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Happy New Year!
January 2015

Happy New Year! It's going to be a great 2015 season!  What will your New Year's resolutions be for your lawn? The year 2015 has been announced by the UN to be "The International Year of Soils".

2015: International Year of Soils (IYS)
2015: International Year of Soils (IYS)



We can kill all of the weeds, insects and fungus and still have a lot of bare spots and other lawn problems, why?  Have you ever addressed the condition of the soil your lawn is growing in?  It is easy to do with our Soil pH Test Kit. Many lawns do not utilize the nutrients you feed them if the soil pH is too low or too high.  There are many great soil amendments available to correct soil problems, including MAG-I-CAL and Love Your Lawn-Love Your Soil.  The soil provides the foundation of a great lawn. When you improve your soil, you can's help but improve your lawn!





What are the brown spots on the lawn?

If your lawn is visible and you are perhaps putting away decorations or picking up the Sunday paper you may have noticed a number of different brown spots on your lawn.  What are these spots?


If your lawn has a general, brown-yellow haze to it, it could be from a lack of fertilizer.  If you had applied some fertilizer this fall, your lawn would hold some desirable green color.  During the cold weather the lawn tends to go into a dormancy stage to survive the winter and it may lose color as it stores energy to make it through the winter months.  To have a great looking lawn throughout the winter, we suggest a fall fertilizer application such as Winter Survival, or even better two applications, one in early fall and one as late as Thanksgiving. If you missed this feeding, fertilize with Green Up Lawn Fertilizer very early next spring.



Want to take care of some 
of those bare spots?      


Perennial Ryegrass is the best choice if you want to 'snow seed'.  Snow seeding is done by putting down seed just before the first snow fall.  The freezing and thawing of the soil helps the seed work its way down into the soil profile for maximum germination once the temperature warms up in the spring.  Perennial Ryegrass can establish itself in spring before other grass species.  This gives you an edge on spring weeds that are trying to establish themselves at the same time.  The quick establishment also helps Perennial Ryegrass become more deeply rooted before summer heat and drought stress kicks in. Try Touch-Up Perennial Ryegrass Mixture.



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          Family building snowman
Jonathan Green

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