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Easter is a season of great gladness for those who know Christ. But for those who are without "the light of the knowledge of God's glory," there is nothing to rejoice over ....
Give thanks to the King of Glory for "He is risen indeed" just as He had said!
Pray 1 Cor 15:17, 19).

To read the complete Billy Graham devotional GO  HERE!


"Fewer than one-in-three Christians in Britain believe 'word-for-word' the biblical story of Jesus rising from the dead, with another 41 percent believing some sections should not be taken literally. But the Palm Sunday poll for the BBC found 23 percent of those calling themselves Christians 'do not believe. ...
During this time of the celebration of our Lord, remember to pray for all those who have not come the revelation of our Savior Jesus Christ!
Pray Rom 10:9.

It isn't clear why Jesus' death had to be on a cross, although crucifixion was the cruelest manner of execution in Roman times, a fitting penalty for the sins of all humanity.  It is clear that crucifixion was the only death that would fulfill the Old Testament prophecies, the predictions, of what would happen to the Messiah ....
Offer thanks to our Lord for paying a price that we could never pay for our eternal salvation.
Pray Is 53:5.


Dozens of diverse Christian leaders in the United States have come together to pray that possible diplomatic talks with North Korea will soon lead to peace on the Korean peninsula.  "We call on all Christians everywhere to join us in praying for a just and peaceful resolution," wrote the group,
Pray for the peace that only Jesus can bring to the nation of Korea. Pray that these countries can once again be united and live in the freedom that only God can give.
Pray Matt 5:9


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