The University Division of the
International Metaphysical Ministry

Spiritual Resources

Healing  ---  A Mystical Perspective
Audio version read by Rev. Cindy Paulos, B.Msc. is now available:


There are many who present themselves as healers, as well as many methods of treatment --- from the most primitive to what is described as the science of today. Everything has its place and time in the Universe --- the Universe in Mystical Reality being the thought process of Universal Consciousness or God. And, if everything indeed does have its place and time in human experience, inclusive of healing, then in the human expression or practice of healing there is no "one size fits all" manner of treatment or one kind of healer above all others.
From a mystical perspective, healing and healers are viewed from what in fact is really taking place. Consider, by way of example, Jesus, who had seemingly --- at least in appearance's sake --- performed miracles of healing. When credit was directed toward him, he responded, through the Christ Mind that was in him, with the words: "Why callest me good? It is not I, but the Father which doeth these good works." He spoke the great mystical Truth about healing, healers, and healing methods --- only the Universal Consciousness or God actually does the healing. 

"Your Life: Luck, Fate, or Karma" 
This Week's
Inspirational Broadcast   

Please click here to watch this   
week's broadcast.  

This recording is available for purchase 
in video (mp4 download or DVD) or audio (mp3 download or CD) here.   

Dr. Paul Leon Masters'  
"Improve Your Life"  
Daily Audio Message  

Every day a new message from the Founder
is posted in our Metaphysical Blog. 

Dr. Paul Leon Masters' 
Practical, Mystical, Spiritual  
Inspiration for Your Daily Life

We are delighted to present a series of Dr. Masters' timeless  Inspirational Lectures.

Available in MP3, MP4, CD, and DVD format 

2019 Convention and Graduation Invitation


1935 - 2016

Dr. Paul Leon Masters was jubilant to shake every graduate's hand after they walked across the stage to receive their diploma, and it meant so much for him to have the opportunity to welcome every convention participant. He would always encourage members to attend so they could share the connections with each other and the unique experience this gathering offered

Founder's Invitation:

This gathering is an opportunity for all graduates-whether they be recent graduates or those who graduated years ago but have not yet been part of a formal graduation-to be honored at a formal graduation ceremony before those closest to them.

Every Convention and Graduation is unique. New people from all over the world attend, and one gets to experience the diversity of the One Life of God being expressed in so many ways-as graduates forming new friendships or graduate speakers sharing with others. We've known of so many lifelong friendships beginning at our Conventions and Graduations!

Serving the Light in you so you may serve the Light in others.

Dr. Paul Leon Masters, Founder


2019 Convention Details Click Here

Metaphysical Members and Ministers Facebook Group


We Are Delighted to Announce the 
Metaphysical Members and Ministers Facebook Group
This Facebook page is a platform where University of Metaphysics and University of Sedona members can have their status as students or graduates verified in order to be accepted into a closed and private group, the IMM Metaphysical Members/Ministers Group.

This group is independent of the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona and is administered by IMM Alumni members. In order to join please send a Friend request. Once your status is verified you will be added as a Friend and a member of the group.

If you are interested in connecting and communicating with students and graduates in a safe and private environment, please send a
friend request to this Facebook page.

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