Issue #008
Upcoming Events

November 18
PTA Bingo Night
This Motsaei Shabbat

November 20
Parent Teacher Conferences by Appointment
Early Dismissal P1-8th at 3:00pm
No HAS, HW Club or Stay & Play

November 22
Pre-1 through 5th grade Thanksgiving Round Robin 
No HAS, HW Club or Stay & Play

November 23 & 24
Thanksgiving Break
School Closed

November 28-30
PTA Book Fair 

Wednesday December 6
70th Annual Scholarship Banquet
The Beverly Hilton Hotel
Reserve at
See Flyer in Happenings
Hillel PTA
Magazine Drive!
By popular demand, we are bringing back our online Magazine Sales and Renewals program to help us raise needed funds for the Hillel PTA. Your help is appreciated and will make a huge difference in our success! Click here to  shop online now .

Join us on Motzei Shabbat on Saturday, November 18th from 7:00pm to 9:30pm for Bingo Night for Pre-1 to 5th grades! Have fun with your friends and win fabulous prizes!  Pizza and snacks also available for purchase.
Play for a chance to win the 2 DISNEYLAND TICKETS!!! and other fun prizes

Give your children the gift of healthy food. A fun and enjoyable treat! Fruit cart sign-up entitles your student to a bag of fresh fruit once a week during the entire school year. Fruit cart is available for Grades Pre-1 to 8 on Wednesday mornings. Sign up online here for the remainder of the year.

Co-Sponsor a Rosh Chodesh Breakfast for the teachers and staff in in honor of your child's bar mitzvah, birthday, or teacher; or in honor or memory of someone you love. The teachers  really appreciate  this gesture ! The next Rosh Chodesh teacher breakfast will be Monday, November 20th ,but you can sign up online in advance for any month. $100, or add multiple times to your cart to contribute $200 or $300 if desired. 

Join The Birthday Book Club!
The next birthday celebration will be Tuesday November 28!

Your birthday child will get to choose a new book for the library with a dedication to him or her inside, check it out first, and have their picture proudly on display in the library.  Kids love to see their names in the books!   Excess funds will be used for recreational supplies like games, balls, hula hoops and jump ropes. 

The next birthday celebration will be Monday, November 27th.

Mazal Tov

Dr. Noam and Raizie Wessman on the birth of a baby girl!


Avi Dayan, Sharon Giloh and Rosalee Braunstein on the passing of their dear Grandfather Yehoshua ben Baruch z"l Sudri
May his neshama have an aliyah.

Parnas Hayom

Parnas   HaYom  is a beautiful way to honor a yarzheit, merit a refuah shelemah, or celebrate a simcha. Dedicating the Torah learning of students at Hillel to mark an occasion helps us to imbue both a love of learning and appreciation for the value of Torah scholarship.

 November 17 generously sponsored by Sylvia Sandler in  loving memory of their dear mother, Chaya Golda z'l,  Bubbie to Adam Sandler, grade 3, and Bayley Sandler, grade 8 on the occasion of her 26th yartzeit. May the learning of Hillel's students be a zechut to her memory & may her neshama have an aliyah.


If you are interested in sponsoring a Parnas HaYom please  email  [email protected]
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Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Kislev, Parashat Toledot 5778
Friday, November 17, 2017
28 MarCheshvan 5778

Discovering Hidden Potential
By Rabbi Sufrin, Head of School

The book of Bereishit is replete with stories of אברהם Avraham and יעקב Yaakov. This week's Torah portion, Parashat Toledot, is the only one in which we focus primarily on Yitzchak, the second of our three patriarchs. Even in this parasha, which takes place in the prime of Yitzchak's life, he seems to play a passive role. The Torah portrays Yitzchak as something of a bridge between two great men, and this impression is reinforced by the opening passage of the parasha (add hebrew) "these are the descendants of Yitzchak, son of Avraham, father of Yaakov." Rather than act as a focus of attention, Yitzchak seems to serve as a catalyst for certain stories, such as the search for his wife Rivka, and the bestowing of a blessing upon his son, Yaakov. It is not until Chapter 26 of Bereishit, when Yitzchak is overseeing the digging of the water wells, that he takes center stage. What is it that we should learn from Yitzchak's character, and how does the digging of wells lead us to a greater understanding of Yitzchak's  legacy as one of our patriarchs?

The Chassidic masters view Yitzchak as a person with the unique ability to discover hidden resources and see treasures beyond the surface. Yitzchak's digging of wells with determination and perseverance brought water and sustainability to the Jewish nation. Yitzchak's vision and efforts revealed existing water that was concealed in the earth beneath it. Water, like Torah, is symbolic of - indeed it is the essence of - life. Yitzchak's life message teaches us to look for this hidden source of blessing, the "water," wherever it can be found and to inspire the Divine inspiration within ourselves and in others. Yitzchak represents the leader who initiates and encourages exploration of new ideas and tasks. He seeks talents and gifts that are not always obvious. It is this unique ability to see beyond the physical that earns Yitzchak his place as one of our patriarchs.  

This is also why the Talmud tells us that after the advent of the Mashiach, we will declare YItzchak as אתה אבינו - "you (YItzchak) are our (main) patriarch." At that time, the world will be elevated to a new plane and we will see beyond the limitations of our physical realm.  With the inspiration of Yitzchak, and through the lens of creativity and blessing, may we merit to see the Divine blessing in all that surrounds us.

