From the Sage Mountain team, to you and yours!  

Here's to a compassionate, fulfilling, and rejuvenating 2016! 

We are celebrating: 
Plant Powered People in Park City

Damian Stoy is a professional ultra marathon runner, coach and long-time vegan. He has run 37 ultra marathons with 8 wins and is on the list of Greatest Vegan Athletes. Damian is founder of Wholistic Running and certified in Plant-Based Nutrition from eCornell. He coaches athletes from around the world.

Check out our interview with Damian here: 
Sage Mountain: When and why did you decide to go vegan? 
Damian: I decided to go vegetarian starting in 2000 and went vegan in 2008. I choose to eat plant-based for greater health, animal rights, environmental reasons and optimal athletic performance. Being vegan is an important part of who I am.

SM: What has benefited you most about being vegan? 
D: My entire life has benefited from being vegan. I have phenomenal health, my running gets better every year and my energy levels are incredibly high. I have run 37 ultras marathons (mostly 50 and 100 milers) and have not had a major running injury in over 11 years.

SM: What sort of training do you do and how often? 
D: I run 3-5 days a week and in the winter I ski and practice yoga.

SM: What do you think is the biggest misconception about vegans especially being an athlete yourself? 
D: Many people believe you cannot get adequate nutrition eating a vegan diet or that your health will suffer. Many athletes including myself prove this to be not the case. My health and performance gets better every year. For me, I love food and getting being vegan is simple, quick and convenient.

SM: What do other runners think of you being vegan and what is the most common question you are asked? 
D: I often get asked "Where do you get your protein?" As someone who runs 50 and 100 mile races often, recovering is very important. I have found that a vegan (whole foods, plant-based diet) helps me recover incredibly quickly. I tell people that I get protein from plants just like gorillas and elephants.

SM: What do you eat on a typical day? 
D: I love food! I usually have a delicious fruit and veggie smoothie for breakfast, lunch and after a run. I snack on fruit, nuts and seeds. Dinner is usually brown rice, potatoes or quinoa with plenty of veggies.

SM: What are your favorite "go to" foods for protein, calcium, and iron? 
D: My quick answer is plants. A variety of whole foods provide adequate nutrition including protein, calcium and iron. When I track my micro and macro nutrients for free via, I am amazed by how much nutrition I get from a whole foods, plant-based vegan diet.  If folks are worried about getting enough protein, they can consume lots of nuts and seeds or vegan protein supplements but even foods such as quinoa, oats and potatoes have quite a bit of protein. All whole plant foods have protein (yes even fruit). Leafy greens and other plant foods have plenty of calcium as well as iron. From my experience, I do not worry at all about if I get enough nutrients. I am confident that a vegan, whole foods diet provides adequate nutrition for me without the need for supplements.

SM: What is your advice to those looking to get stronger/gain muscle? What is your advice to those looking to lose weight? 
D: One of the most important and beneficial aspects of a vegan diet is that plants are nutrient dense yet low in calories. This is great for weight loss however you must still eat an adequate amount of food to have energy and get sufficient nutrients. Focus on eating whole foods such as fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds, quinoa, rice, potatoes etc. Also, focus less on exercising and more on enjoying being outside moving and doing what you love.
Athletes and those looking to gain muscle need to do the same but eat a larger amount of food. I eat up to 6,000 calories a day when I'm at my peak training. This ensures I get the protein, nutrients and calories my body requires to recover, build muscle and improve performance.

Looking to be Plant-Powered in 2016? 
Here are a few pro-tips from Team Sage Mountain

1. Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% movement so what you power up with is more important than exercising for hours on end! You can look fit on the outside but be super unhealthy on the inside. However, find the activity you love and do it to your best ability. Whether it's running, hiking, yoga, dance, etc! If you sit at a desk  a lot, get up and take breaks or go for a walk. Get outside! Movement is good!

2. Start your morning off with a tall glass of water and fresh squeezed lemon! Not only is it important to hydrate first thing in the morning but lemon adds taste and also kicks your metabolism into gear!

3. Have a healthy breakfast like rolled oats with banana or apples. Or if you are on the run, make a smoothie to go with blueberries, acai berries, banana, and almond milk. Both are satisfying and give you the energy needed to attack the day. Can also add your favorite plant protein powder. We like Vega the best!

4. If you find yourself hungry throughout the day snack on fresh fruit or juices, almonds are a great snack as well as  baby carrots..Use the 3 hour rule! Eat something every three hours or your energy will bonk! Especially if you are looking to get stronger you must consume more calories..Healthy calories! 

5. Cut back on oils! Use vegetable broth or even wine for cooking instead of olive,  canola or coconut oil. You can substitute applesauce for oil when baking. Oil is extremely high in saturated fat so the less you use the better!  Use your favorite spices to taste!

6. Eat organic foods and buy local when you can. It tastes better and is nutrient rich!

7. Stick to fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, lentils, nuts, and seeds! Potatoes are our favorite staple food! Such a power food! The more color you have in your repertoire the better! Think colors of the rainbow with food.

8. Don't be an unhealthy vegan! Use non dairy cheeses, soy meats, and desserts sparingly! I am not saying don't indulge every so often but these more processed foods can be high in oil, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. The more plant based  whole foods you can eat, the more amazing you will look and feel!

9. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate! Water but not just water. Consume some electrolytes too throughout the day. If you are sick of the bland taste of water try mixing it with a small amount of juice or hibiscus tea which is a great antioxidant! 

10. Think positive thoughts. Find an affirmation that fits you and repeat it often. Meditation and yoga are great tools for mental health. As well as being in nature or with our beloved pets. You must take care of your body and mind.  Imagine the planet and all it's inhabitants thriving on all levels!
We love this vital plant-based book! 
Sage Mountain

How Not to Die 
by Dr. Michael Gregor

Health Questions? 
Follow the author at: 

The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle. In How Not to Die, Dr. Michael Greger, the internationally-recognized lecturer, physician, and founder of, examines the top 15 causes of death in America-heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson's, high blood pressure, and more-and explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches, freeing us to live healthier lives.

Each of us have the power to make the world a better place. 

Keep in mind that the largest positive impact we can have on our health, the planet, and the lives of farm animals is to simply reduce, if not eliminate, meat, dairy, eggs, and fish from our plates.

 Wishing you the very best this Holiday season and 
thank you for your continued support!

Sage Mountain: An Advocate for Farm Animals