Last week when I was rehearsing with my brass quintet, they wanted to play Carmen.

I opened my accordion folder and looked under the C compartment. But it wasn't there!

Blushing, I said I would look for it. And they decided to work on another piece that I didn't play on. And while they did that I organized my music.

But I still didn't find it until this morning. Hallelujah!

It was tucked in another music book on my shelf at home. And I have to say, I need to "work on" organization just as much or even more than I need to work on my lip slurs and scales.


Well if you could see the look that I get whenever I can't find something or I forgot something, it would be obvious.

Sometimes, the little non-playing things can make the biggest difference in our careers.

For me, organization and stuff management is my weakness. And I need to set time every day to improve that, because I don't want people to think of me as "unreliable" and not call me.

What is your weakness, and how can you shore it up?

Obviously, playing well is the first step to getting the gigs that you want.

But there are other non-playing things that can get you moving in the right direction and get your phone to ring.

A big one is having a professional website.

If you've been putting off building a website because of the cost, I want to pass along a good deal from my friend, Erika Yokom.

Erika is a virtual assistant and tech goddess who just saved my behind last week when one of my marketing clients had more issues than I was emotionally prepared to deal with.

I trust her, and she is a no-nonsense person who can get your website done in 30 days for under $500. ($452.00 to be exact)

If this sounds like it can help you, contact me at [email protected] or at 505-515-7001 and I will get you hooked up with Erika so you can get your website up and running.

But before I do, I should mention that there are some limits to this deal.

You will get
  • A customized WordPress build,
  • up to 3 pages,
  • minor SEO,
  • plugins.
This offer DOES NOT include
  • hosting,
  • domain,
  • email, and
  • ecommerce.
You provide all the content, like photos and copy and you can choose the colors and the fonts. 
(Don't worry, if you need copy written you can always hire me.) 

Again, contact me at [email protected] if you need a website and you want to go for this offer.

Otherwise, keep practicing!

Talk to you tomorrow,


P.S. If you know a trumpet player who wants to find out how to get more gigs more often, forward this email and tell them to subscribe.