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We are re-sending this newsletter with updated links to the webinar.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better!
Aesthetics 360 has brought another fantastic opportunity to you!
Learn how to grow your LASIK business by hosting your own LASIK seminar.

Learn how to boost attendance rates and increase conversions.
Then let us know what you think!
Engagement- A Preview to Our AE Magazine Article for The Fall

The age of your patient should not be a factor in adding services, such as text messaging, on line consultations, on line scheduling and self - candidacy tests. Most of the adult population own mobile phones, and at this point all mobile devices support text messaging. The rate of text messaging use, and the speed at which messages are read, continues to increase in all age groups. Increasingly, healthcare leaders are reporting texting as a leading engagement strategy for supporting patients to be healthy and also, in obtaining input on how patients are doing when not in the clinic. Additionally, it is cost effective and relatively easy to execute in your clinic.

*You will need to adhere to HIPPA guidelines as text messaging at this time is not considered a secure communication channel.

What are other uses of text messaging? There are growing applications that are free to patients and can provide medication reminders and regular communications with pre and post - operative prompts. Think about it, the use of text messaging may actually reduce the incoming and outgoing calls to free up your phone lines and staff & it is solving a Google 'Micro-moment!'

Have you begun your monthly newsletters? We can help you!  Check out our newsletter-we use Constant Contact! It's easy. It's affordable and did we say it's easy? While there are additional programs out there such as Mail Chimp, Hubspot, Zoho and more...we find that Constant Contact is an easy place to start. Ready - made templates for newsletters, invitations, and surveys are just a few of the available options. Call us to get you started.
Contact us to learn more about our LASIK and Cataract Counselor training programs. And start by getting your free practice check up!
Christine Lapointe
Christine Lapointe
Founder & Owner
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