Happy Father's Day - June 21, 2015


Take Pride in 
What  You Wear

First Impressions are Everything...especially in Business
Brothers we are not saying you need to walk around in a suit but we are tired of seeing your underpants....so cover up!!!



Business Idea for 


(and Women)

Basic Mechanic Classes For Women


It's Time for Basic Mechanic 

Classes for Women


By Cathy Harris, DearCathy.com, Advice Columnist


June 1, 2015


It use to be a rite of passage for men to teach their sons all about vehicles.  So now especially in this fallen economy, these sons need to put their skills to work.  Even though cars have changed with all the new technology, there are plenty of opportunities out there for men and young males who are knowledgeable about cars. 


Men and especially young males ages 14 and older need to stop making excuses that they can't make money -- legally.  Remember when creating businesses, you want to create businesses that solves problems.  Men and young males who are good with vehicles, can set up several potential businesses to assist women.  Read more





Business Idea for 


(and Women)

Teach Families How To 
Shoot Weapons



 Cathy Harris in Military - Nov. 1, 1977- May 15, 1980


  Cathy Harris at Gun Range in Atlanta


Firearms/Shooting Coach:  
If you are safety conscious, a good shot and good at giving instructions, then a firearms/shooting coach could be a great business for you.   Because of the economy -- people are looking for ways to stay safe especially women.  You can provide your clients with professional and highly personalized guidance.   You can offer workshops to learn how to shoot and take care of weapons -- in small groups, individual instructions, group outings and in informational seminars.   



For more business ideas read 

"The New CEO: 185 Easy-To-Set Up Businesses for Youth and Adult Entrepreneurs"


Available as E-book & Paperback



Chapter 1: Top Businesses for People Who Like to Cook/Bake
Chapter 2: Top Businesses for People With Green Thumbs
Chapter 3: Top Businesses for People Who Like Cars
Chapter 4: Top Businesses for People Who Like Animals
Chapter 5: Top Businesses for People Who Like Computers
Chapter 6: Top Businesses for Writers
Chapter 7: Top Businesses for People Who Like Photography/Videos
Chapter 8: Top Businesses for People Who Like Entertainment
Chapter 9: Top Businesses for People Who Like To Sew or Crafts
Chapter 10: Top Businesses for People Good With Their Hands
Chapter 11: Top Businesses Dealing With Children or Babies
Chapter 12: Top Miscellaneous Businesses


List of Businesses (185 Total)


Book Trailer - The New CEO
Book Trailer - The New CEO


If I Had A Son



What You Must Do Now To Save Your Children


June 1, 2015


By Cathy Harris, DearCathy.com, Advice Columnist


This is an open letter and national call to action to all black fathers to save black youths by helping them become successful business owners.  There is no blueprint to show anyone how to raise a black child but first all black fathers need to be a part of their child's life.


We can no longer tell our youths to go to school and get a good job.  Due to the failing economy, the whole paradigm has now shifted and that's why schools are serving as feeder systems into prisons.


We know that black males are the last hired and first fired in the workplace simply because when companies hire a black female, they have hired a minority who is: 1) a female, and 2) an African American.  So the company gets two quotas when they hire black females instead of black males.  So it will be extremely hard for black males, no matter their age, background or education to hold on to many jobs in America.


In the past black youths went to school, got out and got jobs and worked for 30 years and retired.  But now if you end up in the workplace, there's a good chance that you will be forced out no matter what type of credentials you have acquired.


Because of the economy, the people in charge in the workplace are bringing in their relatives and friends at an alarming rate, and this practice has totally polluted most workplaces in America.  


So why do we continue to prepare our children for a workplace that doesn't want them in the first place?  At this point, we have no other choice but to prepare our children to become business owners.


A Father's Duty:


With over 70% of homes being ran by black women, black men or fathers, must now step up to the plate and do the right thing and be in the lives of their children.  Black mothers are very strong individuals but still sometimes they need help!  Read More


If You Had A Son - 
Would He Be A 
Business Owner?



