to have an “elevator speech” ready – a compelling summary of what we do and why the listener should care – that can be delivered on an elevator ride before you reach your destination. I am told that the average attention span is constantly shrinking – so if you can’t say it in ten words or less – no one will listen.

I am troubled by this, because I believe that the safety, stability and security of a family’s home is important enough to warrant more than two minutes or ten words. But I also acknowledge that it can be helpful to get to the heart of what really matters in a succinct and compelling manner.

So – for those who are still reading – I offer this simple explanation:
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County is a builder: We build decent, affordable homes. We build stable and secure lives. We build dreams, opportunities and bright futures. We build communities.    

Every story in this newsletter is an example of Habitat CFC’s success at building. Pick up a hammer and join us!   

Stuart D. Adelberg 
Chief Executive Officer 
Habitat CFC News
Bauer Match
Habitat CFC is proud to announce that the Bauer Foundation will match gifts up to $550,000 to build seven homes for seven families!

Donations from existing donors will be matched one for one – doubling every gift. Donations from new Habitat CFC contributors will be matched two for one – tripling your support. 

Please don’t miss this opportunity to multiply your gift and multiply your impact!

Click here for more details about the match.
She Nailed It!

On May 9th, Women Build held the 3rd Annual She Nailed It ! ” Social and Nail Hammering Competition. Just over 100 participants raised more than $30,000 leading up to the event. Team Googly Eyes maintained their place as hammering victors, winning the coveted "Bedazzled Hammers". Funds raised from this distinctive competition will help support the building of a brand new home for the Gomez-Ortiz family , making this the 15th Women Build home.

Click here to see more event photos at our Instagram page, & Click here to see our photos at our Facebook page.
Habitat for Humanity International recently held its annual Build-a-Thon for AmeriCorps members representing dozens of affiliates. Over 350 participants from across the country arrived for a week of building, repairing, and fellowship, hosted by Habitat of Wake County, NC. This led to the creation of twelve new homes and fifteen critical home repairs in five days. Our two AmeriCorps members, Nick Knebel and Colton Shaheen ,
brought their skills to the new home construction .
Build-a-Thon embodies the mission of Habitat CFC. Every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that adequate shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. Thanks to Nick and Colton for their service and their willingness to participate in this significant event.
The Dream Becomes a Reality for the Flores Family

Gabriel Flores desperately wanted to give his wife, Denise, the dream of owning their own home. He worked hard in his painting business but it was always making the homes of others beautiful. Gabriel heard about the mission of Habitat for Humanity to eliminate sub-standard housing in Coastal Fairfield County. He was not afraid to work those 500 sweat equity hours along with volunteers and sponsors. What he didn’t realize was all the benefits his family would reap from being accepted into the program.

Gabriel and Denise purchased their house in 2005 and studied to get licensed for a home daycare. Their oldest daughter, Denise Gabriela, graduated with her master’s degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology. The youngest daughter, Maria Belen, recently graduated with a Master’s in Business. Gabriel and Denise truly believe these accomplishments would have been out of their reach if not for the dream producing program of Habitat for Humanity.
Dedication Cermony

On May 12th Habitat CFC held a dedication ceremony for the Rosa Family , our newest homeowners!

We had a beautiful day to celebrate the Rosa Family Home Dedication! Friends and family, Senator Blumenthal and Habitat CFC staff and volunteers came out to participate in the ceremony and wish the Rosa family well in their new home.

Click here to see more event photos at our Instagram page, & Click here to see our photos at our Facebook page.
Donate items to the ReStore!

Consider donating your furniture, appliances and household goods. The ReStore offers free pick up service in lower Fairfield County. And when you searching for a special item check out the ReStore you never know what you can find.

To donate, call the ReStore hotline at 203-383-4358 or email
1785 Stratford Avenue, Stratford
Just off exit 31 I-95 
(store entrance is on Honeyspot Road)
ReStore Hours
Tuesday - Friday 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday 9 am to 4 pm 
Closed Sunday and Monday
Upcoming Events
RESERVE YOUR SPACE for the Habitat CFC Golf Outing

Habitat CFC will hold its  25th   Annual Benefit   Golf Outing   on Monday, September 17, 2018 at   The Country Club of Fairfield . If you register by June 30th you will receive a   $300   discount on a foursome or a $100 discount on a single player ticket.

All of proceeds from this event will go directly toward building and providing affordable homeownership opportunities to hardworking families in Coastal Fairfield County.
5K Run

The 5K Run for Home was created over 20 years ago by Habitat CFC Co-Founder John Olson  and has been one of Habitat CFC’s main events over the years. Our fast and flat USATF certified course makes the Habitat 5K Run for Home the perfect opportunity for serious runners to set qualifying personal records or for anyone who just wants to have fun running (or walking) this beautiful course. Register early for discounted tickets:

$25 – register online thru July 31
$27 – register online between August 1 and October 4
$20 – register online (for ages 13 and under) through October 4
$35 – register at the race
Habitat for Humanity of Coastal Fairfield County | 203-333-2642