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Our ancient ancestors believed the sun was a giant wheel. Half of the year the wheel rolled away and the other half it rolled back towards us. Since then, the Winter Solstice has been the center of celebrations worldwide: Saturnalia, Soyal, Yalda, Modraniht, Zagmak, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, and the pagan Yule. These and many others all celebrate the triumph of light over darkness. Today, on the eve of the return of the wheel, the longest night of the year, we are closest to our primal selves as we too seek light over darkness. In these times (as in all times past) there are those who benefit by exploiting our fears. As light triumphs over dark, so does information over ignorance and activism over apathy. 2013 was challenging and 2014? Who knows? But for now, 'tis the season to huddle around the fire (or space heater) with those you love (and maybe some you don't) and recharge the light within. And come the New Year, we ask that you join us in our ongoing battle against the dark forces so that we actually can achieve peace on Earth and goodwill towards all!


With Gratitude and In Joyous Solidarity,

The SFMT Collective and Staff

Winter Appeal

Again we want to thank all of you who supported us with your generous donations in 2013. We literally could not have done it without you.


We rely on individual donors like you for 40% of our funding. While we are working hard to secure more foundation and government grants, we still very much need your help. If you have already donated to our Winter Appeal, thank you. If not, please reflect on the value the Mime Troupe brings to your life and to the work of progressive activists. As one such activist recently wrote us in a thank you letter:


Your work recharged us. It made us smile, sing and work a little harder. It reminded us of the brutality and injustice we were up against but perhaps even more important, it reminded us of what we wanted to replace that with. With a smile on our face and a song on our lips, we were emboldened to speak truth to power.


More than just entertainment, the Mime Troupe strives to provide inspiration to all of us fighting for the light. In the coming year, we'll be working on expanding our reach beyond the stage, working to galvanize even more activism through collaboration. Your financial investment in our work will make this possible. Please consider donating as generously as you can. We are beginning a long and costly strategic planning process that will result in a Mime Troupe that is able to better weather the economic superstorms on the horizon.


If you can help us to reach that goal please donate!


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Art vs. Nature...
Nature still prevailing

Here at 855 Treat we are facing a dilemma. On the front of our building is a mural by local artist Juana Alicia. When completed in 1986, the view of the mural was unobstructed. Since that time a couple of small trees have grown into 2 mighty dense trees. The city mandates no tree removal and no significant tree topping. Classic municipal Catch-22. So what's an eco-minded group of artists to do? Find an experienced, licensed arborist who can thin and reduce the trees without compromising their health. If you know a licensed arborist who would like to donate their tax-deductible services, please contact Karen. We will provide the manpower and transportation to haul off the trimmed branches.
Mime Boutique! 

Ho, ho, ho
Unfortunately it's too late to order last minute holiday presents and receive them by mail in time for Christmas. But perfect timing for all those January & February birthdays, just when you were stumped on additional gift ideas!

Get your BIRTHDAY shopping done now!  T-shirts, hats, books, stickers, blankets, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, bags, tank tops, onesies and even a few doggy tees.

Plus order over $40 at our store and receive a FREE CD!  

Order today! 

In This Issue
The 18th annual
Youth Theater Project

Starts February 2014!

YTP is a 12 week after-school theater workshop / internship for high school students ages 14-18.

If you know a teen who is interested in learning stage production, acting, playmaking, improvisation and earning a small stipend---then send them our way!

Application deadline is January 23rd.

For more info check our website & videos on youtube!
Trouper Activity

Velina Brown directs the Crackpot Crones, Terry Baum and Carolyn Myers, in "Crones for the Holidays: The Sequel" at the Exit Theatre in SF. Dec 14-29. "Amusing, endearingly earthy and politically conscious... These women may be aging but they're still raging." -SF Bay Guardian. FREE TICKETS 


Pat Moran will be performing in "Tristan & Yseult" coming to Berkeley Repertory Theater running through Jan 6. Info and tickets.

Lisa Hori-Garcia performs in "Holy Crime" -as part of the Magic Theatre's Sheparding America Celebrations of the legendary Sam Shepard- Campo Santo and American Conservatory collaborate on this new piece that brings an all live music concert experience to Sam Shepard's words. Jan 9-19. Info and tickets


Michael Gene Sullivan returns from Spain after his second recent visit with Catalan and Spanish translations of his adaptation of George Orwell's "1984". The show opened on December 13th (his birthday!) at Almeria Teatre in Barcelona, and will be published in Catalan before the end of the year, plus workshopped and published in Spanish early next year. Read more.   


Ed Holmes is curating the

Veterans Voices IV art gallery show at Rhythmix Cultural Works in K Gallery till Jan 3. 

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855 Treat Ave, SF, CA 94110