Cathy Harris 

Business Books


The New CEO: 185 Easy-To-Set Up Businesses for Youth And Adult Entrepreneurs

Available as E-book & Paperback







How To Take Control of Your Own Life:  

A Self-Help Guide to Starting Your Own Business (Series 2)

Available as E-book & Paperback








Health Corner  



Top Health Facts for Men: 

  1. Men's Waistline:  Men should have a 40 inch or less waistline to prevent diseases because fat around your midsection squeezes your organs causing them not to work properly and it sends signals to your liver and causes a 'fatty' liver. It also causes inflammation throughout your body and Type II Diabetes.
  2. Antidepressants:  Antidepressants causes Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men and will make it harder for women to get pregnant.
  3. Prostate:  Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of deaths among men.  The prostate is a walnut-sized gland at the base of bladder.  Every man should get his prostate checked by age 40, earlier if they have family history but should start examining their prostates at ages 15-35.  The only way to detect prostate cancer is by taking a PSA test or getting a rectal exam.  Saw palmetto from health food stores aids in preventing cancer.  It might also enhance sexual functioning and sexual desire.  Zinc supplements and green tea is also good for the prostate.  Regular sex, at least 4 days a week, is good for men along with regular ejaculation which activates the prostate gland, keeping it from getting stagnant and inflamed.
  4. Impotence/Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Sexual dysfunction in men can be caused by psychological issues, but is usually described as a form of impotence.  Half of all men over age 40 have some form of ED.  Men with diabetes tend to develop erectile dysfunction 10 to 15 years earlier than men without diabetes.  Some of the other common causes of impotence include alcohol, antidepressants, antihistamines, blood pressure medications, nicotine, sedatives, steroids, diuretics, cancer or chemotherapy, etc.  Raw garlic will help men with ED and parsley will block the garlic taste.  Heated car seats or laptops lowers men's sperm count.  Citrus fruit is good for sperm.  Helpful herbs includes saw palmetto, Siberian ginseng (don't take ginseng with high blood pressure). 
  5. Testosterone:  Men should have their testosterone levels checked at age 35.  If your test is low then you have a low libido.  In men, low testosterone can lead to weight gain, but it may also help men keep their hair.  Higher testosterone levels are associated with hair loss.  Testosterone deficiency is a factor in causing heart disease, depression, and a host of aging-ailments in men including a man's body looking curvy like a woman's body.  You can get on natural supplements from health food stores for your testosterone.
  6. DNA: Supposedly...25 to 30% of all men tested are not the fathers, so get tested early before paying years of child support.


Most Common Cancer in Men - Prostate Cancer


By Cathy Harris, DearCathy.com, Advice Columnist


June 1, 2015


Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in American men after skin cancer. African American men have the highest rate of prostate cancer in the world. Men with family histories of the disease are also at greater risk. In addition, the risk for prostate cancer increases with age.


Prostate cancer usually occurs in older men. It most often appears after age 50. Prostate cancer forms in tissues of the prostate (a gland in the male reproductive system). The prostate produces semen, the fluid that carries sperm. The prostate gland is found below the bladder and in front of the rectum.


Normally, the prostate is about the size of a walnut. As a man gets older, the prostate often becomes enlarged. More than one-half of American men over the age of 60, have some enlargement of the prostate. This is not usually caused by cancer but could possibly cause other problems.


While the exact causes of prostate cancer are not known, certain risk factors have been linked to prostate cancer. A risk factor is something that increases a person's chance of getting a disease. Aging is the greatest risk factor for prostate cancer. Family history also plays a role.


If a man's father or brother has cancer of the prostate, his risk is two to three times greater than average. Diet may also be a factor. Men who eat large amounts of animal fat, particularly fats from red meat, may face a greater risk of prostate cancer than men who eat less animal fat.


Often, there are no symptoms in the early stages of prostate cancer. If symptoms do occur, they can vary, depending on the size and exact location of the lump or the growth in the prostate. Since the prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen, any change in the prostate can cause problems with urination and ejaculation. However, similar symptoms can be caused by a number of things, including an infection or a noncancerous condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).


If a man has any problems with weak or interrupted flow or pain while urinating, painful ejaculation, blood in the urine or semen, or, a nagging pain in the back, hips or pelvis, he should see a health care provider or an urologist to find out what's going on. A health care provider may order tests to determine the cause of the symptoms. Read More



Available as E-book and Paperback




People Who "Do" and "Do Not" Develop Cancer

It's extremely important to be aware of the characteristics of people that do not develop cancer and the people that do develop cancer.

