The weather is cooler, leaves are changing and fall is a time to reinvent yourself. What a better way than with a gorgeous tan. Get a better brighter shade of you with a flawless spray tan.

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Sunless Marketing Tips
Sunless Sundays!
Get a spray tan for $10
Gearing up for those holiday sales? Schedule "Brown Thursdays!"
Offer Sunless Maintenance Kits
for those traveling out of town.
Fall Dryness?
The cooler months are upon us, leading to dry skin. Overly dry skin can create havoc on a spray tan. It not only creates an uneven surface, but can actually prevent absorption of DHA.
Let's Get Social
Post pictures to social media of your salon with fall decorations to encourage the season.
Have Clients post pics of Halloween costumes. (You might want to specify to keep it clean).
Be sure to ask for before and after pictures of spray tan for social media.
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Looking Ahead
Four Seasons | 1.800.325.2769 |