Issue #012
Upcoming Events

Priority Reregistration Begins
Sunday December 24, 2017
Please check your emails

December 25
Bank Holiday
School Closed

December 28
Asara B'Tevet
Early Dismissal
6-8 1:00pm
P1-5 2:00pm
PN-K Regular
No After 
School Programs

January 1, 2018
Bank Holiday
School Closed

Jewish Free Loan
Provides interest-free loans for emergencies, housing, education,
small business,  healthcare and Jewish lifecycle events.
Visit  for more information.

Hillel PTA
Your birthday child will get to choose a new book for the library with a dedication to him or her inside, check it out first, and have their picture proudly on display in the library. Kids love to see their names in the books!  Excess funds will be used for recreational supplies like games, balls, hula hoops and jump ropes. 

The next birthday celebration will be Tuesday, December 27th.

Co-Sponsor a Rosh Chodesh Breakfast for the teachers and staff in in honor of your child's bar mitzvah, birthday, or teacher; or in honor or memory of someone you love. The teachers  really appreciate  this gesture Sign up online  in advance for any month. $100, or add multiple times to your cart to contribute $200 or $300 if desired. 


Give your children the gift of healthy food. A fun and enjoyable treat! Fruit cart sign-up entitles your student to a bag of fresh fruit once a week during the entire school year. Fruit cart is available for  Grades Pre-1 to 8   on Wednesday  mornings.  Sign up online here  for the remainder of the year.

Parnas Hayom

Parnas   HaYom  is a beautiful way to honor a yarzheit, merit a refuah shelemah, or celebrate a simcha. Dedicating the Torah learning of students at Hillel to mark an occasion helps us to imbue both a love of learning and appreciation for the value of Torah scholarship.

December 20
...The  Parnas Hayom is generously sponsored by Adrian and Taly Engel  in  loving memory of Adrian's dear Father,  Avi Engel z'l, on his 3rd Yartzeit, who among many other things, was the school psychologist at Hillel for many years.  

May the learning of Hillel's students be a zechut to his memory & may his neshama have an aliyah.


If you are interested in sponsoring a Parnas HaYom please  email  [email protected]
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Erev Shabbat Parashat Vayigash
Friday, December 22, 2017
4 Tevet 5778
Yosef - A Special Kind of Leader
מנהיגות אובייקטיבית
נוהג כצאן יוסף
By Rabbi Sufrin, Head of School

The patriarchs Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov are often considered the primary examples of leadership in biblical times. Yet our Sages tell us that Yosef was also considered a role model of leadership for the Jewish nation. The phrase in
Tehillim -  נוהג כצאן יוסף - "He (Gd) leads Yosef like a flock," is interpreted by the midrash to also mean "Yosef leads (the Jews) like a flock." What can we glean from this duality of interpretation that compares Yosef's style of leadership to that of Gd's?

Torah teaches that the patriarchs were all shepherds and lived a somewhat separate existence from their neighbors. Yosef, however, is the prototypical Exilarch - ראש גלות - he was a leader for the diaspora. Yosef lived and worked within a world and a culture that clashed directly with Jewish core values. Yosef was tempted and tested many times and yet he remained true to his moral code. He was principled and had unwavering integrity of character.

This week, in Parashat Vayigash, we see how Yosef uniquely exemplifies attributes beyond his respectable middot that define his manner of leadership and distinguish him amongst the ranks of our patriarchal leaders. We see from reading about his life that Yosef faced adversity with acceptance and with each challenge, he further refined his character.

Despised by his brothers, sold into slavery and then wrongfully cast into prison, Yosef could have become angry, resentful and revengeful. Instead, he exhibited qualities that enabled him to come out of his trials a better person. He forgave freely and wholeheartedly. Yosef's dealings with his brothers were motivated by love - a positive lens that makes for a more objective leader.

Another aspect of Yosef's character that we learn about in Parashat Vayigash is his ability to connect and empathize with the people and the country he served. We read of Yosef " ויכלכל יוסף לחם לפי הטף" - "Yosef provided bread according to (the needs of) the children." The commentators explain that Yosef, in his infinite wisdom, gave "bread" according to need. Yosef had the insight to set apart and satiate those whose hunger was great, as well as those who had more basic needs. Rather than project his own preconceived notions or "feed" people based on labels and generalities, Yosef was able to differentiate and provide each individual the nourishment that would uniquely suit him or her.  

Second Grade Book Clubs!
Phuong Thai, Second Grade General Studies Teacher

Book clubs are here in second grade! Our students have started engaging in book clubs with their peers, investigating and analyzing their characters, and generating a greater understanding of the characters they are reading about. In addition, our students have been learning to write persuasive reviews by using an essay structure to name their opinion, writing three convincing reasons to support their claims, and strengthening their ideas with a variety of elaboration tactics.  
As a cross-curricular, culminating project, the students will be working collaboratively to persuade their audience to believe what they believe about the characters they have been studying.  This project will require the students to use technology on the iPads. It will allow them to express their ideas in a variety of creative ways, and to incorporate textual evidence throughout their projects.  Go second grade writers!
Leadership in Robotics
Yehuda Barkai, Middle School Math and Robotics Teacher

Southern California is dry and hot! Thankfully, Hillel Robotics is busy working to improve the ways we use and manage water. Every year, First Lego (an international robotics league) presents a set of challenges tied to a theme. This year's theme is "Hydro Dynamics," and our missions are all centered around improving the ways people find, transport, use, and dispose of water. Missions include: repairing and replacing broken pipes, installing pumps, bringing water to water-starved plants, collecting and purifying water, and of course, putting out fires.

How do we connect robotics and leadership? Last year, Hillel hosted a robotics scrimmage and it was a tremendous success. Not only did it provide an exciting opportunity to host and compete with other schools from greater L.A., it was also an important opportunity for the kids to step up and demonstrate leadership. From helping set up the event, to ensuring all of our guests were comfortable and taken care of, our kids really rose to the occasion and shone as Hillel ambassadors. Stay tuned for details regarding this year's Hillel robotics scrimmage!

Nurse Notes: Cold & Flu Season
April Figueroa, School Nurse

Cold and flu season is here. Here are some helpful tips for preventing your family from getting and spreading either a cold or the flu.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick, too.
  • Stay home when you are sick, if possible. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.
  • Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Practice other good health habits. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.