People Who "Do Not" Develop Cancer:

1. Avoid tobacco and don't drink or drink alcohol moderately
2. Enjoy their work and see their work benefitting others
3. Keep stress to a minimum
4. Don't dwell on the past and don't harbor resentments
5. Keep from anger
6. Have a good laugh everyday
7. Seldom eat fried foods, processed foods or refrigerated food
8. Eat fresh steamed leafy green vegetables daily, usually organically grown
9. Avoid sugar
10. Eat modestly
11. Exercise vigorously daily and rest afterward
12. Are active but know how to relax
13. Practice good health routines
14. Get enough sleep and rise early, ready to face the world
15. Remain positive about life no matter what happens

People Who "Do" Develop Cancer:

1. Are angry, depressed and not positive about life
2. Hate their jobs
3. Have poor relations with others
4. Blame the world for their problems 
5. Have poor health habits with a toxic body
6. Sleep poorly and are tired during the day
7. Eat non-foods with no nutrition (processed, GMOs, etc.)
8. Seldom get fresh, green leafy vegetables
9. Lead a sedentary lifestyle where they don't exercise and are overweight and out of shape
10. Eat late at night and go to bed with undigested food in their systems
11. Binge, drink or drink continuously
12. Smoke cigarettes, pipes or chew tobacco
13. Have constipation and/or diarrhea
14. Continuously seek over-the-counter medications
15. Take no precautions with solvents, cleaning solutions, bug sprays or other cancer causing chemicals





This Book Should Be in the Home of Every Black  Male Child in America
Book can be read by 12 years olds and above

Police Interactions 101: 

How To Interact With the Police 

in Your Car, On the Streets, 

In Your Home


Available as E-book, Paperback & Audiobook









  • Actions To Take if You Are Stopped By the Police in Your Car
  • Actions To Take If You Are Stopped By the Police On The Streets
  • Actions To Take If Police Knock At Your Door
  • Top Ways To Set Up Legal Defense Funds for Victims of Racial Profiling, Police Brutality, Wrongful Imprisonment, etc


  • What Can Happen If Law Enforcement Practices Illegal Profiling
  • How To Implement Good Law Enforcement Programs Without Illegal Profiling
  • What Resources Are Available To Law Enforcement Agencies
  • What Officers Should Work in Highway Interdiction and Other Aggressive Enforcement Programs?
  • How Should Superiors Respond To Racial Profiling Complaints?
  • What Racial Profiling Laws Should Consist Of


  • How To Hold Legislators Accountable
  • How To Build Media Justice Coalitions
  • How To Build Legal Defense Teams


  • Top 10 Functions of Citizen Review Boards
  • Top 10 Most Common Problems With Citizen Review Boards


  • The Problem With Prisons, Jails and Detention Centers
  • Top Suggestion from the Community
  • Top Suggestions from Human Rights Watch

 Preface - A Note to The Reader


Do you know what to do when stopped and questioned by the police - in your car, on the streets or in your home? If you answered "NO" to this question, you need to read this book! Not only should you read this book but you should tell everyone you love and care about to read it also.


Do you trust the police? The goal is to arm yourself with the knowledge and power you need so you don't become just another victim.


Not only should young males be watchful of actions by the police but what about sexual profiling in this country? Women who often drive alone are at just a higher risk of being accosted by the police as others.


Women are just as likely to be profiled as men by local, state and federal law enforcement officers especially since the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS.gov) in 2003.


Many women will no longer stop when directed by a police officer to pull over. Some will call 911 and ask for additional police to come to the scene and refuse to open their windows until backup police arrive.


Cops are known to rape or extort women for sex during highway pullovers. The situation is badly deteriorating. It comes as no surprise that unstable, aggressive bullies gravitate to police work, and quite a few are sexual predators.


Therefore, this book is an action plan for the entire family on what actions to take to protect themselves when driving a car, walking on the streets or in their homes.


As a business owner, community organizer and advocate, I have heard many, many stories about what the police is capable of and what they get away with. The reason for this is that most people do not understand their rights!


Advocates and activists don't trust local police agencies to self-investigate or police themselves. Nor do they trust district attorneys, grand juries, police commissions or local officials to be any more fair and impartial when investigating the police.


Many advocates don't understand that the Justice Department has always had on their books a strong arsenal of civil rights statutes to prosecute abusive police officers.


This office is equipped to dispatch their top civil rights lawyers to handle federal probes. But this will happen only if we demand it!


In the past it has taken major media attention, large scale protests and even a major riot, such as Rodney King LA riot of 1992, before the Justice Department has used its legal weapons.


Where there is evidence of sexual or racial profiling and/or police brutality, the Attorney General must send a strong message to law enforcement agencies that the Justice Department will go after lawbreakers whether they wear a "mask" or a "badge."


Not only will this book help you stay alive when you encounter a police officer, but if you are violated by the police, it provides an action plan on what steps to take to receive justice. Good luck!



Buy now from AngelsPress.com as an 

e-book, paperback and audiobook.