Volunteers Needed!!

If you are interested in volunteering for the Banquet we need volunteers in these areas:

Typesetting Journal Ads
 Banquet Setup
Banquet Registration

Please email: [email protected]  

Mazal Tov to Our Honorees
Dr. Jonathan and Danya Hoenig
Shmuel Barak and Felice Gottlieb

Regis ter n ow for Hillel's  70th Annual Scholarship Banq uet on 
December 6, 2017 at the Beverly Hilton. 
This beautiful evening highlighting Hillel's past, present and future will be a night to remember. 
Hope to see you there!

Register  Here! !
For questions, please email  [email protected]


Hands-on Science in the Kindergarten Classroom
Andrea Baly, Kindergarten Teacher

Pop into a Kindergarten classroom during center time and you will find the children and morot elbow deep into something. Whether it is goo, slime, Play-doh or some type of baking batter, our Kindergartners are constantly busy doing hands-on science activities that are both fun and educational. We use trial and error to test recipes, some edible and some inedible, and get them just right. The children learn that the process is just as important as the product, which is usually something cool or yummy. Some science activities yield immediate results and some are watched over time. The children really enjoyed a particular activity in which we put one egg in vinegar, one in cola and one in water. We observed each egg and noted the interesting results over time - and it was worth the wait.

An example of an activity that led to instant excitement was rubbing each child's hair with a balloon to see static electricity in action; it was a hair raising experience. Our little scientists enjoy planting, experiments using heat, color mixing, changing solids into liquids, combining acids and bases and many more captivating scientific exercises. These experiences help to foster a curiosity that makes our Kindergarten students  lifelong learners and risk takers, setting them up for future success in science and math.

Library Happenings
From Mrs. Allen-Rouhi, School Librarian  

So many great things are taking place in our very own Ella Mermelstein Family Library!   
The PTA Book Fair is coming very soon: November 28 through December 5. The children have been asking about it since the first day of school... it is so exciting! Come shop and help our PTA bring more books into our Hillel Library and classroom libraries.

Our 11 th Annual Library Reading Incentive Program is off and running. The theme this year is We are Buggy for Books . Please remind your child to fill out the forms when they finish reading a book.  Once a child reads 15 books, they get to choose a free book (up to $5.00), and will be invited to our year-end celebration for all our top readers!

We have a super fun Parent Book Club that meets about every six weeks to discuss books. The book we are reading now is called A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. We always have a lot of fun at a members' home, noshing, schmoozing, and even talking a bit about the book. Please join us.

Want to dedicate a Library book for your child's birthday? Contact the PTA and sign up for the PTA Birthday Book Club. It's a wonderful treat for a child to know that there is a book in our school library that has a Happy Birthday sticker in it with his or her name for all to see! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our great parent volunteers who put in their hours to help make our Hillel Library a warm and inviting place for our children!

The 4th grade students have been putting a focus on positive communication this month. We have worked on using more words of encouragement and nonverbal communication such as hand signals to use as friendly reminders of redirections. Communicating this way allows us to work as a true kehillah in which we all feel cared for. In room 252, we have a paper chain hanging from the ceiling to remind us that we are all links that make up a chain that is our kehillah. When students see acts of kavod, kehilla, ne'emanut, ahava, achrayut and yosher, they can find strips of paper that correspond to our pillars and write a kind note to a friend or share it out with the rest of the class. The chain in our room is growing rapidly! Through morning meetings and other class discussions, students in our classroom can look at the chain and see a tangible item that represents our community. We believe the key to a strong, tight knit and successful classroom is to walk into the room every day and feel comfortable and celebrated in the environment we are in. In 4th grade, that is what we are working towards each day: to be strong links in the chain.
Healthy Eating Habits
By April Figueroa, School Nurse

Encouraging children to eat a nutritious, balanced diet early on is important for a number of reasons. Ensuring they get the right vitamins and minerals in their diet will help them grow and develop optimally. They are also more likely to be energized and motivated, which supports their ability to learn. Educating them about healthy eating during childhood will also help them make healthier choices as they become adults.

Enjoying a varied diet
All foods contain different nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In order to get all the nutrients they need, it is important for children to have a varied diet containing lots of different foods. Aim for three balanced meals a day and up to two healthy snacks. Use different protein sources in each meal and different varieties of vegetables.

Having a healthy relationship with food
Ensuring children have a healthy relationship with food will establish a positive attitude to eating in the long run. Try to teach them about food and nutrition; for example, you can educate children about where their food comes from, and get them cooking early on.

Encouraging appropriate portion sizes
Get used to dishing up 'me-sized plates' instead of adult-sized plates, as adult-sized portions can encourage overeating. Avoid forcing your child to clear her or his plate if he or she is not hungry.

Here are some snack suggestions to pack for your children:
  • Sweet:
-slices of fruit with unsweetened nut butter
-natural yogurt with mango or papaya
-frozen grapes
  • Savory: -unsweetened oatcakes with hummus or unsweetened nut butter
  • -vegetable crisps with hummus   -raw vegetables (broccoli, carrots, peppers and sugar snap peas) with homemade guacamole