Registration & Check-In: 8:00 am
Session Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Cost: $125 | After 11/28: $145
Presented By:
Gord Cooke
High Performance Mechanicals for Houses That Work is a mid-level, full day seminar for Builders, Designers, Code Officials, and Trade Allies that focuses on HVAC, Ventilation, Hot Water, Indoor Air Quality and Electronic Home Controls in high performance housing. Residential mechanical systems have grown in complexity and scope as energy codes have mandated higher insulation levels, better windows and tighter construction. There is now a great opportunity to rethink and redesign HVAC, hot water heating, and electronic home control systems as they are major contributors to energy efficiency goals. This course will review the key building science concepts that have changed the way houses are built and identify the relevant changes to mechanical systems. The remainder of the course will focus on the proper sizing and selection of appropriate mechanical equipment for high performance, ever-lower load homes. Compelling opportunities to simultaneously optimize comfort, durability, safety and health, efficiency and cost will be identified.