December Special Holiday Edition

Wishing you the very best this Holiday Season!
Here's to keeping the learning curve steep for 2011!

A generous donation has been made to Free the Children for their Haiti Relief Fund to create new opportunities for education on behalf of the MindShare Learning Report Advisory Board.


The MindShare Learning Report Team
Top 10 CDN Newsmakers in EdTech
From the MindShare Learning Report

1. David Johnson, Governor General of Canada, and former president of the University of Waterloo for elevating the learning and innovation agenda in Canada.

2. The Honourable, Dave Hancock, Education Minister, Alberta Learning, for his leadership in nurturing the 21st Century learning agenda in Alberta and beyond.

"Collaboration is the key to developing and delivering a strong education system in Alberta and together we are building on this foundation. Partnerships between schools, post-secondary institutions, business and industry, students, parents and communities will assist us to ensure students are ready and poised for life in our rapidly changing and globalized environment of the 21st century."

- Dave Hancock, Alberta Education Minister

Canada's very own, Jennifer Corriero, for her inspired presentation at the MindShare Learning 21st Century Leadership Summit and for her work internationally as co-founder and Executive Director of TakingITGlobal.

4. Dr. Chris Spence, Director, Toronto District School Board for raising the bar for all education leaders in Canada.

"Our students are growing up in the digital age and instead of asking them to power down in the classroom, we should be working to meet their needs and better incorporate the tools they use every day, into our classrooms."

- Dr. Chris Spence, Director of Education, Toronto District School Board, at Dell Connected Classroom launch at Sir Adam Beck J.S.

Don Tapscott, one of the world's leading authorities on innovation and technology, acclaimed speaker and best-selling author for his offer to chair a task force to transform learning in the 21st century in Canada. You heard it here first!

National Winners of the MindShare Learning 21st Century Classroom Video Contest: Kathy Cassidy, Westmount School, Moose Jaw; co-winners Kamla Rambaran & Zelia Capitao-Tavares from McMurrich Junior Public School in Toronto, ON; Reggie Cyr, L.E.Reinsborough School, St. Dalhousie, N.B.

The tech savvy, Chris Kennedy, soon to be minted West Vancouver School District Superintendent for his leadership in launching StudentLive Project-- Real-world Learning at the 2010 Olympics/Paralympic Games.

Former Deputy Minister, John Kershaw for his leadership behind NB3+21C ICT central to three new 21st century agreements in New Brunswick. Hopefully the new government will have the vision and courage to pursue this bold 21st century initiative.

9. The University of Waterloo Stratford Institute for their leadership in hosting Canada 3.0 to push Canada's digital strategy forward.

10. Nancy Knowlton, Co-founder of SMART Technologies, a proudly Canadian company goes public this past summer. As the #1 branded interactive whiteboard company they now face the challenge of meeting shareholder expectations.
Teachers take note! Our contest ends December 17th, 2010.
Midnight! Enter here

Happy Holidays,

Robert Martellacci

President & Publisher,
MindShare Learning Report

Who is your overall Top Pick for Canadian EdTech Newsmaker of 2010? Fill out our poll

Holiday Kodak Moment captured by Robert Martellacci
Feature Interview
MindShare Learning Moment with Don Tapscott

Don shared a sneak peak on his new book Macrowikinomics. As well, on his views on the future of learning in Canada with the MindShare Report.