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Our Commitment to Sustainable Business

Here at Ripley-Grier, we take our environmental resonsibility very seriously. We exclusively use recycled paper products in our restrooms, provide recycling stations on every floor, as well as water reclaimation programs for watering our plants, using cast-off bottled water. All studios built after 2012 feature sustainable-growth bamboo floors in place of hardwood, and last year, we refitted ALL studios and common areas with energy-efficient LED lighting, to reduce power consumption by nearly 70%. We love ya, Mother Earth. 


This month is Spring break and my school district gets a whole week off. I am looking forward to going to Mexico with my family yet again. We had went last year for Spring break and had a lot of fun so we decided to go again, but to a different location.

 Since I am a Junior in High School this year, I will be taking the ACT. I am hoping to get a high score so I can go to a more competitive college, preferably in California, New York, or Massachusetts. I chose to take the ACT over the SAT because one of my teachers explained how the ACT has more English and less math while the SAT has half and half.  This is an advantage because I am better at English than I am at math, so if you are going to take the SAT or ACT soon, I recommend taking the ACT if you are not strong in math or even both the SAT and the ACT.

Enjoy Spring break!!   Jeannie

Jeannie Ripley-Grier is the 16 year old daughter of studio owners Patricia Ripley and Butch Grier

April 2016
Joyous April!
Happy month of flowers, Earth Day, Passover, Arbor Day, Tax Day, and National Tartan Day (It was the 6th. You missed it? Guess you'll have to mothball that set of bagpipes until next year sport. Put it down and walk away......slowly) We're spending our April here at RG central cooking up new ways to be supremely awesome. We've got a couple of new studios coming your way at 520 along with some other improvements. And did you see our swanky new elevator lobby social media displays? Tag us in a tweet or an instagram post, and see it on the screen! It's like your very own Jumbotron!

me and boys
Director of Bagpipe Defense
Ripley-Grier Studios
Client Spotlight:
Michael Maixner

When Mike Maixner was in college studying Musical Theatre Performance, he suffered a terrible calamity. His fellow students discovered he was a passable piano player. Soon he found himself spending many hours in practice rooms, and later, in his friends' voice lessons, plunking out piano accompaniment in exchange for beer, high-fives, and magic beans. (we made the last two up, but he did on occasion trade services for beer)
But what he gained from those hours watching students progress with their teachers and material gave him an edge in his current career as a voice instructor. After graduating, he discovered that he enjoyed teaching far more than being on stage. He has a very focused energy, and the mannerisms of a scientist, and you can feel his excitement as he speaks about the "specific, technical" approach he has to the voice as an instrument that can truly be understood. His main focus is to get singers tuned up and WORKING. "There is an epidemic of training where instructors want to keep students", he says, acknowledging that while this makes sense financially for the instructor, it makes zero sense for the artist. Many of his students have gone on to touring gigs and Broadway shows, but they do try to keep in touch with Michael via skype sessions. He takes the high turnover rate as a clear sign of success. "I hear people say they've been working with a teacher for 10 years, and I say 'well, have you BOOKED anything?'" 

Interested students can contact Michael via email at 
Patricia Ripley
Feng Shui and Fitness 
I am getting prepared to teach my Intro to Feng Shui class (with focus on de- feng shui color chartcluttering space) on May 8th for the Long Beach Adult Continuing Education program.  And, I am beginning my own Spring de-cluttering projects.  Whew!  Always interesting and liberating.  On that subject, if you want to create new energy in your space, clearing clutter is a big move.  Try to look at your "stuff" and see if you wear it, use it, need it.  Hanging on to belongings sometimes is a result of  feeling deprived, insecure.  My parents went through the Great Depression and World War II so they saved stuff "just in case".  This is a paradigm still hard for me to shake.  "Sandy", however, cleared a lot of "stuff' our for me.  Now I am looking at all the knick knacks and collectibles that I brought home from many trips and vacations over the years.  I am emptying one shelf at a time.  My biggest piece of advice is not to get overwhelmed;  it is an emotional and spiritual experience at the same time.  If you spend hours you will find yourself drained.  Better to spend one hour every couple of days for a few weeks to ease the feeling of loss and replace it with renewal.  All the best on your efforts!   
 Now let's welcome the warmer weather, finally.  My plants that I kept inside for the winter went outside this past few days and because the eves are so chilly still they are rejecting my putting them out.  
 Butch and Jeannie and I have added long walks with Johnny our beagle to begin our Spring fitness program.   We are adding bicycling when the weather is 55 or above.  Get out and enjoy the weather, get to your local park and walk among the beautiful Spring flowers and fresh air.   Eat more salads and less "comfort" foods & shake those Winter blues.  
 We are off to Mexico with the family for our Spring Break next week, all 9 of us heading for Puerto Vallarta.
Speak to you in May!!
Better and Better,  Patricia

Patricia Ripley is the Founder and CEO of Ripley-Grier Studios and a certified Feng Shui consultant.