Sample Audiobook - Police Interactions 101
Sample Audiobook -
Police Interactions 101


Real Dads Don't Let 
Their Children Grow Up 
and Go To Prison










Marilyn Mosby Announces Aim To 

B'More Program

Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby announces Aim To B'More, a program to help first-time non-violent felony drug offenders would have their records expunged after meeting education and job skill goals.

Other cities need to do this also.  This is a good first start but more is needed to keep these youths out of jail in the first place.  CathyHarrisSpeaks.com

What Communities Can  Do to Help Save Youth
  • Open recreation centers back up.
  • Open tutoring and learning centers in the community.
  • Allow parents and other volunteers to come into schools like years earlier and teach kids how to read.
  • Extend library hours and stop closing libraries on Friday nights -- even if it is game night.
  • Make sure Chamber of Commerces and other business networks cater to youth entrepreneurs but BAN Network and Multi-Level Marketing (aka Pyramid Schemes) businesses.
  • Hold community parenting classes for mothers and include personal development classes.
  • Open 24 hours day-care centers so parents especially mothers can go to work or start businesses.
  • Allow kids to form businesses to teach families how to grow food again.
  • Form weekly or monthly shadowing/mentoring businesses where youths can follow adults for the entire day.  
Learn more by reading 
"How To Take Control of Your Own Life: 
A Self-Help Guide To Empowering Your Family and the Entire Community" (Series 1)
Available as an e-book & paperback

This was the 1st book I wrote when I started my empowerment company, AngelsPress.com
10 years ago so this book would be a good first start if you are trying to empower yourself and the 
entire community.

Table of Contents
Chaper 1: How To Survive Unemployment
Chapter 2: How To Change Careers
Chapter 3: How To Save Your Home
Chapter 4: How To Get Your Finances in Order
Chapter 5: How To Mobilize Effectively in the Community
Chapter 6: How To Become an Effective Leader in the Community
Chapter 7: How To Get Your Candidate into Office
Chapter 8: How To Get Legislation Passed
Chapter 9: How To Change the Education System
Chapter 10: How To Set Up Legal Defense Funds (Wrongful Terminations, False Imprisonment, etc.)
Chapter 11: How To Build A Presence on the Internet
Chapter 12: How To Work Effectively with the Media While Avoiding Costly Mistakes
Chapter 13: How To Launch Your Own Media Campaign on Issues You Are Passionate About
Chapter 14: How To Become a Freelance Writer
Chapter 15: How To Become A Syndicated Columnist

"How To Take Control of Your Own Life" 
3-Part Book Empowerment Series


                    Series 1                     Series 2                 Series 3

                   All books can be read by 12 year olds and above at 




9 Steps To Save 

Black Children


All Fathers Needs to Show Up  in Their Children' Lives Especially  Male Children
Let them know that one false 
move could be their last move...in this life...
This Book Should Be Owned 
By Every Black Male 
in America 
(especially Black Teenagers)

Police Interactions 101:
How To Interact With The Police In Your Car, On the Streets,  
In Your Home
(Available as e-book, paperback & audiobook)
Sample Audiobook - Police Interactions 101
Sample Audiobook - 
Police Interactions 101
Audiobook Available Now on:

Available as E-book & Paperback:


If  your kids are not reading by 1st grade or know their timetables by 3rd grade, they are already behind and many WILL NEVER catch up. Over 60% of kids that graduate from high school read at a 6th grade level. 
Let's Read Campaign
Surely you don't expect for teachers to teach your kids how to read or write.  It's estimated that black children watch 6 to 7 hours of TV everyday especially the 5 to 10 minute commercials that are sending these negative subliminal messages -- so stop your kids from watching so much TV 
and let them read books. 
Buy e-readers for your children. The website Amazon.com has many FREE books and over 80% of their books cost less than $5.00.  Their e-reader (Kindle) prices starts at $44.00.

Let Them Know They Came from Greatness

Teach Them To Love Their Blackness
The Education System today is BROKEN.  
Education starts at home.

Are You Setting Your Kids Up for 
Failure By Not Allowing Them 
To Start a Business?

Buy the business books above and join us on facebook for 
You have got to give them something they can be proud of ... a business of their own.

Respect starts at home.  We need to bring back grandparents' old ways of teachings...It does take a village...Let's start villages in every community where we watch out for each other.  Start www.MeetUp.com groups in your city. The cost is $18.00 a month but members can pay $10.00 a year to cover the cost. 


There was a time when many men patrolled communities and looked out for families especially families next door.  Let's bring this back!  It's does take a village.

Many cities have set up laws on sagging...where students are being 
fined or jailed...and/or both...Once they are inside of a police station, they have a reason to murder your kids.  Plus once they get a record, then they are no longer eligible for employment.

