Christmas in Fengehun
CRC brings Christmas to Village Children

The CRC's newest additions live in Fengehun Village, just outside of Bo.  Because of the distance, they were unable to attend recent Christmas parties held at the facility, so the CRC staff brought Christmas to them.  Read more.

Sierra Leone's Newest Medical Doctor
Aruna Stevens Graduates from Medical School

Dr. Aruna Stevens  received his medical degree from the College of Medical and Allied Health Studies (COMAHS) on January 20th.  He will begin his two-year housemanship (residency) in the spring, which will include six months rotation in surgery, pediatrics and obstetrics/gynecology.  Read more.

Baby Treated for Typhoid and Malaria
Mercy addresses high infant mortality

Eight month old Fatmata Kamara was brought to Mercy after several episodes of convulsion and a very high temperature of 103. She was diagnosed with malaria and typhoid, and treated by the Mercy staff, remaining under observation for a few days before being released.

CRC Transformation
Informational Meeting Held at HCW

Helping Children Worldwide held an information meeting on the CRC Transformation on Sunday, January 28th.  This first meeting provided Partnership Church Representatives and Goodwill Ambassadors to hear updates on current CRC Programs as well as learn more about the role of the CRC Transformation Task Force in researching community needs and exploring options for CRC programs and facility use once the remaining 20 residential children are transitioned to family-based care in June of this year.  Read more .

A Prayer for Every Child

We thank you, Heavenly Father, 
for your great and unending love 
for each and every child. 
In your perfect wisdom, 
you have created us for family-  
that every child may grow surrounded in love 
and with a sense of belonging. 
May your heart be our heart, 
and your plan be our guide: 

For every child's heart, joy. 
For every child's soul, meaning. 
For every child's body, protection. 
For every child's mind, peace. 
For every child, family.


Helping Children Worldwide
703-793-9521  |