MON., JUN. 18, 2018
Part of today's grade school Sail Away Sendoff
Welcome to the Island!
Welcome to Shipwrecked Vacation Bible School at
Immanuel--we are so happy to see you!
We hope you find this daily newsletter helpful during VBS week.
You may unsubscribe at any time below, but please be advised
that no hard copies of this newsletter will be sent home.
Jesus Tells Parables About Lost Things Luke 15

"The Lord will hold me close."
Psalm 27:10

When You're Lonely...Jesus Rescues!

Thu., Jun. 21, 7 PM, GYM
The children are anxious to share what they’re learning in VBS this week by attending the Family Celebration in gym...followed by a free ice cream social!

When I was little I loved to play hide ‘n seek with my mom at the store. Well she didn’t know we were playing, but I was playing. The goal was to run from hiding place to hiding place without my mom seeing me. I loved hiding in the clothes racks or just around the corner from her. There were so many fun places to hide.

I didn’t know this trait is hereditary, but my kids love to play secret hide ‘n seek too. Most of the time my “mom sense” knows where they are hiding, but every now and then they find a really good spot. And when I can’t find them right away my heart drops and I call for them in that desperate mom voice that’s trying to keep it together.

This is like God and us. When we get away from our group and feel lonely, God is seeking us and calling us back to Him.

Psalm 27:10 says “…the Lord will hold me close” Our God will not give up looking for us. And when he finds us, He rejoices, He holds us close. We are not alone anymore we are found. I am found, you are found, and my children are found- and they know not to play secret hide ‘n seek anymore.
IMPORTANT Things to Remember

  • ILCS wants to make pick up as safe as possible for your child, therefore parents must sign children in at drop off and out at pick up on the sign-in/out sheet provided. Parents may designate others authorized to pick up their children.

  • We enjoy having your children at VBS; but if they are sick, they need to stay home. We do not have the comforts of home and no one can take the place of mom or dad when a child is not feeling well!

  • Our recreation leader is asking that children wear tennis shoes each day. It is difficult to participate in games in the grass if you’re wearing sandals!

  • Parents who haven’t preordered a CD of VBS music ($10 each) are invited to complete the order from available at the registration tables or send a check payable to Immanuel Lutheran Church) or cash in an envelope marked with child’s name and grade.

It is easy to read about incredible miracles in the Bible and wonder why God doesn’t do those things today, but God IS active in our lives—we just have to look! At VBS your children will learn to look for evidence of God in things like a sunset, a rainstorm, a laugh, a kind word, and a tasty snack. We call these God Sightings; and yes, even preschoolers can make them part of daily life! It is incredible...and easy!

Vacation Bible School is an important ministry to children and Immanuel dedicates a significant portion of its volunteer, financial, and personnel resources to make it a great experience. While many contribute materials for snacks, crafts, and other supplies, there are also expenses that are not part of our Christian education budget. The actual cost per child is approximately $25 to $30 for the week. This ministry touches the hearts and lives of more than 300 children with the good news of God’s love in Jesus! Offering envelopes are available to send your donations, or click the link below to donate through PayPal. We thank you for giving freely through your offerings and your personal gifts.
The Word of God is at the foundation of all we do.
We welcome and equip people to follow Christ and live authentic faith.
We are a family that demonstrates our faith in Christ by the way we
love, support, and grow together.