Show up in your children lives.  Instead of being materialistic, use your funds to buy speed reading books or send your kids to speed reading classes at local colleges or universities -- especially if they are 
pre-teens.  They are only young once and 
those years will pass by fast.
You don't have to go to every PTA meeting but meet your child's teacher and tell them to let you know when their grades fall 2 weeks behind.  With technology today, they can do this with a phone call, email or text but you first have to set this up.  If you catch their grades failing at 2 weeks, then they want get so far behind.  Also sign them up for "speed-reading" classes as pre-teens at local colleges.

Are you raising angry and violent children? Foods will affect your children' moods, behavior, happiness and entire quality of life.  Women are in charge of buying groceries for their households so stop saying you can't afford ORGANIC FOODS...but you can afford nice clothes,  shoes, entertainment, trips, etc. 
Cathy Harris 90 Day Health & 
Wellness Initiative


We can't expect for the media to show black families especially our children in a good light but the Black Press, www.NNPA.org and other neighborhood mom and pop black newspapers located throughout communities will --- so this is why it is important to join local black community newspapers - subscribe online, volunteer and 
send donations.
The media is nothing but "A Weapon of Mass Distraction" so join conscious news outlets on the internet to find out the truth. Just some of the conscious online news websites - so subscribe today:







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Got A Question? 

Ask the Expert

Cathy Harris, Advice Columnist

New Website:  www.DearCathy.com

New Blog: www.DearCathy-AskCathy.blogspot.com 


DearCathy.com Questions for the Month of May 2015


 Is It Time for You To 

Bring in the Expert? 

The Ethical Business Coach
Cathy Harris 

Empowerment Webinars

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The Cathy Harris Show

Be a Guest On "The Cathy Harris Show." 

Email [email protected] 

and submit website and topic for discussion. 



 Cathy Harris Coaching Services

Move to the Next Level with Cathy Harris Coaching Services

One-On-One or Group Coaching - Sign Up Today at [email protected]




Also available for One-On-One 

or Group/Classroom Sessions 

Through Skype



 Cathy Harris is known as The Empowerment Guru  

and is the author of 20 non-fiction books which covers topics on family and community empowerment, health, youth and adult entrepreneurship, writing/publishing, workplace discrimination (sexism, sexual harassment, sex and race discrimination), whistleblowing, law enforcement, government, domestic and international traveling, politics, media, beauty, car buying and selling for women, aging/retirement - just to name a few.  Her books and articles are full of content-rich material to help anyone get back into the driver's seat and are available at


Books Now Available as 
E-books and Paperbacks
Recession Survival Guide: How To Get Back Into the Driver's Seat
& The Failure of Homeland In-Security: The Government's Dirty Little Secrets from an Insider


Buy Books at 



The New CEO

The Cathy Harris Story

The Failure of Homeland In-Security 

Flying While Black  

Domestic and International Traveler's Survival Guide 

Recession Survival Guide 

Workplace Survival Guide 

Discrimination 101 (Volume I & Volume II) 

Police Interactions 101 

How To Write A Book 

Golden Years 

My Hair, My Crown, My Glory 

Diabetes 101 

Cancer Cures 

Politics 101 

A Woman's Guide to Buying a New or Used Vehicle 

(Part I & II) 

A Self-Help Guide to Empowering Your Family and 

the Entire Community (Series 1) 

A Self-Help Guide to Starting Your Own Business 

(Series 2) 

A Self-Help Guide to Becoming Healthier Over the Next 30 Days

 (Series 3)


Articles by Cathy Harris

How To Engage in a Complete Detoxification Program

How To Gain Back Your Mental Clarity by Eliminating 

Heavy Metals

How To Publish a Digital Book (E-book)

How To Gain Funds to Finance Your Business

How To Survive Unemployment

How To Set Up a Legal Defense Fund for False Imprisonment or Wrongful Termination



All Books Can Be Read by 

12 Year Olds and Above




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  - I Support Youth Entrepreneurs

  - EEOC Secrets

National Non-GMO Health Movement

- Oprah Life Class Empowerment Discussion




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 Brought To You By 




Cathy Harris, Speaker, Author, Trainer

Angels Press, CEO, President, Publisher

National Non-GMO Health Movement

P.O. Box 19282

Austin, TX 78760

(512) 909-7365

www.CathyHarrisSpeaks.com (Lectures, Seminars, Workshops)

www.AngelsPress.com (Empowerment & Publishing Company)

www.DearCathy.com  (Advice Columnist)

www.TheCathyHarrisStory.com (The Cathy Harris Story)


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